1959 San Gorgio Football Card Set - VCP Price Guide

1959 San Gorgio Football Card Set

Set Name:
San Gorgio
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1 BarnesBilly Barnes (Grab And Run Style) 0 0
2 BarnesBilly Barnes (Power Runner) 0 0
3 BednarikChuck Bednarik (Blasts Thru!) 0 1
4 JacobsProverb Jacobs (Hard Charging) 0 0
5 McDonaldTommy Mcdonald (Stretches For One) 0 1
6 MeadowsEd Meadows (Snags One!) 0 0
7 MeadowsEd Meadows (Up,ended 0 0
8 PeaksClarence Peaks (Hard Running) 0 0
9 PeaksClarence Peaks (Punts) 0 0
10 PellegriniBob Pellegrini (Breaks Thru!) 0 0
11 RetzlaffPete Retzlaff (One Hands It!) 0 0
12 RetzlaffPete Retzlaff (Reaches High,pete 0 0
13 RetzlaffPete Retzlaff (Reaches High,pete 0 0
14 WalstonBobby Walston (Place-kicker) 0 0
15 WeberChuck Weber (Snags One!) 0 0