2002 Bowman Signature Basketball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2002 Bowman Signature Basketball Card Set

Set Name:
Bowman Signature
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Autograph-Jersey-Gold, Autograph-Jersey, Autograph, Gold

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
RB ButlerRasual Butler (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
YM MingYao Ming (Autograph-Gold) 0 1
DW WagnerDajuan Wagner (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
YM MingYao Ming (Autograph) 1 1
MH HaislipMarcus Haislip (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
VC CarterVince Carter (Gold) 0 0
KG GarnettKevin Garnett (Gold) 0 0
GG GiricekGordan Giricek (Autograph-Gold) 0 0
KB BryantKobe Bryant 0 1
MJJ JordanMichael Jordan (Gold) 0 1
JOS StocktonJohn Stockton 0 1
MO OkurMehmet Okur (Autograph-Gold) 0 0
MJJ JordanMichael Jordan 1 0
CBO BoozerCarlos Boozer (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
NH HilarioNene Hilario (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
YM MingYao Ming (Edition Parallel) 0 1
JAW WilliamsJay Williams (Gold) 0 0
CBU ButlerCaron Butler (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
NT TskitishviliNikoloz Tskitishvili (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
SO O'NealShaquille O'Neal 0 0
JD DixonJuan Dixon (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
CJA JacobsenCasey Jacobsen (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
RHU HumphreyRyan Humphrey (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
DGO GoodenDrew Gooden (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
JJ JeffriesJared Jeffries (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
CJE JefferiesChris Jefferies (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
TD DuncanTim Duncan (Gold) 0 1
DW WagnerDajuan Wagner (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
KR RushKareem Rush (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
CO OwensChris Owens (Autograph) 0 0
TP PrinceTayshaun Prince (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
VY YarbroughVincent Yarbrough (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
MD Dunleavy Jr.Mike Dunleavy Jr. (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
CW WilcoxChris Wilcox (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
SC ClancySam Clancy (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
TLM McGradyTracy McGrady (Gold) 0 1
GG GiricekGordan Giricek (Autograph) 0 0
EG GinobiliManu Ginobili (Autograph-Gold) 0 1
MJA JaricMarko Jaric (Autograph) 0 0
GP PaytonGary Payton 0 1
SO O'NealShaquille O'Neal (Gold) 0 0
KB BryantKobe Bryant (Gold) 0 1
MO OkurMehmet Okur (Autograph) 0 0
AS StoudemireAmare Stoudemire (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
NH HilarioNene Hilario (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
EG GinobiliManu Ginobili (Autograph) 1 1 Buy
JAW WilliamsJay Williams 0 0
CBO BoozerCarlos Boozer (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
NT TskitishviliNikoloz Tskitishvili (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
AS StoudemireAmare Stoudemire (Autograph-Jersey) 1 0 Buy
JB BremerJ.R. Bremer (Autograph) 0 0
CBU ButlerCaron Butler (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
RA ArchibaldRobert Archibald (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
JP PargoJannero Pargo 0 0
JJ JeffriesJared Jeffries (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
CJA JacobsenCasey Jacobsen (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
TD DuncanTim Duncan 0 1
DD DickauDan Dickau 0 0
JWE WelschJiri Welsch (Autograph-Gold) 0 0
CJE JefferiesChris Jefferies (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
TS SlayTamar Slay (Autograph) 0 0
PSA SavovicPredrag Savovic (Autograph-Jersey) 0 0
KR RushKareem Rush (Autograph-Jersey-Gold) 0 0
CT TrybanskiCezary Trybanski (Autograph-Gold) 0 0