2021 Pokemon Indonesian S Promo TCG Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2021 Pokemon Indonesian S Promo TCG Card Set

Set Name:
Pokemon Indonesian S Promo
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Kfc Chaki Kids Meal, Pikachu Vmax Sealed Tournament Winner Prize, Pikachu Vmax Sealed Tournament Top 4 Prize, Eevee Evolutions Fight Winner Prize, Pokemon Card Gym, Indomaret Booster Pack, Gramedia Campaign, Inaco Mini Jelly Konnyaku, Toys Kingdom Card Purchase, Pokemon Go Booster Pack Purchase Campaign

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VIP Members only. Will list all the results in this set for the Grader/Grade you choose.

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
016 PikachuFull Art/Pikachu (Kfc Chaki Kids Meal) 1 0 Buy
040 LucarioLucario (Pokemon Card Gym) 0 0
047 CharizardCharizard-Holo (Indomaret Booster Pack) 0 0
049 MimikyuMimikyu (Indomaret Booster Pack) 0 0
052 SnorlaxSnorlax-Holo (Indomaret Booster Pack) 0 0
053 LugiaLugia (Indomaret Booster Pack) 0 0
054 PikachuFull Art/Pikachu Vmax (Pikachu Vmax Sealed Tournament Winner Prize) 0 0
055 LeonLeon (Pikachu Vmax Sealed Tournament Top 4 Prize) 0 0
060 UmbreonUmbreon (Pokemon Card Gym) 0 0
081 YamperYamper (Gramedia Campaign) 0 0
090 MagikarpMagikarp (Inaco Mini Jelly Konnyaku) 0 0
093 PikachuPikachu (Inaco Mini Jelly Konnyaku) 0 0
094 YamperYamper (Inaco Mini Jelly Konnyaku) 0 0
114 ZarudeZarude (Indomaret Campaign) 0 0
126 GengarGengar-Holo (Gramedia Campaign) 0 0
199 FlareonFull Art/Flareon Vmax (Eevee Evolutions Fight Winner Prize) 0 0
200 VaporeonFull Art/Vaporeon Vmax (Eevee Evolutions Fight Winner Prize) 0 0
201 JolteonFull Art/Jolteon Vmax (Eevee Evolutions Fight Winner Prize) 0 0
202 EspeonFull Art/Espeon Vmax (Eevee Evolutions Fight Winner Prize) 0 0
205 GyaradosGyarados V (Pokemon Card Gym) 0 0
217 VictiniVictini (Indomaret Campaign) 0 0
229 Galarian Moltres-Holo (Gramedia Campaign) 0 0
234 VulpixVulpix (Toys Kingdom Card Purchase) 0 0
235 PluslePlusle (Toys Kingdom Card Purchase) 0 0
236 MinunMinun (Toys Kingdom Card Purchase) 0 0
237 WeedleWeedle (Indomaret Campaign) 0 0
238 GrowlitheGrowlithe (Indomaret Campaign) 0 0
239 SphealSpheal (Indomarket Campaign) 0 0
240 PikachuPikachu (Indomaret Campaign) 0 0
310 BulbasaurBulbasaur (Pokemon Go Booster Pack Purchase Campaign) 0 0