2015 Leaf Trinity Signatures Football Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2015 Leaf Trinity Signatures Football Card Set

Set Name:
Leaf Trinity Signatures
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Blue, Bronze, Magenta Printing Plate 1/1, Red, Silver Prismatic, Yellow Printing Plate 1/1, Cyan Printing Plate 1/1, Gold 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
TSJA2 AjayiJay Ajayi (Red) 0 0
TSTL2 LockettTyler Lockett (Bronze) 0 0
TSJH2 HarperJosh Harper (Cyan Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
A-TM1 McKenzieTriston McKenzie (Blue) 0 0
TSJW1 WinstonJameis Winston (Red) 0 0
TSAC1 CooperAmari Cooper (Red) 0 0
TSTG1 Gurley IITodd Gurley (Silver Prismatic) 0 0
TSDP2 ParkerDeVante Parker (Bronze) 0 0
TSAH1 HillAustin Hill (Silver Prismatic) 0 0
TSJW1 WinstonJameis Winston (Bronze) 1 0
TSBH1 HundleyBrett Hundley (Blue) 0 0
TSMM1 MariotaMarcus Mariota (Blue) 0 0
TSBP1 PettyBryce Petty (Blue) 0 0
TSDJ1 JohnsonDavid Johnson (Gold 1/1) 1 0
TSDF1 FunchessDevin Funchess (Silver Prismatic) 0 0
TSSD1 DiggsStefon Diggs (Bronze) 0 0
TSJA2 AjayiJay Ajayi (Bronze) 0 0
TSTL2 LockettTyler Lockett (Silver) 0 0
TSJA2 AjayiJay Ajayi (Silver Prismatic) 0 0
TSTL2 LockettTyler Lockett (Red) 0 0
TSJL1 LangfordJeremy Langford (Blue) 0 0
TSAC1 CooperAmari Cooper (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
TSTG1 Gurley IITodd Gurley (Bronze) 0 0
TSAC1 CooperAmari Cooper (Bronze) 0 0
TSAC1 CooperAmari Cooper (Blue) 0 0
TSSM1 MannionSean Mannion (Gold 1/1) 0 0
TSDP2 ParkerDeVante Parker (Blue) 0 0
TSBH1 HundleyBrett Hundley (Bronze) 0 0
TSMM1 MariotaMarcus Mariota (Bronze) 0 0
TSBP1 PettyBryce Petty (Silver Prismatic) 0 0
TSJW1 WinstonJameis Winston (Blue) 0 0
TSCW1 WalfordClive Walford (Yellow Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
TSTL1 LippettTony Lippett (Bronze) 0 0
TSDGB Green-BeckhamDorial Green-Beckham (Bronze) 0 0
TSSD1 DiggsStefon Diggs (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0