2015 Upper Deck Ice Premieres Autograph Patch Hockey Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2015 Upper Deck Ice Premieres Autograph Patch Hockey Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Ice Premieres Autograph Patch
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
IP-CM McDavidConnor McDavid 1 0
IP-RF FabbriRobby Fabbri 0 0
IP-NH HanifinNoah Hanifin 0 0
IP-AB BibeauAntoine Bibeau 0 0
IP-SK KoekkoekSlater Koekkoek 0 0
IP-JE EichelJack Eichel 0 0
IP-KF FialaKevin Fiala 0 0
IP-BP PointBrayden Point 0 0
IP-AP PanarinArtemi Panarin 0 0
IP-SB BennettSam Bennett 0 0