2014 College Football Heroes: 1970s & 1980s Football Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2014 College Football Heroes: 1970s & 1980s Football Card Set

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College Football Heroes: 1970s & 1980s
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
JM MontanaJoe Montana 0 1 Buy
ON NewsomeOzzie Newsome 0 1
ChecklistChecklist 0 0
BJ JacksonBo Jackson 0 0
DF FoutsDan Fouts 0 1
HW WalkerHerschel Walker 0 0
JR RiceJerry Rice 0 1
TT ThomasThurman Thomas 0 1
AG GriffinArchie Griffin 0 0
BS SandersBarry Sanders 0 1
EC CampbellEarl Campbell 0 1