2019 Panini Chronicles Hometown Heroes Autographs Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2019 Panini Chronicles Hometown Heroes Autographs Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini Chronicles Hometown Heroes Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Base, Gold, Red, Purple, Blue,

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
HHBCL ClarkeBrandon Clarke 0 0
HHCJO JohnsonCameron Johnson 0 0
HHLKI KingLouis King (Red) 0 0
HHDAH HunterDE'Andre Hunter (Gold) 1 0
HHRJB BarrettRJ Barrett (Blue) 0 0
HHBCL ClarkeBrandon Clarke (Purple) 0 0
HHKJO JohnsonKeldon Johnson (Red) 0 0
HHTHT Horton-TuckerTalen Horton-Tucker (Purple) 0 0
HHLUG DortLuguentz Dort 0 0
HHNCL ClaxtonNicolas Claxton (Red) 0 0
HHCAM ReddishCam Reddish (Red) 0 0
HHPJW Washington Jr.PJ Washington Jr. (Red) 0 0
HHBOL BolBol Bol 0 0 Buy
HHTMA MannTerance Mann (Purple) 0 0
HHMTH ThybulleMatisse Thybulle 0 0
HHKP9 Porter Jr.Kevin Porter Jr. 0 0
HHCJO JohnsonCameron Johnson (Gold) 0 0
HHCAM ReddishCam Reddish 0 0
HHZNJ Norvell Jr.Zach Norvell Jr. 0 0
HHMTH ThybulleMatisse Thybulle (Red) 0 0
HHLUG DortLuguentz Dort (Gold) 0 0
HHRJB BarrettRJ Barrett (Purple) 0 0
HHDGA GaffordDaniel Gafford (Red) 0 0
HHTED DavisTerence Davis 0 0
HHNAZ ReidNaz Reid 0 0
HHBFR FernandoBruno Fernando (Red) 0 0
HHDAH HunterDE'Andre Hunter (Blue) 1 0
HHEPA PaschallEric Paschall (Purple) 0 0
HHTED DavisTerence Davis (Red) 0 0
HHNLI LittleNassir Little (Red) 0 0
HHADM SchofieldAdmiral Schofield (Red) 0 0
HHBCL ClarkeBrandon Clarke (Red) 1 0
HHGUY GuyKyle Guy (Blue) 0 0
HHAMC CoffeyAmir Coffey (Purple) 0 0
HHMFI KabengeleMfiondu Kabengele (Red) 0 0
HHJHO HoardJaylen Hoard 0 0
HHTHT Horton-TuckerTalen Horton-Tucker (Red) 0 0
HHASM SmailagicAlen Smailagic 0 0
HHCJO JohnsonCameron Johnson (Red) 0 0
HHKYB BowmanKY Bowman 0 0
HHKP9 Porter Jr.Kevin Porter Jr. (Blue) 0 0
HHPJW Washington Jr.PJ Washington Jr. 0 0
HHBCL ClarkeBrandon Clarke (Blue) 0 0
HHCJO JohnsonCameron Johnson (Blue) 0 0
HHLSM SamanicLuka Samanic (Red) 0 0
HHTHT Horton-TuckerTalen Horton-Tucker (Blue) 0 0
HHTHT Horton-TuckerTalen Horton-Tucker (Gold) 0 0
HHBOL BolBol Bol (Gold) 0 0
HHKJO JohnsonKeldon Johnson 0 0
HHRJB BarrettRJ Barrett (Red) 0 0
HHTMA MannTerance Mann 0 0
HHLUG DortLuguentz Dort (Red) 0 0
HHNCL ClaxtonNicolas Claxton (Blue) 0 0
HHCGO JohnsonCameron Johnson 0 0
HHDGA GaffordDaniel Gafford 0 0
HHCGO JohnsonCameron Johnson (Gold) 0 0
HHTMA MannTerance Mann (Red) 0 0
HHMTH ThybulleMatisse Thybulle (Gold) 0 0
HHKP9 Porter Jr.Kevin Porter Jr. (Red) 0 0
HHDAH HunterDE'Andre Hunter (Red) 0 0
HHDAH HunterDE'Andre Hunter 0 0
HHRJB BarrettRJ Barrett 0 0
HHZNJ Norvell Jr.Zach Norvell Jr. (Red) 0 0
HHNAZ ReidNaz Reid (Red) 0 0
HHCED EdwardsCarsen Edwards 0 0
HHEPA PaschallEric Paschall 0 0
HHTED DavisTerence Davis (Gold) 0 0
HHNLI LittleNassir Little 0 0
HHJMD McDanielsJalen McDaniels (Red) 0 0
HHNCL ClaxtonNicolas Claxton 0 0
HHGUY GuyKyle Guy (Red) 0 0
HHMFI KabengeleMfiondu Kabengele (Gold) 0 0
HHAMC CoffeyAmir Coffey 0 0
HHCAM ReddishCam Reddish (Blue) 0 0
HHIRO RobyIsaiah Roby 0 0
HHAMC CoffeyAmir Coffey (Red) 0 0
HHRJB BarrettRJ Barrett (Gold) 0 0
HHJHO HoardJaylen Hoard (Red) 0 0
HHTHT Horton-TuckerTalen Horton-Tucker 0 0
HHNML MelliNicolo Melli (Red) 0 0