1984 Warren Company Transformers Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons Non-Sports Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1984 Warren Company Transformers Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons Non-Sports Card Set

Set Name:
Warren Company Transformers Adventure Game: Defeat the Decepticons
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
SoundwaveSoundwave 0 0
BluestreakBluestreak 0 0
SunstreakerSunstreaker 0 0
FrenzyFrenzy 0 0
TrailbreakerTrailbreaker 0 0
IronhideIronhide 0 0
LaserbeakLaserbeak 0 0
MirageMirage 0 0
RatchetRatchet 0 0
RumbleRumble 0 0
SkywarpSkywarp 0 0
StarscreamStarscream 0 0
BuzzsawBuzzsaw 0 0
ThundercrackerThundercracker 0 0
HoundHound 0 0
WheeljackWheeljack 0 0
JazzJazz 0 0
MegatronMegatron 0 0
ProwlProwl 0 0
RavageRavage 0 0
SideswipeSideswipe 0 0