2006 Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Autographs Patches Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2006 Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Autographs Patches Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Upper Deck Exquisite Collection Autographs Patches
Set Year:
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Set Description:
Started 7/1/18

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
AP-SP PippenScottie Pippen 1 1
AP-SB BrownShannon Brown 0 0
AP-LJ JamesLeBron James 1 0
AP-AB BargnaniAndrea Bargnani 1 0
AP-SW WilliamsShelden Williams 0 0
AP-KB BryantKobe Bryant 1 1
AP-BG GordonBen Gordon 1 0
AP-CB BoshChris Bosh 0 0
AP-JS SmithJ.R. Smith 1 0
AP-DR RodmanDennis Rodman 1 1
AP-VC CarterVince Carter 1 0
AP-DN NoelDavid Noel 0 0
AP-LA AldridgeLaMarcus Aldridge 1 0
AP-BO BoshChris Bosh 0 0
AP-JG GarbajosaJorge Garbajosa 0 0
AP-JE ErvingJulius Erving 1 1
AP-PD DavisPaul Davis 0 0
AP-DA DavisBaron Davis 1 0
AP-RB BalkmanRenaldo Balkman 0 0
AP-BR RoyBrandon Roy 1 0
AP-RC CarneyRodney Carney 0 0
AP-LB BirdLarry Bird 0 1
AP-SH WilliamsShawne Williams 0 0
AP-CP PaulChris Paul 1 0
AP-MW WilliamsMarcus Williams 1 0
AP-MJ JordanMichael Jordan 1 1
AP-CS SmithCraig Smith 0 0
AP-RG GayRudy Gay 1 0
AP-TT ThomasTyrus Thomas 0 0
AP-WI WilliamsMarvin Williams 1 0
AP-MA JohnsonMagic Johnson 1 1
AP-HO OlajuwonHakeem Olajuwon 0 1
AP-EO OkaforEmeka Okafor 0 0
AP-CA AnthonyCarmelo Anthony 1 0
AP-JJ JackJarrett Jack 0 0
AP-TF FordT.J. Ford 0 0
AP-CB BillupsChauncey Billups 1 0
AP-RF FoyeRandy Foye 0 0
AP-BJ JonesBobby Jones 1 0
AP-RJ JeffersonRichard Jefferson 0 0