2021 Panini National Treasures Lasting Legacies Autograph Relics Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2021 Panini National Treasures Lasting Legacies Autograph Relics Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini National Treasures Lasting Legacies Autograph Relics
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Prime, Super Prime 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
SWK KempShawn Kemp 0 0
LLCML MullinChris Mullin 0 0
DVG GrahamDevonte’ Graham 0 0
JST TateJae’Sean Tate (Super Prime 1/1) 0 0
LLMGB GinobiliManu Ginobili 0 0
LLDFS FisherDerek Fisher 0 0
SWK KempShawn Kemp (Prime) 0 0
LWK Walker IVLonnie Walker IV (Prime) 0 0
TYH HaliburtonTyrese Haliburton 0 0
JHD HolidayJrue Holiday 0 0
SCY CurryStephen Curry 0 0
JJR RedickJJ Redick 0 0
JJJ Jackson Jr.Jaren Jackson Jr. (Prime) 0 0
ITM ThomasIsiah Thomas 0 0
LLKML MaloneKarl Malone 0 0
LLRBP ParishRobert Parish 0 0
LLOBI ToppinObi Toppin (Prime) 0 0
TYH HaliburtonTyrese Haliburton (Prime) 0 0
SCY CurryStephen Curry (Super Prime 1/1) 0 0
LLJLB BrunsonJalen Brunson 0 0