2022 SP Authentic Sign of the Times Hockey Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2022 SP Authentic Sign of the Times Hockey Card Set

Set Name:
SP Authentic Sign of the Times
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Base, Black

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
SOTTCT TalbotCam Talbot 0 0
SOTTKM MillerK'Andre Miller 0 0
SOTTND DawsNico Daws (Black) 1 0
SOTTDK KuemperDarcy Kuemper (Black) 0 0
SOTTLU LundqvistHenrik Lundqvist (Black) 0 0
SOTTLA LundellAnton Lundell (Black) 0 0
SOTTNP PionkNeal Pionk 0 0
SOTTFL FleuryMarc-Andre Fleury 0 0
Van RiemsdykJames Van Riemsdyk (Black) 0 0
SOTTPK KrebsPeyton Krebs 0 0
SOTTGC CheeversGerry Cheevers (Black) 0 0
SOTTAL LafreniereAlexis Lafreniere 0 0
SOTTSR ReinhartSam Reinhart 0 0
SOTTJS SlavinJaccob Slavin 0 0
SOTTAM MatthewsAuston Matthews 0 0
SOTTTH ThompsonTage Thompson (Black) 0 0
SOTTKD DachKirby Dach (Black) 0 0
SOTTDK KuemperDarcy Kuemper 0 0
SOTTBB BurnsBrent Burns 0 0
SOTTNR RobertsonNick Robertson 0 0
SOTTKK KapanenKasperi Kapanen 0 0
SOTTBS SaadBrandon Saad (Black) 0 0
SOTTRF FabbriRobby Fabbri 0 0
SOTTND DawsNico Daws 0 0
SOTTKL LindKole Lind 0 0
SOTTCP PerfettiCole Perfetti (Black) 0 0
SOTTFR FrancisRon Francis (Black) 0 0
SOTTCW WidemanChris Wideman 0 0
SOTTKM MillerK'Andre Miller (Black) 0 0
SOTTAO OvechkinAlex Ovechkin 0 0
SOTTEM MerzlikinsElvis Merzlikins 0 0
SOTTMA AppletonMason Appleton 0 0
SOTTFR FrancisRon Francis 0 0
SOTTNR RobertsonNick Robertson (Black) 0 0
SOTTFL FleuryMarc-Andre Fleury (Black) 0 0
SOTTAI IafalloAlex Iafallo 0 0
SOTTRL LehnerRobin Lehner 0 0
SOTTGE GeekieMorgan Geekie 0 0
SOTTAL LafreniereAlexis Lafreniere (Black) 0 0
SOTTTH ThompsonTage Thompson 0 0
SOTTKD DachKirby Dach 0 0
SOTTBS SaadBrandon Saad 0 0
SOTTAO OvechkinAlex Ovechkin (Black) 0 0
SOTTTK KrugTorey Krug (Black) 0 0
SOTTKF FialaKevin Fiala 0 0
SOTTEB BouchardEvan Bouchard 0 0
SOTTBL BlakeRob Blake 0 0
SOTTLA LundellAnton Lundell 0 0
SOTTMD DucheneMatt Duchene (Black) 0 0
SOTTCC CoyleCharlie Coyle 0 0
SOTTMF FolignoMarcus Foligno 0 0
SOTTSR ReinhartSam Reinhart (Black) 0 0