1999 Bicycle Pokemon Mini Playing Cards Red Deck TCG Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1999 Bicycle Pokemon Mini Playing Cards Red Deck TCG Card Set

Set Name:
Bicycle Pokemon Mini Playing Cards Red Deck
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
5 of Clubs, 9 of Clubs, 10 of Clubs, King of Clubs, Ace of Clubs, 8 of Clubs, 7 of Clubs, 4 of Clubs, 2 of Clubs, 3 of Clubs, 6 of Clubs, Queen of Clubs 3 of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, 8 of Hearts, King of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, 5 of Hearts, 6 of Hearts 2 of Diamonds, 4 of Diamonds, Jack of Diamonds, Queen of Diamonds, 10 of Diamonds, Ace of Diamonds, 6 of Diamonds, 8 of Diamonds 4 of Spades, 10 of Spades, Queen of Spades, King of Spades, Jack of Spades, 3 of Spades, 7 of Spades

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
ZubatZubat (9 of Diamonds) 0 0
Farfetch'dFarfetch'd (2 of Diamonds) 0 0
PoliwagPoliwag (7 of Clubs) 0 0
GastlyGastly (King of Hearts) 0 0
Pokemon Logo (Ace of Spades) 0 0
PonytaPonyta (2 of Clubs) 0 0
AbraAbra (3 of Diamonds) 0 0
GyaradosGyarados (10 of Spades) 0 0
VictreebellVictreebell (Queen of Clubs) 0 0
RapidashRapidash (Ace of Diamonds) 0 0
KinglerKingler (5 of Diamonds) 0 0 Buy
IvysaurIvysaur (10 of Clubs) 0 0
ClefairyClefairy (7 of Diamonds) 0 0
SlowbroSlowbro (Jack of Spades) 0 0
WeezingWeezing (8 of Spades) 0 0
JolteonJolteon (Jack of Hearts) 0 0
NidoranNidoran (Male) (4 of Hearts) 0 0
SpearowSpearow (7 of Spades) 0 0
MankeyMankey (5 of Hearts) 0 0
SeakingSeaking (10 of Hearts) 0 0
VenomothVenomoth (6 of Clubs) 0 0
MoltresMoltres (King of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
ElectrodeElectrode (2 of Hearts) 0 0
VictreebelVictreebel (Queen of Clubs) 0 0
ButterfreeButterfree (5 of Clubs) 0 0
NidorinoNidorino (8 of Clubs) 0 0
MagnetonMagneton (2 of Spades) 0 0
TangelaTangela (5 of Spades) 0 0
DragoniteDragonite (Queen of Hearts) 0 0
PersianPersian (King of Spades) 0 0
GeodudeGeodude (King of Diamonds) 0 0
FearowFearow (8 of Hearts) 0 0
PoliwrathPoliwrath (4 of Clubs) 0 0
GengarGengar (4 of Spades) 0 0
Pokemon Logo (Ace of Hearts) 0 0
PrimeapePrimeape (10 of Diamonds) 0 0
RattataRattata (7 of Hearts) 0 0
HypnoHypno (9 of Clubs) 0 0
JokerJoker (King of Diamonds) 0 0
RhyhornRhyhorn (6 of Diamonds) 0 0
SeelSeel (9 of Spades) 0 0
JigglypuffJigglypuff (4 of Diamonds) 0 0
GoldeenGoldeen (6 of Spades) 0 0
SnorlaxSnorlax (3 of Spades) 0 0
KabutoKabuto (Queen of Spades) 0 0
PidgeyPidgey (9 of Hearts) 0 0
VaporeonVaporeon (3 of Clubs) 0 0
MeowthMeowth (Jack of Diamonds) 0 0
GrimerGrimer (Jack of Clubs) 0 0
VenusaurVenusaur (6 of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
NidokingNidoking (Ace of Clubs) 0 0
ClefableClefable (7 of Diamonds) 0 0
WigglytuffWigglytuff (8 of Diamonds) 0 0
DiglettDiglett (3 of Hearts) 0 0
OnixOnix (Queen of Diamonds) 0 0