1952 Dutch Gum Cards "F" Set Non-Sports Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1952 Dutch Gum Cards "F" Set Non-Sports Card Set

Set Name:
Dutch Gum Cards "F" Set
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Hand Cut

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
F14 WayneJohn Wayne (Hand Cut) 0 0
F21 RogersRoy Rogers (Hand Cut) 0 0
F24 RogersRoy Rogers (Hand Cut) 0 0
F27 FrazeeJane Frazee/Roy Rogers (Hand Cut) 0 0
F27/F28 FrazeeJane Frazee/Roy Rogers (Panel-Handcut) 0 0
F2 RogersRoy Rogers (Hand Cut) 0 0
F10/14 BoothAdrian Booth/John Wayne (Panel-Hand Cut) 0 0
F6 SheffieldBoy Bomba(Johnny Sheffield) (Hand Cut) 0 0
F13 ElliotWilliam Elliot (Hand Cut) 0 0
F20 RogersRoy Rogers (Hand Cut) 0 0
F23/24 RogersRoy Rogers/William Elliot (Panel-Hand Cut) 0 0
F25 TuckerForrest Tucker (Hand Cut) 0 0
F29 FrazeeJane Frazee (Hand Cut) 0 0
F5 BurnetteSmiley Burnette (Hand Cut) 0 0
F3/2 ColbertClaudette Colbert/Roy Rogers (Panel-Hand Cut) 0 0
F1 RogersRoy Rogers (Hand Cut) 0 0
F12 RogersRoy Rogers (Hand Cut) 0 0