2005 Upper Deck Ice Glacial Graphs Hockey Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2005 Upper Deck Ice Glacial Graphs Hockey Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Ice Glacial Graphs
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
GG-MR RibeiroMike Ribeiro 0 0
GG-IK KovalchukIlya Kovalchuk 0 0
GG-NA NashRick Nash 0 0
GG-CP PerryCorey Perry 0 0
GG-RM MillerRyan Miller 0 0
GG-AF FrolovAlexander Frolov 0 0
GG-TA ArnasonTyler Arnason 0 0
GG-CW WardCam Ward 0 0
GG-TL LindenTrevor Linden 0 0
GG-GB BruleGilbert Brule 0 0
GG-WW WolskiWojtek Wolski 0 0
GG-HV HavlatMartin Havlat 0 0
GG-JC CarterJeff Carter 0 0
GG-MB BrodeurMartin Brodeur 0 1
GG-SC CrosbySidney Crosby 1 0 Buy
GG-MS StajanMatt Stajan 0 0
GG-AO OvechkinAlexander Ovechkin 1 0 Buy
GG-RK KeslerRyan Kesler 0 0
GG-ZP PariseZach Parise 0 0
GG-RN NilssonRobert Nilsson 0 0
GG-CB BarkerCam Barker 0 0
GG-TH HunterTrent Hunter 0 0
GG-DP PhaneufDion Phaneuf 0 0
GG-TV VanekThomas Vanek 0 0
GG-HT ToivonenHannu Toivonen 0 0
GG-AR RaycroftAndrew Raycroft 0 0
GG-JB BouwmeesterJay Bouwmeester 0 0
GG-KB BallardKeith Ballard 0 0