2009 Pokemon French Diamond & Pearl Legends Awakened TCG Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2009 Pokemon French Diamond & Pearl Legends Awakened TCG Card Set

Set Name:
Pokemon French Diamond & Pearl Legends Awakened
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Holo, Reverse Foil, Cosmos

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 DeoxysDeoxys-Reverse Foil 0 0
1 DeoxysDeoxys-Holo 0 0
2 DracolosseDracolosse-Reverse Foil 0 0
2 DracolosseDracolosse-Holo 0 0
3 MomartikMomartik-Holo 0 0
4 GiratinaGiratina-Holo 0 0
5 ScorvolScorvol-Holo 0 0
6 HeatranHeatran-Holo 0 0
7 HyporoiHyporoi-Holo 0 0
8 LuxrayLuxray-Holo 0 0
9 MammochonMammochon-Holo 0 0
10 MetalosseMetalosse-Holo 0 0
11 MewtwoMewtwo-Holo 0 0
12 TarpaudTarpaud-Holo 0 0
13 TarinormeTarinorme-Holo 0 0
14 RayquazaRayquaza-Holo 0 0
14 RayquazaRayquaza-Reverse Foil 0 0
15 RegigigasRegigigas-Holo 0 0
15 RegigigasRegigigas-Reverse Foil 0 0
16 SpiritombSpiritomb-Holo 0 0
16 SpiritombSpiritomb-Reverse Foil 0 0
17 YanmegaYanmega-Holo 0 0
18 ArmaldoArmaldo 0 0 Buy
19 CrefadetCrefadet-Reverse Foil 0 0
23 DelcattyDelcatty-Reverse Foil 0 0
27 MetamorphMetamorph-Reverse Foil 0 0
30 HeatranHeatran-Reverse Foil 0 0
31 JirachiJirachi-Reverse Foil 0 0
32 KyogreKyogre-Reverse Foil 0 0
34 FoilCrefollet-Reverse Foil 0 0
35 FoilTartard-Reverse Foil 0 0
37 RegigigasRegigigas-Holo (Cosmos) 0 0
42 ZarbiZarbi !-Reverse Foil 0 0
43 CrehelfCrehelf-Reverse Foil 0 0
62 LuxioLuxio-Reverse Foil 0 0
70 HypoceanHypocean-Reverse Foil 0 0
89 EcrapinceEcrapince-Reverse Foil 0 0
91 MinidracoMinidraco-Reverse Foil 0 0
140 Crefadet Niv.X-Holo 0 0
141 Scorvol Niv.X-Holo 0 0
142 Magnezone Niv.X-Holo 0 0
143 Crefollet Niv.X-Holo 0 0
144 Mewtwo Niv.X-Holo 0 0
145 Rhinastoc Niv.X-Holo 0 0
146 Crehelf Niv.X-Holo 0 0