2007 Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Triple Patches Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2007 Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Triple Patches Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Triple Patches
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Gold, Base

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
MG GinobiliManu Ginobili (Gold) 0 1
CS SmithCraig Smith (Gold) 0 0
PG GasolPau Gasol (Gold) 0 1
DG GibsonDaniel Gibson (Gold) 0 0
QD DoubyQuincy Douby (Gold) 0 0
RO RobinsonDavid Robinson (Gold) 0 1
DR RodmanDennis Rodman (Gold) 0 1
RC CarneyRodney Carney (Gold) 0 0
SL LivingstonShaun Livingston (Gold) 0 0
HA ArmstrongHilton Armstrong (Gold) 0 0
RF FoyeRandy Foye (Gold) 0 0
SN NashSteve Nash (Gold) 0 0
LB BirdLarry Bird (Gold) 1 1
JK KiddJason Kidd (Gold) 0 1
SW WilliamsShelden Williams (Gold) 0 0
LJ JamesLeBron James 0 0
KG GarnettKevin Garnett (Gold) 0 1
RR RondoRajon Rondo (Gold) 0 0
TT ThomasTyrus Thomas (Gold) 0 0
LA AldridgeLaMarcus Aldridge (Gold) 0 0
BR RoyBrandon Roy (Gold) 0 0
MC CollinsMardy Collins (Gold) 0 0
CM MaggetteCorey Maggette (Gold) 0 0
MW WilliamsMarcus Williams (Gold) 0 0
DB BrownDee Brown (Gold) 0 0
PO O'BryantPatrick O'Bryant (Gold) 0 0
RH HamiltonRichard Hamilton (Gold) 0 0
DH HowardDwight Howard (Gold) 0 0
RA AllenRay Allen (Gold) 0 1
SB BrownShannon Brown (Gold) 0 0
GA ArenasGilbert Arenas (Gold) 0 0
RE BalkmanRenaldo Balkman (Gold) 0 0
SM MarionShawn Marion (Gold) 0 0
KB BryantKobe Bryant 1 1
JB BooneJosh Boone (Gold) 0 0
RG GayRudy Gay (Gold) 0 0
SO O'NealShaquille O'Neal (Gold) 0 1
CP PaulChris Paul 0 0
JW WestJerry West (Gold) 0 1
TM McGradyTracy McGrady (Gold) 0 1
SB BrownShannon Brown 0 0
KL LowryKyle Lowry (Gold) 1 0
AS StoudemireAmare Stoudemire (Gold) 0 0
YM MingYao Ming (Gold) 1 1
LO OdomLamar Odom (Gold) 0 0
CB BoshChris Bosh (Gold) 0 0