1980 Star Wars OPC Empire Strikes Back Non-Sports Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1980 Star Wars OPC Empire Strikes Back Non-Sports Card Set

Set Name:
Star Wars OPC Empire Strikes Back
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
WP Wax PackWax Pack (Series 3) 1 0
WP Wax PackWax Pack (Series 1) 1 0
WP Wax PackWax Pack (Series 2) 1 0
1 Introduction 0 0
2 Luke Skywalker 0 0 Buy
3 Princess Leia 0 0
4 Han Solo 0 0
5 ChewbaccaChewbacca 0 0
6 See-Threepio 0 0 Buy
7 Artoo-DeetoArtoo-Deeto 0 0
8 Lando Calrissian 0 0 Buy
9 Yoda 1 0 Buy
10 Darth Vader 0 0
11 Boba Fett 1 0 Buy
12 The Imperial Probot 0 0
13 Planet of Ice 0 0
14 Where's Luke? 0 0
15 Droids on Patrol 0 0
16 The Hidden Rebel Base 0 0
17 New Rebel Strategy 0 0 Buy
18 General Rieekan 0 0
19 Leia's Plan 0 0
20 Prey of the Wampa 0 0
21 Examined: Luke's Tauntaun 0 0
22 Sir, I Mmh...Mffh... 0 0
23 In Search of Luke 0 0
24 Frozen Death 0 0
25 Skywalkers Rescue 0 0
26 Luke's Fight for Life 0 0
27 Rejuvenation Chamber 0 0
28 Surgeon Droid 0 0
29 Artoo's Icy Vigil 0 0
30 Metal Monster 0 0
31 Zeroing in on Chewie! 0 0 Buy
32 Han Aims for Action! 0 0
33 Destroying the Probot 0 0
34 Death of Admiral Ozzel 0 0
35 The Freedom Fighters 0 0
36 Rebel Defenses 0 0
37 Armed Against the Enemy 0 0
38 Joined By Dack 0 0
39 The Sound of Terror 0 0
40 Suddenly...Starfire! 0 0
41 Rattled By the Enemy 0 0 Buy
42 Might of the Imperial Forces 0 0
43 The Snow Walkers 0 0
44 Luke...Trapped! 0 0
45 Escape From Icy Peril 0 0
46 Retreat! Retreat! 0 0
47 Headquarters in Shambles 0 0
48 Solo's Makeshift Escape 0 0
49 Invaded! 0 0 Buy
50 Vader and the Snowtroopers 0 0 Buy
51 Snowtroopers of the Empire 0 0
52 Millennium Falcon: Getaway Ship! 0 0
53 Emergency Blast Off! 0 0
54 Battle of the Star Destroyer 0 0
55 Fix-It Man Han Solo! 0 0
56 A Sudden Change of Plan 0 0
57 Misty World of Dagobah 0 0
58 The Creature Called Yoda 0 0
59 Welcome, Young Luke! 0 0
60 Journey Through the Swamp 0 0
61 Yoda's House 0 0
62 Artoo Peeking Through 0 0
63 The Secret of Yoda 0 0
64 The Princess Lends A Hand 0 0
65 Reparing Hyperdrive 0 0
66 Star Lovers 0 0
67 "Pardon Me Sir, But...Ohhh!" 0 0
68 Mysterious and Deadly Chamber 0 0
69 Attacked By Batlike Creatures! 0 0
70 "Use the Force, Luke!" 0 0
71 Raising Luke's X-Wing 0 0
72 A Need Beyond Reason 0 0 Buy
73 A Gathering of Evils 0 0
74 The Bounty Hunters 0 0
75 IG-88 and Boba Fett 0 0
76 Enter Lando Calrissian 0 0
77 Warm Welcome for an Old Buddy 0 0
78 Conniving Pals 0 0
79 "Greetings, Sweet Lady" 0 0
80 Calrissian's Main Man 0 0
81 Pretty As A Princess! 1 0
82 A Swarm of Ugnaughts 0 0
83 Threepio..Blasted to Bits! 0 0 Buy
84 A Pile of See-Threepio! 0 0 Buy
85 Escorted By Lando 0 0
86 Dinner Guests 0 0
87 Host of Horror 0 0 Buy
88 Deflecting Solo's Blasts 0 0
89 Alas, Poor Threepio! 0 0
90 The Ordeal 0 0
91 The Prize of Boba Fett 0 0
92 His Day of Triumph 0 0
93 The Carbon-Freezing Chamber 0 0
94 End of the Star Warriors? 0 0
95 Pawn of the Evil One 0 0
96 "No! This Can't Be Happening!" 0 0
97 The Fate of Han Solo 0 0
98 Boba's Special Delivery 0 0 Buy
99 Observed By Luke 0 0
100 Luke Arrives 0 0
101 Ready for Action! 0 0
102 The Search for Vader 0 0
103 "Where Are You, Skywalker?" 0 0
104 Dark Lord of the Sith 0 0
105 Weapon of Light 0 0
106 The Confrontation 0 0
107 Duel of the Lightsabers 0 0
108 Escape From Their Captors 0 0
109 Lando...Friend or Foe? 0 0
110 Leia Takes Control! 0 0
111 Blasting the Stormtroopers! 0 0
112 Artoo to the Rescue! 0 0
113 Spectacular Battle! 0 0
114 "Embrace the Dark Side!" 0 0
115 "Hate Me, Luke!! Destroy Me!" 0 0
116 Luke's Last Stand 0 0 Buy
117 You Have A Foot in My Size? 0 0
118 Probot 0 0
119 Falcon on Hoth 0 0
120 Snow Walkers 0 0
121 The Pursued 0 0
122 Darth Vader 0 0
123 Swamps of Dagobah 0 0
124 Cloud City 0 0
125 Lando's Greeting 0 0
126 Threepio's Destruction 0 0
127 Luke Battling Darth 0 0
128 The Final Stand 0 0
129 Rescue 0 0
130 Ion Cannon 0 0
131 Checklist 1-66 0 0
132 Checklist 67-132 0 0
133 Introduction-2nd Series 0 0
134 Millennium Falcon 0 0
135 The Executor 0 0
136 Imperial Star Destroyer 0 0
138 Slave 1 0 0
139 Rebel Armored Snowspeeder 0 0
140 The Avenger 0 0
141 Tie Fighter 0 0
142 Rebel Transport 0 0
143 Tie Bomber 0 0
144 Preparing for Battle 0 0
146 The Searcher 0 0
147 Star Pilot Luke Skywalker 0 0 Buy
148 Luke's Patrol 0 0
149 Shelter on Icy Hoth 0 0
150 Imperial Spy 0 0
151 Tracking the Probot 0 0
152 Han Solo, Rescuer 0 0
154 Worried Droids on Hoth 0 0 Buy
155 Imperial Assault! 0 0
156 Narrow Escape! 0 0
157 Fighting Against the Empire 0 0
158 Roar of the Wookiee 0 0
160 Moments Before the Escape 0 0
161 Last Stages of the Battle 0 0
162 Gallant Warrior 0 0
163 "Raise Those Ships!" 0 0
164 The Awesome One 0 0
165 Vader and His Snowtroopers 0 0 Buy
166 Takeover of Rebel Base 0 0
167 The Man Called Han Solo 0 0
168 The Falcon in Repairs 0 0
170 "Sir...Wait for Me!" 0 0
171 Han's Desperate Plan 0 0 Buy
172 An Overworked Wookiee? 0 0
174 Artoo's Bumpy Landing 0 0
175 Mysterious Planet 0 0 Buy
176 "Luke...in Trouble?" 0 0
177 Working Against Time 0 0
178 Han and the Princess 0 0 Buy
179 Soldiers of the Empire 0 0 Buy
180 The Wookiee at Work 0 0
181 Vader and A Bounty Hunter 0 0 Buy
182 World of Darkness 0 0
183 Taking No Chances! 0 0
184 Farewell to Yoda and Dagobah 0 0
185 Racing to the Falcon 0 0
186 The Ominous Vader 0 0
187 The Dark Pursuer 0 0
188 Young Senator From Alderaan 0 0
189 Don't Fool With Han Solo 0 0
190 Kindred Spirits 0 0
191 Lobot's Task 0 0
192 A Brave Princess 0 0
193 Corridors of Bespin 0 0
194 Lando's Aide, Lobot 0 0
195 "Get Back Quick...It's Vader!" 0 0
196 Held By the Stormtroopers 0 0
197 Han's Torment 0 0
198 Lando's Game 0 0 Buy
199 Deadly Device 0 0 Buy
200 In Vader's Clutches 0 0
201 A Tearful Farewell 0 0
202 Han Faces His Fate 0 0
203 Into the Carbon-Freezing Pit! 0 0
204 An Ugnaught 0 0
205 Tears of A Princess 0 0
206 Suspended in Carbon Freeze 0 0
207 Gruesome Fate! 0 0
208 Evil Threatens! 0 0
209 "This Deal Is Getting Worse!" 0 0
210 The Captor, Boba Fett 0 0
211 Fear on Cloud City 0 0
212 A Warrior Driven 0 0
213 Courage of Skywalker 0 0
214 The Pursuer 0 0
216 A Droid Gone to Pieces 0 0
217 Threepio's Free Ride 0 0
218 Stormtrooper Takeover! 0 0
219 Princess Leia Under Guard! 0 0
220 Bounty Hunter Boba Fett 0 0
221 Lando Covers Their Escape! 0 0
222 Tumbling to an Unknown Fate 0 0
223 On the Verge of Defeat! 0 0 Buy
224 Gifted Performer 0 0 Buy
225 Actress Carrie Fisher 0 0
226 Han Solo (Harrison Ford) 0 0
227 Anthony Daniels As C-3PO 0 0
228 Our Favorite Protocol Droid 0 0
229 R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) 0 0
230 "Mynocks Outside? Oh My!" 0 0
231 Actor Billy Dee Williams 0 0
232 Galaxy's Most Loyal Droids 0 0
233 Dashing Han Solo 0 0
234 The Force and the Fury 0 0
235 Yoda's Squabble With R2-D2 0 0
236 Blasted By Leia! 0 0
237 The Art Of Levitation 1 0
238 Snowswept Chewbacca 0 0
239 Dreamworld... or Trap? 0 0 Buy
240 Swampland Peril! 0 0
241 Tried, Have You? 0 0 Buy
242 Encounter on Dagobah 0 0
243 Captain Solo Senses A Trap 0 0
244 A Test for Luke 0 0
246 Confronting the Dark Side 0 0 Buy
247 Luke Battles...Himself? 0 0 Buy
248 Blooming Romance 0 0 Buy
249 Chewie Retaliates 0 0
251 Director Irvin Kershner 0 0
252 Spiffing Up A Wookiee 0 0
253 Filming the Falcon 0 0
254 Kershner Directs Mark Hamill 0 0
255 Shooting the Exciting Climax 0 0
256 Filming Vader in His Chamber 0 0
257 Dagobah Comes to Life 0 0
258 Building the Falcon 0 0
259 Hoth Rebel Base Sequence 0 0
261 Spectacular Swampland Set 0 0
262 Acting Can Be A Dirty Job! 0 0
263 ChecklistChecklist 133-198 0 0
264 ChecklistChecklist 199-264 0 0 Buy
265 Picture Card Series 3 0 0
266 SoloHan Solo 0 0 Buy
267 LeiaPrincess Leia 0 0 Buy
268 SkywalkerLuke Skywalker 1 0 Buy
269 C-3PO 0 0
270 R2-D2R2-D2 0 0
271 VaderDarth Vader 0 0 Buy
272 FettBoba Fett 0 0 Buy
273 Probot 0 0
274 DengarDengar 0 0
275 BosskBossk 0 0
276 IG-88IG-88 0 0
277 FX-7 0 0
278 ChewbaccaChewbacca 0 0
279 CalrissianLando Calrissian 0 0
280 StormtrooperStormtrooper 0 0
281 YodaYoda 0 0 Buy
282 Imperial Ships... 0 0
283 The Courageous... 0 0
284 Too-Onebee 0 0
285 Rebel Protocol Droids 1 0
286 Within the Hidden Base 0 0
287 Calrissian of Bespin 0 0
288 Testing the Carbon-Freezing Process 0 0
289 Flight of the X-Wing 0 0
290 Dodging Deadly... 0 0
291 The Lovers Part 0 0
292 Canyons of Death! 0 0
293 Magnificent Rebel Starship 1 0 Buy
294 Old Friends...or Foes? 0 0
295 Power of the Empire 0 0
296 Threepio in A Jam! 0 0 Buy
297 Swamp Planet 0 0
298 A Hasty Retreat! 0 0
299 Hostile World of Hoth 0 0
300 Descent Into Danger! 0 0
301 Luke...Long Over... 0 0
302 Toward the Unknown 0 0
303 In Search of Han 0 0
304 Luke's Desperate Decision 1 0
305 Emerging From the.. 0 0 Buy
306 Busy As A Wookiee! 0 0
307 Portrait of A Ugnaught 0 0
308 The Wizard of Dagobah 0 0
309 Emergency Repairs! 0 0
311 The Walkers Close.. 1 0
312 Toward Tomorrow... 0 0
313 In the Path of... 0 0
314 The X-Wing Cockpit 0 0
315 Hero of the Rebellion 0 0
316 Vader's Private Chamber 0 0 Buy
317 Aboard the Executor 0 0
318 The Ominous One 0 0 Buy
319 Lord Vader's Orders 1 0
320 "He's Still Alive!" 1 0
321 Lando's Warm... 0 0
322 The Landing 0 0
323 Their Last Kiss? 0 0
324 Bounty Hunter IG-88 0 0
325 The Icy Plains of.. 0 0
326 Luke Astride His Tauntaun 0 0
327 Rebel Snowspeeders Zero in! 0 0
328 Champions of Freedom 0 0
329 Inside the Falcon 0 0
330 The Training of... 0 0
331 Yoda's Instruction 0 0
332 The Warrior and... 0 0
333 Imperial Snow Walker Attack! 0 0
334 The Asteroid Chase 0 0
335 Approaching... 0 0
336 Power Generators 0 0
337 Beauty of Bespin 0 0
338 Dreamlike City 0 0
339 Luke's Training 0 0
340 Snow Walker Terror 0 0
341 TauntaunTauntaun 0 0
342 Cloud City Reactor Shaft 0 0
343 Yoda's Home 0 0
344 Escape From Bespin 0 0
345 Deadly Stompers 0 0 Buy
346 Snow Walker Model 0 0
347 Of Helmets and Costumes 0 0
348 Filming the Star Destroyer 0 0
349 Millenium Falcon Miniature 0 0
350 Launching an X-Wing 0 0
351 Model Star Destryr. 0 0
352 ChecklistChecklist 265-352 0 0