2007 Pokemon Pop Series 6 TCG Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2007 Pokemon Pop Series 6 TCG Card Set

Set Name:
Pokemon Pop Series 6
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Pokemon Day

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 BastiodonBastiodon 0 0
2 LucarioLucario 0 0
3 ManaphyManaphy-Holo 0 0
3 ManaphyManaphy 0 0
4 PachirisuPachirisu 0 0
5 RampardosRampardos 0 0
6 DrifloonDrifloon 0 0
7 GibleGible 0 0
7 GibleGible-Holo 0 0
8 RioluRiolu 0 0
8 RioluRiolu-Holo 0 0
9 PikachuPikachu 0 0
9 PikachuPikachu-Holo 1 0
9 PikachuPikachu-Holo (German) 0 0
9 PikachuPikachu (Pokemon Day) 1 0
10 StaraviaStaravia 0 0
11 BidoofBidoof 0 0
12 BunearyBuneary 0 0
13 CherubiCherubi 0 0
14 ChimcharChimchar 0 0
14 ChimcharChimchar-Holo 0 0
15 PiplupPiplup 0 0
15 PiplupPiplup-Holo 1 0
16 StarlyStarly 0 0
17 TurtwigTurtwig-Holo 0 0
17 TurtwigTurtwig 0 0