2023 Topps Brooklyn Collection Autograph Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2023 Topps Brooklyn Collection Autograph Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Brooklyn Collection Autograph
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Black, Gold, Blue, Red, Orange, Purple

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
PG GoldschmidtPaul Goldschmidt (Gold) 0 0
GMO MorenoGabriel Moreno (Red) 0 0
TH HunterTorii Hunter (Gold) 0 0
TC CasasTriston Casas (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
MY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida 0 0
RC CarewRod Carew (Orange) 0 0
BB BuxtonByron Buxton 0 0
LO O'HoppeLogan O'Hoppe (Black) 0 0
JP PalmerJim Palmer (Gold) 0 0
DP PedroiaDustin Pedroia (Blue) 0 0
XB BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
SS StriderSpencer Strider (Purple) 0 0
CC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Red) 0 0
DWR WrightDavid Wright 0 0
GG GossageGoose Gossage (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
GMO MorenoGabriel Moreno (Purple) 0 0
ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore 0 0
MT TroutMike Trout (Purple) 0 0
JRI RiceJim Rice (Purple) 0 0
VGJ Guerrero Jr.Vladimir Guerrero Jr. (Red) 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Blue) 0 0
DS SwansonDansby Swanson (Blue) 0 0 Buy
TT TurnerTrea Turner (Orange) 0 0
PM MolitorPaul Molitor (Purple) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Black) 0 0
TF FreemanTyler Freeman (Black) 0 0
PA AlonsoPete Alonso (Blue) 0 0
NC CortesNestor Cortes (Blue) 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Purple) 0 0
BL LarkinBarry Larkin (Red) 0 0
MY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Blue) 0 0
XB BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Gold) 0 0
JP PalmerJim Palmer (Orange) 0 0
AV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Gold) 1 0
DWA WatersDrew Waters (Purple) 0 0
KS SengaKodai Senga 0 0
TG GlavineTom Glavine 0 0
DE EckersleyDennis Eckersley 0 0
CC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Orange) 0 0
TT TurnerTrea Turner (Purple) 0 0
MH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Orange) 0 0 Buy
MM MeyerMax Meyer (Orange) 0 0
JCJ ChisholmJazz Chisholm Jr. (Gold) 0 0
VGJ Guerrero Jr.Vladimir Guerrero Jr. 0 0
GMO MorenoGabriel Moreno (Black) 0 0
JRA RamirezJose Ramirez (Orange) 0 0
AV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Blue) 0 0
PM MolitorPaul Molitor (Gold) 0 0
ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Purple) 0 0
AP PujolsAlbert Pujols (Purple) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene 0 0
NC CortesNestor Cortes 0 0
JW WalkerJordan Walker (Orange) 0 0
DWA WatersDrew Waters (Red) 0 0
TG GlavineTom Glavine (Black) 0 0
FT ThomasFrank Thomas (Orange) 0 0
VGR GrissomVaughn Grissom 0 0
JC CansecoJose Canseco 0 0
ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Blue) 0 0
ARU RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Gold) 0 0
TG GlavineTom Glavine (Orange) 0 0
DJ JeterDerek Jeter 0 0
FT ThomasFrank Thomas (Red) 0 0
MH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Blue) 0 0 Buy
MM MeyerMax Meyer 0 0
JR RollinsJimmy Rollins (Gold) 0 0
DS SwansonDansby Swanson (Gold) 0 0
JRA RamirezJose Ramirez 0 0
BBA BatyBrett Baty 0 0
RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Black) 0 0
NC CortesNestor Cortes (Purple) 0 0
AV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Purple) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Gold) 0 0
NJ JonesNolan Jones (Blue) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes 0 0
JR RollinsJimmy Rollins (Black) 0 0
VGR GrissomVaughn Grissom (Black) 0 0
VGR GrissomVaughn Grissom (Gold) 0 0
JJ JungJosh Jung (Blue) 0 0
FA AlvarezFrancisco Alvarez (Orange) 0 0
ARU RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Purple) 0 0
TR RainesTim Raines (Blue) 0 0
DM MattinglyDon Mattingly 0 0 Buy
DWA WatersDrew Waters 0 0
GG GossageGoose Gossage 0 0
SS StriderSpencer Strider (Gold) 0 0
MO OlsonMatt Olson (Black) 0 0
ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Orange) 0 0
JRE ReyesJose Reyes (Black) 0 0
RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Blue) 0 0
WC ClarkWill Clark 1 0
JRE ReyesJose Reyes (Orange) 0 0
FT ThomasFrank Thomas 0 0
CC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Blue) 0 0
RC CarewRod Carew (Black) 0 0
BB BuxtonByron Buxton (Blue) 0 0
OS SmithOzzie Smith 0 0
PA AlonsoPete Alonso (Orange) 0 0
KL LoftonKenny Lofton (Black) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Orange) 0 0
WB BoggsWade Boggs (Blue) 0 0
JR RollinsJimmy Rollins (Orange) 0 0
FA AlvarezFrancisco Alvarez (Purple) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. 0 0
TT TurnerTrea Turner 0 0
DM MattinglyDon Mattingly (Gold) 1 0
OCO ColasOscar Colas (Purple) 0 0
XB BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Blue) 0 0
MT TroutMike Trout 0 0
JV VottoJoey Votto 0 0
MP PiazzaMike Piazza (Orange) 0 0
KS SengaKodai Senga (Red) 0 0
KST StowersKyle Stowers (Purple) 0 0
ARU RutschmanAdley Rutschman 0 0
RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Orange) 0 0 Buy
JRE ReyesJose Reyes (Gold) 0 0
NJ JonesNolan Jones (Gold) 0 0
RC CarewRod Carew (Blue) 0 0
BBA BatyBrett Baty (Orange) 0 0
BL LarkinBarry Larkin (Gold) 0 0
RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Purple) 0 0
MT TroutMike Trout (Blue) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Purple) 0 0
WB BoggsWade Boggs (Orange) 0 0
JROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez 0 0
JC CansecoJose Canseco (Black) 0 0
JW WalkerJordan Walker 0 0
VG GuerreroVladimir Guerrero (Gold) 0 0
TR RainesTim Raines (Gold) 0 0
OP PerazaOswald Peraza 0 0
DM MattinglyDon Mattingly (Purple) 0 0
JJ JungJosh Jung (Gold) 0 0
JV VottoJoey Votto (Gold) 0 0
RHO HoskinsRhys Hoskins (Gold) 0 0
KT TuckerKyle Tucker (Gold) 0 0
LO O'HoppeLogan O'Hoppe (Orange) 0 0
FT ThomasFrank Thomas (Gold) 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Gold) 0 0
JROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Orange) 0 0
AV VolpeAnthony Volpe 1 0
DM MattinglyDon Mattingly (Orange) 0 0
RCL ClemensRoger Clemens (Red) 0 0
BBA BatyBrett Baty (Gold) 0 0
JC CansecoJose Canseco (Blue) 0 0
DP PedroiaDustin Pedroia (Orange) 0 0
DE EckersleyDennis Eckersley (Orange) 0 0
JV VottoJoey Votto (Blue) 0 0
MT TroutMike Trout (Red) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman 0 0
XB BogaertsXander Bogaerts 0 0
JW WalkerJordan Walker (Black) 0 0
JD DownsJeter Downs 0 0
DS SwansonDansby Swanson (Black) 0 0
VGR GrissomVaughn Grissom (Red) 0 0
OP PerazaOswald Peraza (Gold) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Blue) 0 0
JCJ ChisholmJazz Chisholm Jr. (Purple) 0 0
TH HunterTorii Hunter (Blue) 0 0
LO O'HoppeLogan O'Hoppe (Gold) 0 0
ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Gold) 0 0
WC ClarkWill Clark (Orange) 0 0
JV VottoJoey Votto (Purple) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Gold) 0 0
DP PedroiaDustin Pedroia (Purple) 0 0
ET TovarEzequiel Tovar 0 0
SS StriderSpencer Strider (Red) 0 0
OS SmithOzzie Smith (Blue) 0 0
GG GossageGoose Gossage (Purple) 0 0
TH HunterTorii Hunter 0 0
TC CasasTriston Casas (Orange) 0 0
MY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Purple) 0 0
CB BiggioCraig Biggio (Purple) 0 0
NJ JonesNolan Jones (Black) 0 0
KT TuckerKyle Tucker (Red) 0 0
JP PalmerJim Palmer (Black) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Orange) 0 0
XB BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Orange) 0 0
CB BiggioCraig Biggio (Orange) 0 0
DW WinfieldDave Winfield (Blue) 0 0
WC ClarkWill Clark (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
MH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Red) 0 0
MO OlsonMatt Olson (Red) 0 0
JRI RiceJim Rice (Blue) 0 0
VG GuerreroVladimir Guerrero (Purple) 0 0
DE EckersleyDennis Eckersley (Gold) 0 0
DP PedroiaDustin Pedroia (Gold) 0 0
TT TurnerTrea Turner (Blue) 0 0
SS StriderSpencer Strider (Blue) 0 0
PG GoldschmidtPaul Goldschmidt (Blue) 0 0
JRA RamirezJose Ramirez (Purple) 0 0
MH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Gold) 0 0
PA AlonsoPete Alonso 0 0
MY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Red) 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Orange) 0 0
BL LarkinBarry Larkin (Black) 0 0
MO OlsonMatt Olson (Blue) 0 0
JJ JungJosh Jung (Orange) 0 0
JP PalmerJim Palmer 0 0
RF FingersRollie Fingers (Blue) 0 0
PM MolitorPaul Molitor (Orange) 0 0 Buy
TC CasasTriston Casas (Purple) 0 0
CC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Purple) 0 0
DWR WrightDavid Wright (Gold) 0 0
OP PerazaOswald Peraza (Orange) 0 0
MH Harris IIMichael Harris II 0 0
MM MeyerMax Meyer (Black) 0 0
KST StowersKyle Stowers 0 0
VGJ Guerrero Jr.Vladimir Guerrero Jr. (Purple) 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Red) 0 0
DWA WatersDrew Waters (Blue) 0 0
KS SengaKodai Senga (Gold) 0 0
PM MolitorPaul Molitor (Black) 0 0
KST StowersKyle Stowers (Blue) 0 0
VGR GrissomVaughn Grissom (Blue) 0 0
PA AlonsoPete Alonso (Gold) 0 0
NC CortesNestor Cortes (Gold) 0 0
TH HunterTorii Hunter (Black) 0 0
JW WalkerJordan Walker (Purple) 0 0
CB BiggioCraig Biggio (Black) 0 0
RF FingersRollie Fingers (Gold) 0 0
FT ThomasFrank Thomas (Blue) 0 0
JPE PenaJeremy Pena (Orange) 0 0
AV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Orange) 0 0
ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Black) 0 0
ARU RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Blue) 0 0
TG GlavineTom Glavine (Blue) 0 0
DE EckersleyDennis Eckersley (Blue) 0 0
FT ThomasFrank Thomas (Purple) 0 0
MH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Black) 0 0 Buy
MM MeyerMax Meyer (Gold) 0 0
JR RollinsJimmy Rollins 0 0
VGJ Guerrero Jr.Vladimir Guerrero Jr. (Orange) 0 0
GMO MorenoGabriel Moreno (Orange) 0 0
JRA RamirezJose Ramirez (Blue) 0 0
AV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Red) 0 0 Buy
RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. 0 0
MP PiazzaMike Piazza (Red) 0 0
AV VolpeAnthony Volpe (Black) 0 0
PG GoldschmidtPaul Goldschmidt 0 0
NJ JonesNolan Jones (Red) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Red) 0 0
JW WalkerJordan Walker (Red) 0 0
GG GossageGoose Gossage (Gold) 0 0
VG GuerreroVladimir Guerrero (Black) 0 0
JW WalkerJordan Walker (Gold) 0 0
VGR GrissomVaughn Grissom (Orange) 0 0
JJ JungJosh Jung 0 0
FA AlvarezFrancisco Alvarez (Blue) 0 0
ARU RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Orange) 0 0
TR RainesTim Raines 0 0
DJ JeterDerek Jeter (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
PM MolitorPaul Molitor (Red) 0 0
SS StriderSpencer Strider 0 0
MO OlsonMatt Olson 0 0
LO O'HoppeLogan O'Hoppe 0 0
JRE ReyesJose Reyes 0 0
XB BogaertsXander Bogaerts (Black) 0 0
THE HenryTommy Henry (Black) 0 0
JRA RamirezJose Ramirez (Gold) 0 0
MY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Orange) 0 0
CC CarrollCorbin Carroll 0 0
RC CarewRod Carew 0 0
OS SmithOzzie Smith (Purple) 0 0
BB BuxtonByron Buxton (Black) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Blue) 0 0
OP PerazaOswald Peraza (Blue) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Red) 0 0
MR RiveraMariano Rivera 0 0
WB BoggsWade Boggs (Gold) 0 0
JPE PenaJeremy Pena (Gold) 0 0
FA AlvarezFrancisco Alvarez (Gold) 0 0
ARU RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Red) 0 0
TR RainesTim Raines (Red) 0 0
DM MattinglyDon Mattingly (Blue) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Red) 0 0
JC CansecoJose Canseco (Gold) 0 0
SS StriderSpencer Strider (Orange) 0 0
MP PiazzaMike Piazza 0 0
KL LoftonKenny Lofton (Gold) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Gold) 0 0
RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Red) 0 0
DS SwansonDansby Swanson 0 0
JRE ReyesJose Reyes (Blue) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Purple) 0 0
NJ JonesNolan Jones (Purple) 0 0
RC CarewRod Carew (Gold) 0 0
BB BuxtonByron Buxton (Gold) 0 0
OS SmithOzzie Smith (Orange) 0 0
PM MolitorPaul Molitor 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Gold) 0 0
WB BoggsWade Boggs 0 0
JR RollinsJimmy Rollins (Red) 0 0
GMO MorenoGabriel Moreno (Blue) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Orange) 0 0
VG GuerreroVladimir Guerrero (Blue) 0 0
OCO ColasOscar Colas (Gold) 0 0
DJ JeterDerek Jeter (Purple) 0 0
JJ JungJosh Jung (Black) 0 0
TC CasasTriston Casas (Blue) 0 0
MR RiveraMariano Rivera (Orange) 0 0
KS SengaKodai Senga (Blue) 0 0
KT TuckerKyle Tucker (Blue) 0 0
TG GlavineTom Glavine (Gold) 0 0
KT TuckerKyle Tucker (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
JRI RiceJim Rice (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
AP PujolsAlbert Pujols 0 0
NJ JonesNolan Jones 0 0
RCL ClemensRoger Clemens 0 0
BBA BatyBrett Baty (Blue) 0 0
BL LarkinBarry Larkin 0 0
RC CarewRod Carew (Purple) 0 0
TC CasasTriston Casas 0 0
MT TroutMike Trout (Orange) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Blue) 0 0
WC ClarkWill Clark (Blue) 0 0
JROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Purple) 0 0
JCJ ChisholmJazz Chisholm Jr. (Orange) 0 0
VG GuerreroVladimir Guerrero (Orange) 0 0
TT TurnerTrea Turner (Gold) 0 0
OP PerazaOswald Peraza (Black) 0 0
DP PedroiaDustin Pedroia (Red) 0 0
JJ JungJosh Jung (Purple) 0 0
RHO HoskinsRhys Hoskins (Orange) 0 0
KT TuckerKyle Tucker (Orange) 0 0
MH Harris IIMichael Harris II (Purple) 0 0
GMO MorenoGabriel Moreno 0 0
WC ClarkWill Clark (Purple) 0 0
JV VottoJoey Votto (Orange) 0 0
BBA BatyBrett Baty (Black) 0 0
DM MattinglyDon Mattingly (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Purple) 0 0
RF FingersRollie Fingers 0 0
BL LarkinBarry Larkin (Orange) 0 0
JC CansecoJose Canseco (Orange) 0 0
FA AlvarezFrancisco Alvarez (Red) 0 0
AP PujolsAlbert Pujols (Blue) 0 0
TC CasasTriston Casas (Gold) 0 0
MY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Gold) 0 0
CB BiggioCraig Biggio 0 0 Buy
VGR GrissomVaughn Grissom (Purple) 0 0
KS SengaKodai Senga (Purple) 0 0
JP PalmerJim Palmer (Blue) 0 0
OCO ColasOscar Colas (Black) 0 0
WB BoggsWade Boggs (Purple) 0 0
OS SmithOzzie Smith (Gold) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Red) 0 0
JCJ ChisholmJazz Chisholm Jr. (Black) 0 0
THE HenryTommy Henry (Red) 0 0
LO O'HoppeLogan O'Hoppe (Blue) 0 0
MO OlsonMatt Olson (Gold) 0 0
JRI RiceJim Rice (Gold) 0 0
JV VottoJoey Votto (Red) 0 0
VG GuerreroVladimir Guerrero 0 0
CC CarrollCorbin Carroll (Gold) 0 0
DP PedroiaDustin Pedroia 0 0
ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Gold) 0 0
SS StriderSpencer Strider (Black) 0 0