1953 Frontier Days Non-Sports Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1953 Frontier Days Non-Sports Card Set

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Frontier Days
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 Pike's Peak or Bust 0 0
2 Chicago Fire 0 0
3 False Face Society 0 0 Buy
4 White Bear 0 0
5 Perilous Work 0 0
6 Killer Bear 0 0
7 Wells Fargo Holdup 0 0
8 Riding Out an Earthquake 0 0
9 Relay 0 0
10 Montana Gold 0 0
11 Buffalo Trap 0 0
12 Red CloudRed Cloud 1 0
13 Hayfield Fight 0 0
14 Look! the Stagecoach! 0 0
15 Citizens Rout Bandits 0 0
16 Heroic Captain 0 0
17 Hazards of Track Laying 0 0
18 Snowbound Train 0 0
19 Fishing for Salmon 0 0
20 KentonSimon Kenton 0 0
21 Death By Moonlight 0 0
22 Cowboy Capers 0 0
23 Whip Beats Pistol 1 0
24 Tornado 0 0
25 Peril at the Pass 0 0
26 Bridge Disaster 0 0
27 Indian Lacrosse 0 0
28 JacksonAndrew Jackson 1 0
29 Wagon Box Fight 0 0 Buy
30 Night Visitors 0 0
31 JamesJesse James Holdup 0 0
32 The "Mosselle" Blows Up 0 0
33 Indians Attack Wagon Train 0 0
34 Prairie Fire 0 0
35 An Indian Never Forgets 0 0
36 BooneDaniel Boone 0 0
37 Battle of Tippecanoe 0 0
38 Bronco Busting 0 0
39 Jail Break 0 0
40 Wreck of the Tennessee 0 0
41 Fremont in the Rockies 0 0
42 Buffalo Stampede 0 0
43 The War Whoop 1 0
44 Captain Jack 0 0
45 Ransom 0 0
46 Branding A Calf 0 0
47 Bill Hickok at Hays City 0 0
48 Stratagem 0 0
49 Death at the Waterhole 0 0
50 The Alamo 0 0
51 Smoke Signals 0 0
52 CodyBuffalo Bill 0 0
53 Burnt-Arrow Punishment 0 0
54 Pony in the Parlor 0 0
55 Deputy Sheriff 0 0 Buy
56 River Pirate 0 0
57 Battle New Orleans 0 0
58 Lone-Star Settles 0 0
59 Sign Language 0 0
60 Calamity Jane 0 0
61 Boy Captives 0 0
62 Cowboys Go to Town 0 0
63 The Daltons 0 0
64 Villains' Cave 0 0
65 Out to Stake A Claim 0 0
66 Virginia City Boom 0 0
67 Building Birch Bark Canoe 0 0
68 Sam Houston 0 0
69 Saving the Wounded 0 0
70 Battle of Wild Stallions 0 0
71 Run Out of Town 1 0
72 Seeing the Show 0 0
73 The Gold Rush Is on 0 0
74 Dealing With Claim- Jumpers 0 0
75 Young Indian Learns 0 0
76 Chief Joseph 0 0
77 Rushing A Stockade 0 0
78 Range War 0 0
79 Two-Gun Marshal 0 0
80 Hark! the Calliope 0 0
81 Gun Runners 0 0
82 James Marshall Strikes Gold 1 0
83 Peace Pipe 0 0
84 OakleyAnnie Oakley 0 0
85 Escaping the Comanches 0 0
86 Fighting A Blizzard 0 0
87 Outlaws at Bay 0 0
88 Steamboat Burns Bridge 0 0
89 Battling A Tempest 0 0
90 Mormons Settle Utah 0 0
91 Stalking Game 0 0
92 Davy Crockett 0 0
93 Battle of Horseshoe Bend 0 0 Buy
94 Stampede 0 0
95 Sheriff Defies Mob 0 0
96 Cub Pilot 0 0
97 Buffaloes Stop Train 0 0
98 Down Goes the Telegraph 0 0
99 The Medicine Man 0 0
100 Sitting Bull 0 0
101 Fort Kearny Massacre 1 0
102 Sheep and Cattle War 0 0
103 Rangers Chase Apaches 0 0
104 Steamboat Race 0 0
105 Indians Attack Iron Horse 0 0 Buy
106 Train Robbery 0 0
107 Torture Stake 0 0
108 GeronimoGeronimo 1 0
109 Angry Squaw 0 0
110 Chuck Wagon 0 0
111 Rangers Battle Outlaws 0 0
112 The River Rises 0 0
113 Stage Coach Robbery 0 0
114 Ambush 0 0
115 Cliff Dwellers 0 0
116 WhitmanMarcus Whitman 0 0
117 In the Nick of Time 0 0
118 Cowgirl Race 0 0
119 Rangers Ride 0 0
120 Rifles at 30 Yards 0 0
121 Panning Gold 0 0
122 Saddling Pony Express 0 0
123 Woman's Work 0 0
124 Black HawkBlack Hawk 0 0
125 Battle of Bad Axe 0 0
126 An Easterner Learns 1 0
127 Stick 'EM Up 0 0
128 New Orleans Bullfight 0 0