1952 Anonymous Film Stars (P Set) Non-Sports Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1952 Anonymous Film Stars (P Set) Non-Sports Card Set

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Anonymous Film Stars (P Set)
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
P139 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P96 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P141 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P107 HayesGabby Hayes/Roy Rogers 0 0
P143 AutryGene Autry 0 0
P109 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P223 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P121 EvansDale Evans/Gabby Hayes/Roy Rogers 0 0
P135 AllenRex Allen 0 0
P125 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P32 SinatraFrank Sinatra 0 0
P128 EdwardsPenny Edwards 0 0
P44 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P132 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P53 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P136 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P81 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P140 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P106 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P142 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P108 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P210 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P117 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P244 Tarzan With Wife/Boy 0 0
P111 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P123 AutryGene Autry 0 0
P25 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P126 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P40 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P131 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P51 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P134 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0
P73 RogersRoy Rogers 0 0