2008 Upper Deck Lineage Rookie Standouts Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2008 Upper Deck Lineage Rookie Standouts Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Lineage Rookie Standouts
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
RS-1 RoseDerrick Rose 0 0
RS-3 MayoO.J. Mayo 0 0
RS-7 GordonEric Gordon 0 0
RS-28 NelsonDemarcus Nelson 0 0
RS-43 KurzRob Kurz 0 0
RS-50 HunterOthello Hunter 0 0
RS-37 DragicGoran Dragic 0 0
RS-4 WestbrookRussell Westbrook 0 0
RS-5 LoveKevin Love 0 0
RS-27 YueSun Yue 0 0
RS-42 JordanDeAndre Jordan 0 0
RS-47 GasolMarc Gasol 0 0
RS-6 GallinariDanilo Gallinari 0 0