2021 Upper Deck Premier Acetate Rookie Autograph Patch Hockey Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2021 Upper Deck Premier Acetate Rookie Autograph Patch Hockey Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Premier Acetate Rookie Autograph Patch
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Base, Platinum 1/1, Gold

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
ARMM McTavishMason McTavish 0 0
ARMS SeiderMoritz Seider (Gold) 0 0
ARDR DrysdaleJamie Drysdale (Gold) 0 0
ARSD DurziSean Durzi (Gold) 0 0
ARSJ JarvisSeth Jarvis 0 0
ARHL LapierreHendrix Lapierre (Gold) 0 0
ARWE EklundWilliam Eklund (Gold) 0 0
ARTZ ZegrasTrevor Zegras 0 0
ARJB BarronJustin Barron (Gold) 0 0
ARZJ JonesZac Jones (Gold) 0 0
ARJP PeterkaJJ Peterka 0 0
ARWE EklundWilliam Eklund 0 0
ARCS SillingerCole Sillinger 0 0
ARJS SwaymanJeremy Swayman (Gold) 0 0
ARAL LundellAnton Lundell 0 0
ARJU AnnunenJustus Annunen (Gold) 0 0
ARAT TurcotteAlex Turcotte 0 0
ARBR BrysonJacob Bryson 0 0
ARMM McTavishMason McTavish (Gold) 0 0
ARCS SillingerCole Sillinger (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
ARCC CaufieldCole Caufield 0 0
ARLR RaymondLucas Raymond (Gold) 0 0
ARDM MercerDawson Mercer (Gold) 0 0
ARMS SeiderMoritz Seider 0 0
ARPT TomasinoPhilip Tomasino (Gold) 0 0
ARGF FortierGabriel Fortier 0 0
ARUL LuukkonenUkko-Pekka Luukkonen 0 0
ARSR RantaSampo Ranta (Gold) 0 0
ARJA AhcanJack Ahcan 0 0
ARRC ColtonRoss Colton 0 0
ARVP PodkolzinVasily Podkolzin 0 0
ARJN NeighboursJake Neighbours 0 0
ARJL LeschyshynJake Leschyshyn 0 0
ARJS SwaymanJeremy Swayman 0 0
ARAH HoltzAlexander Holtz 0 0
ARJU AnnunenJustus Annunen 0 0
ARAN NewhookAlex Newhook (Gold) 0 0
ARLR RaymondLucas Raymond 0 0
ARCA AddisonCalen Addison 0 0
ARCA AddisonCalen Addison (Gold) 0 0
ARDR DrysdaleJamie Drysdale 0 0
ARDM MercerDawson Mercer 0 0