2008 SP Authentic Chirography Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2008 SP Authentic Chirography Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
SP Authentic Chirography
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
C-AG GilmoreArtis Gilmore 0 1
C-TS SandersTom Sanders 0 0
C-AE EnglishAlex English 0 1
C-GG GervinGeorge Gervin 0 1
C-RO RobinsonDavid Robinson 0 1
C-VD DivacVlade Divac 0 0
C-JW WestJerry West 0 1
C-RB BarryRick Barry 0 1
C-DD DawkinsDarryl Dawkins 0 0
C-DT ThompsonDavid Thompson 0 1
C-JS SalleyJohn Salley 0 0
C-SK KerrSteve Kerr 0 0
C-MJ JordanMichael Jordan 0 1