2011 Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Championship Bling Autographs Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2011 Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Championship Bling Autographs Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Championship Bling Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Base, Gold

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
CB-CA CarterVince Carter 0 0
CB-RO RobinsonDavid Robinson (Gold) 0 0
CB-JL JamesLeBron James 0 0
CB-CD DrexlerClyde Drexler (Gold) 0 0
CB-RW WilliamsRoy Williams (Gold) 0 0
CB-LE JamesLeBron James 0 0
CB-TI IzzoTom Izzo (Gold) 0 0
CB-DM ManningDanny Manning 0 0
CB-BM McAdooBob McAdoo 0 1
CB-WE WestJerry West (Gold) 0 0
CB-JA JamesLeBron James (Gold) 0 0
CB-HO OlajuwonHakeem Olajuwon 0 1
CB-WI WilliamsRoy Williams (Gold) 0 0
CB-JB BoeheimJim Boeheim 0 0
CB-VC CarterVince Carter (Gold) 0 0
CB-LJ JohnsonLarry Johnson 0 0
CB-MI JordanMichael Jordan 1 1
CB-WA WaltonBill Walton (Gold) 0 0
CB-JL JamesLeBron James (Gold) 1 0
CB-BR RussellBill Russell (Gold) 0 0
CB-MJ JohnsonMagic Johnson 0 1
CB-BW WaltonBill Walton (Gold) 0 0
CB-OL OlajuwonHakeem Olajuwon 0 0
CB-LJ JamesLeBron James (Gold) 0 0
CB-CA CarterVince Carter (Gold) 0 0
CB-RW WilliamsRoy Williams 0 0
CB-JA JamesLeBron James 0 0
CB-TI IzzoTom Izzo 0 0
CB-CR RussellCazzie Russell 0 0
CB-JO JordanMichael Jordan 0 1
CB-WE WestJerry West 0 0
CB-DR RobinsonDavid Robinson 0 0
CB-HO OlajuwonHakeem Olajuwon (Gold) 0 1
CB-WI WilliamsRoy Williams 0 0
CB-JB BoeheimJim Boeheim (Gold) 0 0
CB-VC CarterVince Carter 0 0
CB-WO WorthyJames Worthy 0 0
CB-LA BrownLarry Brown 0 0
CB-JO JordanMichael Jordan (Gold) 0 1
CB-MI JordanMichael Jordan (Gold) 0 0
CB-MJ JohnsonMagic Johnson (Gold) 0 0
CB-LE JamesLeBron James (Gold) 0 0
CB-AM MourningAlonzo Mourning 0 0
CB-BR RussellBill Russell 1 1
CB-BW WaltonBill Walton 0 0
CB-RU RussellBill Russell 1 1