2014 ITG Leaf Metal Heroes Autograph Hockey Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2014 ITG Leaf Metal Heroes Autograph Hockey Card Set

Set Name:
ITG Leaf Metal Heroes Autograph
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Gold Super Prismatic 1/1, Prismatic Gold

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
MHPE1 EspositoPhil Esposito (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHBG1 GadsbyBill Gadsby (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHHR1 RichardHenri Richard (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHHH1 HowellHarry Howell (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHCC1 CheliosChris Chelios (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHBT1 TrottierBryan Trottier (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHHR1 RichardHenri Richard (Prismatic Gold) 0 1
MHPR1 RoyPatrick Roy (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHRK1 KellyRed Kelly (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHYC1 CournoyerYvan Cournoyer (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHRB1 BourqueRaymond Bourque (Prismatic Blue) 0 0
MHJB1 BowerJohnny Bower (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHBH1 HullBobby Hull (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHGC1 CheeversGerry Cheevers (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHEG1 GiacominEd Giacomin (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHBP1 ParkBrad Park (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHSS1 SavardSerge Savard (Prismatic Blue) 0 1
MHPC1 CoffeyPaul Coffey (Prismatic Blue) 0 1