2019 Panini Donruss WNBA Signature Series Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2019 Panini Donruss WNBA Signature Series Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini Donruss WNBA Signature Series
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Base, Press Proof Gold Laser, Press Proof, Press Proof Purple,

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
KMB McbrideKayla Mcbride (Press Proof) 0 0
JLD LoydJewell Loyd 0 0
NLB LiebermanNancy Lieberman (Press Proof) 0 0
CVS VanderslootCourtney Vandersloot (Press Proof) 0 0
SFL FowlesSylvia Fowles 0 0
BST StewartBreanna Stewart (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
BGN GrinerBrittney Griner (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
RLB LoboRebecca Lobo 0 0
KSM SmithKatie Smith (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
JYG YoungJackie Young (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
NNO OgwumikeNneka Ogwumike (Press Proof Black Laser 1/1) 0 0
SSW SwoopesSheryl Swoopes 0 1
CGY GrayChelsea Gray (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
BHM HammonBecky Hammon 0 0
RBS BrunsonRebekkah Brunson (Press Proof) 0 0
BHM HammonBecky Hammon (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
LLE LeslieLisa Leslie 0 1
KTL ToliverKristi Toliver (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
KMB McbrideKayla Mcbride (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
TCG CatchingsTamika Catchings (Press Proof) 0 0
SSW SwoopesSheryl Swoopes (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 1
CML MillerCheryl Miller (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
CCD Cooper-DykeCynthia Cooper-Dyke (Press Proof) 0 0
SAS AugustusSeimone Augustus (Press Proof) 0 0
LZC CambageLiz Cambage (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
LWD WoodardLynette Woodard 0 0
EDD Delle DonneElena Delle Donne (Press Proof) 0 0
ABD BeardAlana Beard (Press Proof) 0 0
TEW EdwardsTeresa Edwards (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
COG OgwumikeChiney Ogwumike (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
CGY GrayChelsea Gray (Press Proof) 0 0
SBD BirdSue Bird (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
MYM MooreMaya Moore (Press Proof) 0 0
AWS WilsonA'Ja Wilson 0 0
ADR DurrAsia Durr (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
ADR DurrAsia Durr (Press Proof) 0 0
CPD PondexterCappie Pondexter (Press Proof) 0 0
CML MillerCheryl Miller (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
AMC McCoughtryAngel McCoughtry (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
TCG CatchingsTamika Catchings (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
NNO OgwumikeNneka Ogwumike (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
TCG CatchingsTamika Catchings (Press Proof Purple) 0 0 Buy
CPK ParkerCandace Parker (Press Proof) 0 0
LWN WhalenLindsay Whalen (Press Proof) 0 0
LZC CambageLiz Cambage (Press Proof) 0 0
DTS TaurasiDiana Taurasi (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
AOG OgunbowaleArike Ogunbowale (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
TCH CharlesTina Charles (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
RLB LoboRebecca Lobo (Press Proof) 0 1
ADR DurrAsia Durr (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
DTS TaurasiDiana Taurasi 0 0
LZC CambageLiz Cambage 0 0
TEW EdwardsTeresa Edwards 0 0
DTS TaurasiDiana Taurasi (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
AMC McCoughtryAngel McCoughtry (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
AWS WilsonA'Ja Wilson (Press Proof) 0 0
TPC PenicheiroTicha Penicheiro (Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
SBD BirdSue Bird (Press Proof) 0 0
JLD LoydJewell Loyd (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
EDD Delle DonneElena Delle Donne (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
MYM MooreMaya Moore (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
BST StewartBreanna Stewart (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
BST StewartBreanna Stewart (Press Proof) 0 0
BGN GrinerBrittney Griner (Press Proof) 0 0
DWB BonnerDeWanna Bonner (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
SDS DigginsSkylar Diggins-Smith (Press Proof) 0 0
KSM SmithKatie Smith (Press Proof) 0 0
JYG YoungJackie Young 0 0
NNO OgwumikeNneka Ogwumike (Press Proof) 0 0
CVS VanderslootCourtney Vandersloot 0 0
SFL FowlesSylvia Fowles (Press Proof) 0 0
CCD Cooper-DykeCynthia Cooper-Dyke 0 0
BGN GrinerBrittney Griner (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
NNO OgwumikeNneka Ogwumike 0 0
JLD LoydJewell Loyd (Press Proof) 0 0
KTL ToliverKristi Toliver 0 0
KSM SmithKatie Smith 0 0
JYG YoungJackie Young (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
AOG OgunbowaleArike Ogunbowale 0 0 Buy
SSW SwoopesSheryl Swoopes (Press Proof) 0 1
CML MillerCheryl Miller 0 0
BST StewartBreanna Stewart 0 0
RBS BrunsonRebekkah Brunson (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
CPK ParkerCandace Parker (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
LLE LeslieLisa Leslie (Press Proff) 0 1
LLE LeslieLisa Leslie (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
KSM SmithKatie Smith (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
EDD Delle DonneElena Delle Donne (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
TCG CatchingsTamika Catchings 1 0
TCH CharlesTina Charles (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
COG OgwumikeChiney Ogwumike (Press Proof) 0 0
CDP DupreeCandice Dupree (Press Proof) 0 0
SBD BirdSue Bird (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
MYM MooreMaya Moore 0 0
LWN WhalenLindsay Whalen 0 0
AWS WilsonA'Ja Wilson (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
ADR DurrAsia Durr 0 0
TPC PenicheiroTicha Penicheiro (Press Proof) 0 0
COG OgwumikeChiney Ogwumike 0 0
CML MillerCheryl Miller (Press Proof) 0 0
AMC McCoughtryAngel McCoughtry 0 0
SDS Diggins-SmithSkylar Diggins-Smith (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
NLB LiebermanNancy Lieberman (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
AWS WilsonA'Ja Wilson (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
DTS TaurasiDiana Taurasi (Press Proof) 0 0
CPK ParkerCandace Parker (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
CPK ParkerCandace Parker 0 0
AOG OgunbowaleArike Ogunbowale (Press Proof) 0 0 Buy
TCH CharlesTina Charles (Press Proof) 0 0
RBS BrunsonRebekkah Brunson (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
ABD BeardAlana Beard (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
CVS VanderslootCourtney Vandersloot (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
LWN WhalenLindsay Whalen (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
CCD Cooper-DykeCynthia Cooper-Dyke (Press Proof Purple) 0 0
DTS TaurasiDiana Taurasi (Press Proof Black Laser 1/1) 0 0
AMC McCoughtryAngel McCoughtry (Press Proof) 0 0
AOS OgunbowaleArike Ogunbowale (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
TEW EdwardsTeresa Edwards (Press Proof) 0 0
SBD BirdSue Bird 0 0
DWB BonnerDeWanna Bonner (Press Proof) 0 0
EDD Delle DonneElena Delle Donne 0 0
LZC CambageLiz Cambage (Press Proof Gold Laser) 0 0
JYG YoungJackie Young (Press Proof) 0 0
BHM HammonBecky Hammon (Press Proof) 0 0
BGN GrinerBrittney Griner 0 0
TPC PenicheiroTicha Penicheiro 0 0
SDS DigginsSkylar Diggins-Smith 0 0