2001 Pokemon Neo Discovery TCG Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2001 Pokemon Neo Discovery TCG Card Set

Set Name:
Pokemon Neo Discovery
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Base, 1st Edition, French, German, Italian,

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
FP Foil PackFoil Pack (Xatu) 0 0
1 EspeonEspeon-Holo 1 0 Buy
1 MentaliMentali-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
1 MentaliMentali-Holo (French) 0 0
1 PsianaPsiana-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
1 EspeonEspeon-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
1 EspeonEspeon-Holo (Italian) 0 0
1 PsianaPsiana-Holo (German) 0 0
2 ForretressForretress-Holo (Italian) 0 0
2 ForetressForetress-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
2 ForetressForstellka-Holo (German) 0 0
2 ForretressForretress-Holo 1 0 Buy
2 ForstellkaForstellka-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
2 ForetressForetress-Holo (French) 0 0
2 ForretressForretress-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
3 KapoeraKapoera-Holo (German) 0 0
3 KapoeraKapoera-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
3 HitmontopHitmontop-Holo 1 0 Buy
3 HitmontopHitmontop-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
3 KapoeraKapoera-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
3 KapoeraKapoera-Holo (French) 0 0
4 HoundoomHoundoom-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
4 HundemonHundemon-Holo (German) 0 0
4 HundemonHundemon-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
4 HoundoomHoundoom-Holo 1 1 Buy
4 DemolossDemolosse-Holo (French) 0 0
4 DemolosseDemolosse-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
4 HoundoomHoundoom-Holo (Italian) 0 0
5 HoundourHoundour-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
5 HundusterHunduster-Holo (German) 0 0
5 HundusterHunduster-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
5 MalosseMalosse-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
5 HoundourHoundour-Holo 1 0
5 HoundourHoundour-Holo (Italian) 0 0
5 MalosseMalosse-Holo (French) 0 0
6 KabutopsKabutops-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
6 KabutopsKabutops-Holo (German) 0 0
6 KabutopsKabutops-Holo 1 0 Buy
6 KabutopsKabutops-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
6 KabutopsKabutops-Holo (French) 0 0
6 KabutopsKabutops-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
7 MagnetiloMagnetilo-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
7 MagnemiteMagnemite-Holo 1 0 Buy
7 MagnemiteMagnetilo-Holo (German) 0 0
7 MagnemiteMagnemite-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
7 MagnetiMagneti-Holo (French) 0 0
7 MagnemiteMagneti-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
8 PolitoedPolitoed-Holo 1 0 Buy
8 TarpaudTarpaud-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
8 PolitoedPolitoed-Holo (Italian) 0 0
8 PolitoedPolitoed-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
8 TarpaudTarpaud-Holo (French) 0 0
9 QuappoQuappo-Holo (German) 0 0
9 PoliwrathPoliwrath-Holo (Italian) 0 0
9 TartardTartard-Holo (French) 0 0
9 TartardTartard-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
9 QuappoQuappo-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
9 PoliwrathPoliwrath-Holo 1 0 Buy
9 PoliwrathPoliwrath-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
10 ScizorCizayox-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
10 ScizorScizor-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
10 ScheroxScherox-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
10 ScizorScherox-Holo (German) 0 0
10 CizayoxCizayox-Holo (French) 0 0
10 ScizorScizor-Holo 1 0 Buy
11 SmeargleSmeargle-Holo 1 0
11 QueuloriorQueulorior-Holo (French) 0 0
11 FarbeagleFarbeagle-Holo (German) 0 0
11 SmeargleSmeargle-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
11 QueuloriorQueulorior-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
12 TyranocifTyranocif-Holo (French) 0 0
12 TyranitarTyranitar-Holo 1 0 Buy
12 TyranitarTyranitar-Holo (Italian) 0 0
12 TyranitarTyranitar-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
12 TyranocifTyranocif-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
12 TyranitarTyranitar-Holo (Italian-1st Edition) 0 0
12 DespotarDespotar-Holo (German) 0 0
12 DespotarDespotar-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
13 NachtaraNachtara-Holo (German) 0 0
13 UmbreonUmbreon-Holo 1 0 Buy
13 NoctaliNoctali-Holo (French) 0 0
13 UmbreonUmbreon-Holo (Italian-First Edition) 0 0
13 UmbreonUmbreon-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
13 NachtaraNachtara-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
13 NoctaliNoctali-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
13 UmbreonUmbreon-Holo (Italian) 0 0
14 Icognito AIcognito A-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
14 Zarbi AZarbi A-Holo (French) 0 0
14 Icognito AIcognito A-Holo (German) 0 0
14 Unown AUnown A-Holo (Italian) 0 0
14 Unown AUnown A-Holo 1 0 Buy
14 Unown AUnown A-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
14 Zarbi AZarbi A-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
15 UrsaringUrsaring-Holo (German) 0 0
15 UrsaringUrsaring-Holo (French) 0 0
15 UrsaringUrsaring-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0
15 UrsaringUrsaring-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
15 UrsaringUrsaring-Holo 1 0 Buy
16 QulbutokeQulbutoke-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
16 QulbutokeQulbutoke-Holo (French) 0 0
16 WobbuffetWobbuffet-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
16 WoingenauWoingenau-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
16 WoingenauWoingenau-Holo (German) 0 0
16 WobbuffetWobbuffet-Holo 1 0 Buy
17 YanmaYanma-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
17 YanmaYanma-Holo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
17 YanmaYanma-Holo (German) 0 0
17 YanmaYanma-Holo 1 0 Buy
17 YanmaYanma-Holo (French) 0 0
17 YanmaYanma-Holo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
18 DardargnanDardargnan (French-1st Edition) 0 0
18 BeedrillBeedrill 1 0
18 BeedrillBeedrill (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
18 DardargnanDardargnan (French) 0 0
19 ButterfreeButterfree (1st Edition) 1 0
19 PapilusionPapilusion (French-1st Edition) 0 0
19 ButterfreeButterfree 1 0
19 SmettboSmettbo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
20 EspeonEspeon (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
20 MentaliMentali (French-1st Edition) 0 0
20 PsianaPsiana (German) 0 0
20 EspeonEspeon 1 0 Buy
20 MentaliMentali (French) 0 0
20 PsianaPsiana (German-1st Edition) 0 0
21 ForretressForretress (1st Edition) 1 0
21 ForetressForetress (French-1st Edition) 0 0
21 ForetressForetress (French) 0 0
21 ForretressForretress 1 0
22 KapoeraKapoera (French-1st Edition) 0 0
22 HitmontopHitmontop 1 0
22 HitmontopHitmontop (1st Edition) 1 0
23 DemolosseDemolosse (French-1st Edition) 0 0
23 HoundoomHoundoom 1 0
23 HundemonHundemon (German-1st Edition) 0 0
23 HoundoomHoundoom (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
24 MalosseMalosse (French-1st Edition) 0 0
24 HoundourHoundour (1st Edition) 1 0
24 MalosseMalosse (French) 0 0
24 HoundourHoundour 1 0
25 KabutopsKabutops (French-1st Edition) 0 0
25 KabutopsKabutops (German-1st Edition) 0 0
25 KabutopsKabutops (1st Edition) 1 0
25 KabutopsKabutops (French) 0 0
25 KabutopsKabutops 1 0 Buy
26 MagnemiteMagnemite (1st Edition) 1 0
26 MagnemiteMagnemite 1 0
26 MagnetiMagneti (French) 0 0
26 MagnetiloMagnetilo (German) 0 0
26 MagnetiMagneti (French-1st Edition) 0 0
26 MagnetiloMagnetilo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
26 MagnemiteMagnemite-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0
27 TarpaudTarpaud (French-1st Edition) 0 0
27 PolitoedPolitoed (1st Edition) 1 0
27 QuaxoQuaxo (German-1st Edition) 0 0
27 PolitoedPolitoed 0 0
28 PoliwrathPoliwrath (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
28 TartardTartard (French-1st Edition) 0 0
28 PoliwrathPoliwrath 0 0
29 CizayoxCizayox (French) 0 0
29 ScheroxScherox (German) 0 0
29 ScizorScizor 1 0 Buy
29 CizayoxCizayox (French-1st Edition) 0 0
29 ScizorScizor (1st Edition) 1 0
30 QueuloriorQueulorior (French) 0 0
30 SmeargleSmeargle (1st Edition) 1 0
30 QueuloriorQueulorior (French-1st Edition) 0 0
30 SmeargleSmeargle 1 0
31 TyranitarTyranitar 1 0 Buy
31 DespotarDespotar (German) 0 0
31 TyranocifTyranocif (French) 0 0
31 TyranocifTyranocif (French-1st Edition) 0 0
31 DespotarDespotar (German-1st Edition) 0 0
31 TyranitarTyranitar (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
32 NoctaliNoctali (French) 0 0
32 NachtaraNachtara (German-1st Edition) 0 0
32 UmbreonUmbreon 1 0
32 UmbreonUmbreon (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
32 NachtaraNachtara (German) 0 0
32 NoctaliNoctali (French-1st Edition) 0 0
32 UmbreonUmbreon (Italian-First Edition) 0 0
33 Unown AUnown A (1st Edition) 1 0
33 Zarbi AZarbi A (French-1st Edition) 0 0
33 IcognitoIcognito A (German-1st Edition) 0 0
33 Unown AUnown A 0 0
33 Zarbi AZarbi A (French) 0 0
34 UrsaringUrsaring 0 0
34 UrsaringUrsaring (1st Edition) 1 0
34 UrsaringUrsaring (French-1st Edition) 0 0
35 WoingenauWoingenau (German) 0 0
35 WobbuffetWobbuffet 1 0
35 QulbutokeQulbutoke (French-1st Edition) 0 0
35 WoingenauWoingenau (German-1st Edition) 0 0
35 WobbuffetWobbuffet (1st Edition) 1 0
36 YanmaYanma 0 0
36 YanmaYanma (French-1st Edition) 0 0
36 YanmaYanma (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
36 YanmaYanma (German-1st Edition) 0 0
37 CorsolaCorsola (French-1st Edition) 0 0
37 CorayonCorayon (French-1st Edition) 0 0
37 CorsolaCorsola (1st Edition) 1 0
37 CorayonCorayon (French) 0 0
37 CorsolaCorsola 0 0 Buy
38 EeveeEevee 1 0
38 EeveeEevee (Italian) 0 0
38 EvoliEvoli (French) 0 0
38 EvoliEvoli (French-1st Edition) 0 0
38 EvoliEvoli (German-1st Edition) 0 0
38 EeveeEevee (1st Edition) 1 0
39 HoundourHoundour (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
39 MalosseMalosse (French-1st Edition) 0 0
39 HoundourHoundour 0 0 Buy
40 IgglybuffIgglybuff (1st Edition) 1 0
40 FluffeluffFluffeluff (German-1st Edition) 0 0
40 IgglybuffIgglybuff 1 0
40 ToudoudouToudoudou (French-1st Edition) 0 0
41 KakunaKakuna (1st Edition) 1 0
41 KakunaKakuna 0 0
41 CoconfortCoconfort (French-1st Edition) 0 0
42 MetapodMetapod 0 0
42 ChrysacierChrysacier (French-1st Edition) 0 0
42 MetapodMetapod (1st Edition) 1 0
43 AmonistarAmonistar (French-1st Edition) 0 0
43 OmastarOmastar 1 0
43 AmorosoAmoroso (German) 0 0
43 AmonistarAmonistar (French) 0 0
43 OmastarOmastar (1st Edition) 1 0
44 TetarteTetarte (French) 0 0
44 PoliwhirlPoliwhirl 0 0
44 PoliwhirlPoliwhirl-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0
44 TetarteTetarte (French-1st Edition) 0 0
45 PupitarPupitar (German) 0 0
45 PupitarPupitar (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
45 YmphectYmphect (French-1st Edition) 0 0
45 PupitarPupitar 1 0
46 ScytherScyther-Holo (1st Edition) 1 0
46 ScytherScyther 1 0
46 SichlorSichlor (German-1st Edition) 0 0
46 InsecateurInsecateur (French-1st Edition) 0 0
46 SichlorSichlor (German) 0 0
47 Unown DUnown D (1st Edition) 1 0
47 Zarbi DZarbi D (French-1st Edition) 0 0
47 Unown DUnown D 0 0
47 Zarbi DZarbi D (French) 0 0
48 Zarbi FZarbi F (French-1st Edition) 0 0
48 Unown FUnown F 0 0
48 Unown FUnown F (1st Edition) 1 0
49 Unown MUnown M 0 0
49 Unown MUnown M (1st Edition) 1 0
49 Zarbi MZarbi M (French-1st Edition) 0 0
50 Unown NUnown N (1st Edition) 1 0
50 Zarbi NZarbi N (French-1st Edition) 0 0
50 Unown NUnown N 0 0
51 Unown UUnown U (1st Edition) 1 0
51 Unown UUnown U 0 0
51 Zarbi UZarbi U (French-1st Edition) 0 0
52 XatuXatu (French) 0 0
52 XatuXatu (French-1st Edition) 0 0
52 XatuXatu (German) 0 0
52 XatuXatu (1st Edition) 1 0
52 XatuXatu 0 0
53 CaterpieCaterpie (1st Edition) 1 0
53 ChenipanChenipan (French-1st Edition) 0 0
53 CaterpieCaterpie 0 0
53 ChenipanChenipan (French) 0 0
54 InsolourdoInsolourdo (French-1st Edition) 0 0
54 DunsparceDunsparce 1 0
54 DunsparceDunsparce (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
54 InsolourdoInsolourdo (French) 0 0
55 HoppipHoppip (1st Edition) 1 0
55 GranivolGranivol (French-1st Edition) 0 0
55 HoppipHoppip 1 0
55 GranivolGranivol (French) 0 0
56 KabutoKabuto (French-1st Edition) 0 0
56 KabutoKabuto (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
56 KabutoKabuto 1 0
57 LarvitarLarvitar 0 0
57 LarvitarLarvitar (German) 0 0
57 EmbrylexEmbrylex (French-1st Edition) 0 0
57 LarvitarLarvitar (1st Edition) 1 0
58 VoltilammVoltilamm (German) 0 0
58 MareepMareep (1st Edition) 1 0
58 VoltilammVoltilamm (German-1st Edition) 0 0
58 WattouatWattouat (French) 0 0
58 MareepMareep 1 0
58 WattouatWattouat (French-1st Edition) 0 0
59 NatuNatu (1st Edition) 1 0
59 NatuNatu (French-1st Edition) 0 0
59 NatuNatu 0 0 Buy
59 NatuNatu (French) 0 0
60 OmanyteOmanyte (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
60 AmonitaAmonita (French-1st Edition) 0 0
60 OmanyteOmanyte 1 0
61 PomdepikPomdepik (French) 0 0
61 PinecoPineco 0 0
61 PinecoPineco (1st Edition) 1 0
61 PomdepikPomdepik (French-1st Edition) 0 0
62 PoliwagPoliwag (1st Edition) 1 0
62 QuapselQuapsel (German-1st Edition) 0 0
62 PoliwagPoliwag 1 0
62 PtitardPtitard (French-1st Edition) 0 0
62 QuapselQuapsel (German) 0 0
63 SentretSentret (1st Edition) 1 0
63 FouinetteFouinette (French-1st Edition) 0 0
63 SentretSentret 1 0
64 MimigalMimigal (French) 0 0
64 SpinarakSpinarak (1st Edition) 1 0
64 SpinarakSpinarak 1 0 Buy
64 MimigalMimigal (French-1st Edition) 0 0
65 TeddiursaTeddiursa (1st Edition) 1 0
65 TeddiursaTeddiursa 0 0 Buy
65 TeddiursaTeddiursa (French-1st Edition) 0 0
66 TyrogueTyrogue (1st Edition) 1 0
66 DebugantDebugant (French-1st Edition) 0 0
66 TyrogueTyrogue 1 0
67 Zarbi EZarbi E (French-1st Edition) 0 0
67 Unown EUnown E (1st Edition) 1 0
67 Unown EUnown E 1 0 Buy
68 Zarbi IZarbi I (French) 0 0
68 Unown IUnown I (1st Edition) 1 0
68 Unown IUnown I 0 0
68 Zarbi IZarbi I (French-1st Edition) 0 0
69 Zarbi OZarbi O (French) 0 0
69 Zarbi OZarbi O (French-1st Edition) 0 0
69 Unown OUnown O (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
69 Unown OUnown O 1 0
70 WeedleWeedle (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
70 WeedleWeedle 1 0
70 AspicotAspicot (French-1st Edition) 0 0
71 AxolotoAxoloto (French-1st Edition) 0 0
71 WooperWooper 1 0 Buy
71 WooperWooper (1st Edition) 1 0
72 Fossil Egg 1 0
72 Fossil Egg (1st Edition) 1 0
72 Oeuf Fossile (French-1st Edition) 0 0
73 Hyper Devolution Spray (1st Edition) 1 0 Buy
73 Vaporisateur Hyper Retrograde (French-1st Edition) 0 0
73 Hyper Devolution Spray 1 0
74 Ruin Wall (1st Edition) 1 0
74 Ruin Wall 0 0
74 Mur EN Ruines (French-1st Edition) 0 0
75 Arche D'Energie (French-1st Edition) 0 0
75 Energy Ark (1st Edition) 1 0
75 Energy Ark 1 0