2023 Final Fantasy Dawn of Heroes TCG Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2023 Final Fantasy Dawn of Heroes TCG Card Set

Set Name:
Final Fantasy Dawn of Heroes
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Foil, Full Art, Legacy Full Art, Prerelease-Full Art, Special Full Art

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
002H AuronAuron (Full Art) 0 0
002H AuronAuron (Foil) 0 0
007L The Demon (Foil) 0 0
009L ZackZack (Foil) 0 0
009L ZackZack (Foil-German) 0 0
011R JechtJecht (Full Art) 0 0
011R JechtJecht (Foil) 0 0
014R TifaTifa (Foil) 0 0
017R PalomPalom (Full Art) 0 0
020C MontblancMontblanc (Full Art) 0 0
025C JugglerJuggler (Full Art) 0 0
029L The Emperor (Legacy Full Art) 0 0
030R SetzerSetzer (Full Art) 0 0
031R CelesCeles (Full Art) 0 0
040L RufusRufus (Foil) 0 0
042L LockeLocke (Full Art) 0 0
042L LockeLocke (Foil) 0 0
044L EdgeEdge (Foil) 0 0
050C ChocoboChocobo (Full Art) 0 0
057L The Goddess (Foil) 0 0
061C YuffieYuffie (Foil) 0 0
068R AerithAerith (Foil) 0 0
075L CecilCecil (Full Art) 0 0
075L CecilCecil (Foil) 0 0
077L TifaTifa (Foil) 0 0
078H NoctisNoctis (Foil) 0 0
081H FenrirFenrir (Full Art) 0 0
084R LeoLeo (Foil) 0 0
084R LeoLeo (Full Art) 0 0
086H AlisaieAlisaie (Prerelease-Full Art) 0 0
088L EstinienEstinien (Special Full Art) 0 0
088L EstinienEstinien (Foil) 0 0
090L KujaKuja (Legacy Full Art) 0 0
102L MiraMira (Foil) 0 0
102L MiraMira (Full Art) 0 0
109H CecilCecil (Full Art) 0 0
109H CecilCecil 0 0
110L Neo Exdeath (Legacy Full Art) 0 0
113R PoromPorom (Full Art) 0 0
114L The Fiend (Foil) 0 0
117L YunaYuna (Foil) 0 0
117L YunaYuna (Full Art) 0 0
118H UnicornUnicorn (Full Art) 0 0
125R RosaRosa (Full Art) 0 0
127L ShinryuShinryu (Foil) 0 0
127L ShinryuShinryu (Full Art) 0 0
128H MateriaMateria (Full Art) 0 0
129H SpiritusSpiritus (Full Art) 0 0
130L ZenosZenos (Foil) 0 0