1996 Pokemon Green Version Playing Cards TCG Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1996 Pokemon Green Version Playing Cards TCG Card Set

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Pokemon Green Version Playing Cards
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
RedRed (Jack of Spades) 1 0 Buy
Gym Leaders (Joker) 1 0
OakProfessor Oak (Joker) 0 0
001 BulbasaurBulbasaur (Ace of Diamonds) 1 0 Buy
002 IvysaurIvysaur (4 of Diamonds) 0 0
003 VenusaurVenusaur (4 of Diamonds) 1 0 Buy
004 CharmanderCharmander (Ace of Clubs) 1 0 Buy
005 CharmeleonCharmeleon (4 of Clubs) 0 0
006 CharizardCharizard (4 of Clubs) 1 0 Buy
007 SquirtleSquirtle (Ace of Hearts) 1 0 Buy
008 WartortleWartortle (4 of Hearts) 0 0
009 BlastoiseBlastoise (4 of Hearts) 1 0 Buy
010 CaterpieCaterpie (2 of Diamonds) 0 0 Buy
011 MetapodMetapod (2 of Diamonds) 0 0
011B MetapodMetapod (2 of Diamonds) 0 0
012 ButterfreeButterfree (2 of Diamonds) 0 0
013 WeedleWeedle (5 of Clubs) 0 0
014 KakunaKakuna (5 of Clubs) 0 0
014B KakunaKakuna (5 of Clubs) 0 0
015 BeedrillBeedrill (5 of Clubs) 0 0
016 PidgeyPidgey (2 of Spades) 0 0 Buy
016A PidgeyPidgey (2 of Spades) 0 0 Buy
018 PidgeotPidgeot (2 of Spades) 0 0
018 PidgeotPidgeot (3 of Spades) 0 0
019 RattataRattata (3 of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
19A RattataRattata (3 of Clubs) 0 0
020 RaticateRaticate (3 of Clubs) 0 0
021 SpearowSpearow (8 of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
022 FearowFearow (8 of Clubs) 0 0
025 PikachuPikachu (3 of Diamonds) 0 0 Buy
026 RaichuRaichu (3 of Diamonds) 0 0
027 SandshrewSandshrew (Queen of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
028 SandslashSandslash (King of Hearts) 1 0 Buy
029 NidoranNidoran (9 of Spades) 0 0
030 NidorinaNidorina (2 of Hearts) 0 0
031 NidoqueenNidoqueen (3 of Hearts) 0 0
032 NidoranNidoran (10 of Clubs) 0 0
033 NidorinoNidorino (3 of Spades) 0 0
034 NidokingNidoking (3 of Spades) 0 0
035 ClefairyClefairy (9 of Hearts) 0 0
035B ClefairyClefairy (9 of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
036 ClefableClefable (9 of Hearts) 0 0
037 VulpixVulpix (Queen of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
038 NinetalesNinetales (King of Clubs) 0 0
039 JigglypuffJigglypuff (6 of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
040 WigglytuffWigglytuff (6 of Clubs) 0 0
040C WigglytuffWigglytuff (6 of Clubs) 0 0
041 ZubatZubat (3 of Spades) 0 0
042 GolbatGolbat (3 of Spades) 0 0
046 ParasParas (3 of Diamonds) 0 0
047 ParasectParasect (3 of Diamonds) 0 0
048 VenonatVenonat (9 of Diamonds) 0 0
049C VenomothVenomoth (9 of Diamonds) 1 0
49 VenomothVenomoth (9 of Diamonds) 0 0 Buy
050 DiglettDiglett (8 of Hearts) 0 0
051 DugtrioDugtrio (8 of Hearts) 0 0
052 MeowthMeowth (Queen of Spades) 1 0 Buy
053 PersianPersian (King of Spades) 0 0
054 PsyduckPsyduck (9 of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
055 GolduckGolduck (9 of Clubs) 0 0
055C GolduckGolduck (9 of Clubs) 1 0
057 PrimeapePrimeape (King of Hearts) 0 0
060 PoliwagPoliwag (3 of Hearts) 0 0
061 PoliwhirlPoliwhirl (3 of Hearts) 0 0
062 PoliwrathPoliwrath (3 of Hearts) 0 0
063A AbraAbra (8 of Spades) 0 0
063 AbraAbra (8 of Spades) 0 0
064 KadabraKadabra (8 of Spades) 0 0
065 AlakazamAlakazam (8 of Spades) 0 0 Buy
066 MachopMachop (3 of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
067 MachokeMachoke (7 of Clubs) 0 0
068 MachampMachamp (7 of Clubs) 0 0
069 BellsproutBellsprout (Jack of Diamonds) 0 0 Buy
070 WeepinbellWeepinbell (Queen of Diamonds) 1 0 Buy
071 VictreebelVictreebel (King of Diamonds) 0 0 Buy
072 TentacoolTentacool (4 of Spades) 0 0
073 TentacruelTentacruel (4 of Spades) 0 0
074 GeodudeGeodude (2 of Clubs) 0 0
075 GravelerGraveler (2 of Clubs) 0 0
076 GolemGolem (2 of Clubs) 0 0
076C GolemGolem (2 of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
077 PonytaPonyta (7 of Spades) 0 0
078 RapidashRapidash (7 of Diamonds) 0 0
079 SlowpokeSlowpoke (7 of Hearts) 0 0
080 SlowbroSlowbro (7 of Hearts) 0 0
081 MagnemiteMagnemite (5 of Diamonds) 0 0
082 MagnetonMagneton (5 of Diamonds) 0 0
083 Farfetch'dFarfetch'd (10 of Clubs) 0 0
084 DoduoDoduo (7 of Diamonds) 0 0
085 DodrioDodrio (Seven of Diamonds) 0 0
086 SeelSeel (6 of Diamonds) 0 0
087 DewgongDewgong (6 of Diamonds) 0 0
088 GrimerGrimer (5 of Spades) 0 0
089 MukMuk (5 of Spades) 0 0
090 ShellderShellder (5 of Spades) 0 0
091 CloysterCloyster (5 of Spades) 0 0
092 GastlyGastly (6 of Spades) 0 0
093 HaunterHaunter (6 of Spades) 0 0 Buy
094 GengarGengar (6 of Spades) 0 0 Buy
094A GengarGengar (6 of Spades) 1 0 Buy
095 OnixOnix (7 of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
096 DrowzeeDrowzee (9 of Spades) 0 0
097 HypnoHypno (9 of Spades) 0 0
098 KrabbyKrabby (8 of Hearts) 0 0
099 KinglerKingler (8 of Hearts) 0 0
100 VoltorbVoltorb (6 of Diamonds) 0 0 Buy
101 ElectrodeElectrode (6 of Diamonds) 0 0
102 ExeggcuteExeggcute (8 of Diamonds) 1 0 Buy
103 ExecutorExecutor (8 of Diamonds) 1 0
104 CuboneCubone (8 of Clubs) 0 0
105 MarowakMarowak (8 of Clubs) 1 0
106 HitmonleeHitmonlee (7 of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
107 HitmonchanHitmonchan (10 of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
108 LickitungLickitung (6 of Clubs) 0 0
109A KoffingKoffing (7 of Spades) 0 0 Buy
109 KoffingKoffing (7 of Spades) 1 0
110 WeezingWeezing (7 of Spades) 0 0
111 RhyhornRhyhorn (6 of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
111A RhyhornRhyhorn (6 of Hearts) 0 0
112 RhydonRhydon (6 of Hearts) 0 0
113 ChanseyChansey (7 of Diamonds) 0 0
114 TangelaTangela (4 of Spades) 0 0
115 KangaskhanKangaskhan (8 of Diamonds) 0 0
116C HorseaHorsea (5 of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
116 HorseaHorsea (5 of Hearts) 0 0
117 HorseaHorsea (5 of Hearts) 0 0
118 GoldeenGoldeen (5 of Diamonds) 0 0
119 SeakingSeaking (5 of Diamonds) 1 0
120 StaryuStaryu (10 of Diamonds) 0 0
121 StarmieStarmie (10 of Diamonds) 0 0
122 Mr. MimeMr. Mime (7 of Clubs) 0 0
124 JynxJynx (10 of Hearts) 0 0
125 ElectabuzzElectabuzz (Jack of Spades) 0 0
126 MagmarMagmar (Jack of Clubs) 1 0 Buy
127 PinsirPinsir (Jack of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
128 TaurosTauros (10 of Diamonds) 0 0
129A MagikarpMagikarp (2 of Hearts) 0 0
129 MagikarpMagikarp (2 of Hearts) 0 0
130 GyaradosGyarados (2 of Hearts) 0 0
131 LaprasLapras (8 of Diamonds) 0 0
132 DittoDitto (10 of Diamonds) 0 0
133 EeveeEevee (9 of Spades) 0 0
134 VaporeonVaporeon (9 of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
135 JolteonJolteon (9 of Diamonds) 0 0
136 FlareonFlareon (9 of Clubs) 0 0
137 PorygonPorygon (5 of Hearts) 0 0
138 OmanyteOmanyte (7 of Hearts) 0 0
139 OmastarOmastar (6 of Hearts) 0 0
140 KabutoKabuto (10 of Hearts) 0 0
141 KabutopsKabutops (10 of Hearts) 0 0
142A AerodactylAerodactyl (10 of Clubs) 0 0
142 AerodactylAerodactyl (10 of Clubs) 0 0 Buy
143 SnorlaxSnorlax (4 of Spades) 0 0
144 ArticunoArticuno (4 of Hearts) 0 0 Buy
144A ArticunoArticuno (4 of Hearts) 0 0
145 ZapdosZapdos (4 of Diamonds) 0 0 Buy
145A ZapdosZapdos (4 of Diamonds) 0 0
146A MoltresMoltres (4 of Clubs) 0 0
146 MoltresMoltres (4 of Clubs) 0 0
147 DratiniDratini (10 of Spades) 0 0
148 DragonairDragonair (10 of Spades) 0 0
148C DragonairDragonair (10 of Spades) 0 0
149 DragoniteDragonite (10 of Spades) 0 0
150 MewtwoMewtwo (Ace of Spades) 1 0 Buy