2022 Panini National Treasures Lasting Legacies Autograph Relics Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2022 Panini National Treasures Lasting Legacies Autograph Relics Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini National Treasures Lasting Legacies Autograph Relics
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
AVA AdamsAlvan Adams 0 0
LSL ScolaLuis Scola 0 0
BWT WaltonBill Walton 0 0
RFT FeltonRaymond Felton (Prime) 0 0
CAN AnthonyCarmelo Anthony (Prime) 0 0
TKC KukocToni Kukoc 0 0
JKM KumingaJonathan Kuminga 0 0
JST StarksJohn Starks 0 0
KAT TownsKarl-Anthony Towns (Prime) 0 0
LLBIN IngramBrandon Ingram (Prime) 0 0
LLHJN JonesHerbert Jones 0 0
ADT DantleyAdrian Dantley (Prime) 0 0
LLZWL WilliamsZiaire Williams (Prime) 0 0
BLB LaimbeerBill Laimbeer 0 0
PML MillsPatty Mills 0 0 Buy
CAN AnthonyCarmelo Anthony 0 0
RRD RondoRajon Rondo (Prime) 0 0
GNI NiangGeorges Niang 0 0
JSG SuggsJalen Suggs 0 0
KAT TownsKarl-Anthony Towns 0 0
LLBIN IngramBrandon Ingram 0 0
LLCAN AnthonyCarmelo Anthony 0 0
LLRRD RondoRajon Rondo 0 0