1927 John Player & Son Football Caricatures by Mac Soccer Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1927 John Player & Son Football Caricatures by Mac Soccer Card Set

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John Player & Son Football Caricatures by Mac
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 AdcockHugh Adcock 0 0
8 CockJack Cock 0 0
10 DeanDixie Dean 1 0
26 MorrisD.H. Morris 0 0
34 WatsonThomas Watson 0 0
38 BradleyM.J. Bradley/Mac 0 0
40 GanlyJ.B. Ganly 0 0
41 HollidayT. E. Holliday 0 0
42 LairdH. C. Laird 0 0
43 NelsonJ. B. Nelson 0 0
44 ParkinJ. Parkin 0 0
50 TurnbullB.R. Turnbull 0 0