1920 Blatz Gum Screen Stars Non-Sports Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1920 Blatz Gum Screen Stars Non-Sports Card Set

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Blatz Gum Screen Stars
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 LyonBen Lyon 0 0
2 ReynoldsVera Reynolds 0 0
3 HainesWilliam Haines 0 0
4 MulhallJack Mulhall 0 0
5 StewartAnita Stewart 0 0
6 DoveBillie Dove 0 0
7 MurrayCharlie Murray 0 0
8 LoweEdmund Lowe 1 0
9 AdoreeRenee Adoree 0 0
10 MackaillDorothy Mackaill 0 0
11 HersholtJean Hersholt 1 0
12 NagelConrad Nagel 0 0
13 McAvoyMay McAvoy 0 0
14 O'DayMolly O'Day 1 0
15 BronsonBetty Bronson 0 0
16 BrentEvelyn Brent 1 0
17 LeeGwen Lee 1 0
18 CodyLew Cody 0 0
19 HaverPhyllis Haver 0 0
20 GangOur Gang 0 0