2023 Topps Xpectations Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2023 Topps Xpectations Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Xpectations Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Motherboard Gold 1/1, Circuit Citrus, Iridescent, Crackle, Plasma Pink, Cyber Cyan

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
XAER RuizEsteury Ruiz (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XABM MillerBobby Miller (Crackle) 0 0
XAJJ JungJosh Jung (Iridescent) 0 0
XADW WatersDrew Waters (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XANG GormanNolan Gorman (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XATC CasasTriston Casas (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XAAR RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XATC CasasTriston Casas (Crackle) 0 0
XARA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Plasma Pink) 0 0 Buy
XABK KennedyBuddy Kennedy 0 0
XABM MillerBobby Miller (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAGA MitchellGarrett Mitchell (Iridescent) 0 0
XAGR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAJW WiemerJoey Wiemer 0 0
XAER RuizEsteury Ruiz (Iridescent) 0 0
XARG GreeneRiley Greene (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XANO GarciaparraNomar Garciaparra (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAWB BensonWill Benson (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XAAV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Iridescent) 0 0
XAGA MitchellGarrett Mitchell (Crackle) 0 0
XARD DeversRafael Devers (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAGH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XAGH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Iridescent) 0 0
XAMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XAJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XABG TurangBrice Turang 0 0
XAHB BrownHunter Brown (Iridescent) 0 0
XABB BatyBrett Baty (Iridescent) 0 0
XAAR RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XARG GreeneRiley Greene (Iridescent) 0 0
XATC CasasTriston Casas (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAHB BrownHunter Brown 0 0
XAFA AlvarezFrancisco Alvarez (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAKC CarpenterKerry Carpenter (Crackle) 0 0
XAGM MorenoGabriel Moreno (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XABG TurangBrice Turang (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAAV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XABM MillerBobby Miller (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAWB BensonWill Benson (Iridescent) 0 0
XASS SteerSpencer Steer (Crackle) 0 0
XATB BradleyTaj Bradley (Iridescent) 0 0
XAJJ JungJosh Jung 0 0
XANG GormanNolan Gorman 0 0
XAKS SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XAGR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Crackle) 0 0
XABN NaylorBo Naylor (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XABT ThompsonBubba Thompson (Crackle) 0 0
XACC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XABB BatyBrett Baty (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XASS SteerSpencer Steer (Iridescent) 0 0
XAMA AmayaMiguel Amaya (Crackle) 0 0
XAJJ JungJosh Jung (Crackle) 0 0
XACM MorelChristopher Morel (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAJA AssadJavier Assad (Crackle) 0 0
XABS StottBryson Stott (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XARG GreeneRiley Greene (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XACC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Iridescent) 0 0 Buy
XAJO OutmanJames Outman (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XASL LangeliersShea Langeliers (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAMH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Crackle) 0 0
XABN NaylorBo Naylor (Iridescent) 0 0
XAJY BledayJJ Bleday (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XAMV VientosMark Vientos (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XARG GreeneRiley Greene (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XAJD DownsJeter Downs (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XABT ThompsonBubba Thompson 0 0
XACL MitchellCal Mitchell (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XASS SteerSpencer Steer (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XASS SteerSpencer Steer (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAMH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XAJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Crackle) 1 0
XAMH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Iridescent) 0 0
XADW WatersDrew Waters (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XANJ JonesNolan Jones 0 0
XAJJ JungJosh Jung (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XADW WatersDrew Waters (Crackle) 0 0
XANG GormanNolan Gorman (Crackle) 1 0
XATC CasasTriston Casas (Iridescent) 0 0
XATC CasasTriston Casas (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAOP PerazaOswald Peraza (Crackle) 0 0 Buy
XADW WatersDrew Waters (Iridescent) 0 0
XAMV VientosMark Vientos (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAGA MitchellGarrett Mitchell (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XARG GreeneRiley Greene (Crackle) 0 0
XAJO OutmanJames Outman (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAER RuizEsteury Ruiz (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAJA AssadJavier Assad (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XANJ JonesNolan Jones (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XAVG GrissomVaughn Grissom (Iridescent) 0 0
XAAV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAVG GrissomVaughn Grissom (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XARD DeversRafael Devers (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAGH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAER RuizEsteury Ruiz (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAAR RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XXJJ JungJosh Jung (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XABB BatyBrett Baty (Crackle) 0 0
XAFA AlvarezFrancisco Alvarez (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XARD DeversRafael Devers (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XAIS SuzukiIchiro (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XAGR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez 0 0
XAMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAKC CarpenterKerry Carpenter 0 0
XABG TurangBrice Turang (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAGM MorenoGabriel Moreno (Iridescent) 0 0
XABG TurangBrice Turang (Crackle) 0 0
XANJ JonesNolan Jones (Crackle) 0 0
XARG GreeneRiley Greene (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAOG GonzalezOscar Gonzalez (Crackle) 0 0
XAJD DownsJeter Downs (Crackle) 0 0
XANG GormanNolan Gorman (Iridescent) 0 0
XAKC CarpenterKerry Carpenter (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAGM MorenoGabriel Moreno (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XABM MillerBobby Miller (Iridescent) 0 0
XABT ThompsonBubba Thompson (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XACC CarrollCorbin Carroll 0 0
XAJY BledayJJ Bleday (Iridescent) 0 0
XASS SteerSpencer Steer (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAGA MitchellGarrett Mitchell 0 0
XAJJ JungJosh Jung (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XANG GormanNolan Gorman (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAHB BrownHunter Brown (Crackle) 0 0
XABN NaylorBo Naylor (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XAMV VientosMark Vientos (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XACC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Crackle) 0 0
XAJO OutmanJames Outman (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XARG GreeneRiley Greene 0 0 Buy
XAMH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAGR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Iridescent) 0 0
XAJM MenesesJoey Meneses (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XACM MorelChristopher Morel (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XAJM MenesesJoey Meneses (Crackle) 0 0
XAJD DownsJeter Downs (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XABS StottBryson Stott (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAWB BensonWill Benson (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XACC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XASS SteerSpencer Steer 0 0
XAMH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAGR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XAKS SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XAMV VientosMark Vientos (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XASS SteerSpencer Steer (Motherboard Gold 1/1) 0 0
XACM MorelChristopher Morel (Iridescent) 0 0
XAAV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XAJI IndiaJonathan India (Plasma Pink) 0 0
XACC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XATB BradleyTaj Bradley (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
XATB BradleyTaj Bradley (Cyber Cyan) 0 0
XANO GarciaparraNomar Garciaparra 0 0
XANP PrattoNick Pratto 0 0
XANG GormanNolan Gorman (Circuit Citrus) 0 0
35 VientosMark Vientos (Iridescent) 0 0
35 VientosMark Vientos 0 0
35 VientosMark Vientos (Crackle) 0 0