2011 Rittenhouse Archives WNBA Autographs Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2011 Rittenhouse Archives WNBA Autographs Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Rittenhouse Archives WNBA Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Holding Jersey, Wearing Jersey

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
CharlesTina Charles 0 0
GreeneKalana Greene 0 0
HarrisAmber Harris 0 0
MorrisJene Morris 0 0
PohlenJeanette Pohlen 0 0
TaurasiDiana Taurasi 0 0
ThomasJasmine Thomas 0 0
VanderslootCourtney Vandersloot 0 0 Buy
McCoughtryAngel McCoughtry 0 0
OgwumikeNnemkadi Ogwumike 0 0
DunlapVictoria Dunlap 0 0
GriffinKelsey Griffin 0 0
MonroeJacinta Monroe 0 0
PedersenKayla Pedersen 0 0
MooreMaya Moore 0 0 Buy
PondexterCappie Pondexter 0 0
TaylorPenny Taylor 0 0
MooreMaya Moore (Holding Jersey) 0 0
RobinsonDanielle Robinson 0 0