2023 Panini Prizm Signatures Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2023 Panini Prizm Signatures Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Panini Prizm Signatures
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Ruby Wave, Orange Wave, Gold Shimmer, Silver, Gold, Gold Vinyl 1/1, Green Scope, Hyper, Purple, Ice, Blue Shimmer

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
SIGSS SuzukiSeiya Suzuki (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Purple) 0 0 Buy
SIGJR RojasJohan Rojas (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGZG GelofZack Gelof (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez (Hyper) 0 0
SIGAZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Purple) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Purple) 0 0
SIGKM ManzardoKyle Manzardo (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGEP PereiraEverson Pereira (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGDW WhiteOwen White (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Hyper) 0 0
SIGEJ JulienEdouard Julien (Red) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Silver) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida 0 0
SIGRH HassellRobert Hassell (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Silver) 0 0
SIGTS SuganoTomoyuki Sugano (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Purple) 0 0
SIGDJ JonesDruw Jones (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGGM McCrayGrant McCray (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Purple) 0 0
SIGCW WilliamsCarson Williams (Gold) 0 0
SIGEP PereiraEverson Pereira (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Red) 0 0
SIGAB BargerAddison Barger (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGHD DavisHenry Davis (Purple) 0 0
SIGDM MurphyDale Murphy (Gold) 0 0
SIGTJ JohnsonTermarr Johnson (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGRD DonconRayne Doncon (Hyper) 0 0
SIGBP PfaadtBrandon Pfaadt (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGTB BlackTyler Black (Gold) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGAB BargerAddison Barger (Silver) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGNG GonzalesNick Gonzales (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGKA AlcantaraKevin Alcantara (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGTB BlackTyler Black (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez (Silver) 0 0
SIGBR RocchioBrayan Rocchio (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Red) 0 0
SIGGM McCrayGrant McCray (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGOW WhiteOwen White (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Silver) 0 0
SIGDM MurphyDale Murphy (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGES SalasEthan Salas (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Gold) 0 0
SIGLG GonzalezLuis Gonzalez (Purple) 0 0
SIGJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Gold) 0 0
SIGEG GreenElijah Green 0 0
SIGGS StoneGavin Stone (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGDJ JonesDruw Jones (Purple) 0 0
SIGER RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Black Finite 1/1) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Gold) 0 0 Buy
SIGBL LeeBill Lee (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGJC ClaseJonatan Clase (Red) 0 0
SIGAP PagesAndy Pages (Black Gold Prizm) 0 0
SIGSS SuzukiSeiya Suzuki 0 0
SIGAA AmadorAdael Amador (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGBP PfaadtBrandon Pfaadt (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGTJ JohnsonTermarr Johnson (Gold) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGKA AlcantaraKevin Alcantara (Red) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Purple) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGKP ParadaKevin Parada (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJR RiceJim Rice (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Purple) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Red) 0 0
SIGLM MatosLuis Matos (Gold) 0 0
SIGGM McgarryGriff Mcgarry (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJC ClaseJonatan Clase (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz 1 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGDR RomoDrew Romo (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Hyper) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Orange Wave) 0 0 Buy
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Ice) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Hyper) 0 0
SIGEG GreenElijah Green (Silver) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Black Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGRH HendersonRickey Henderson (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGDJ JonesDruw Jones 0 0
SIGER RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Silver) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGBR RamosBryan Ramos (Purple) 0 0
SIGRD DonconRayne Doncon (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGGV ValeraGeorge Valera 0 0
SIGMB BuschMichael Busch (Silver Prizm) 0 0
SIGGM McCrayGrant McCray (Purple) 0 0
SIGAA AmadorAdael Amador (Purple) 0 0
SIGBR RamosBryan Ramos (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller 0 0
SIGTW WakefieldTim Wakefield (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Silver) 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGMB BuschMichael Busch 0 0
SIGTJ JohnsonTermarr Johnson (Silver) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGKA AlcantaraKevin Alcantara (Gold) 0 0
SIGJR RojasJohan Rojas (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGGG GraceffoGordon Graceffo (Gold) 0 0
SIGJL LeiterJack Leiter (Gold) 0 0
SIGDH HarrisDustin Harris (Black Finite 1/1) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Hyper) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGLM MatosLuis Matos (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGEP PereiraEverson Pereira (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBill Lee (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGYZ ZuluetaYosver Zulueta (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Ice) 0 0
SIGKA AlcantaraKevin Alcantara 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Gold) 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGTJ JohnsonTermarr Johnson (Purple) 0 0
SIGDM MurphyDale Murphy (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGER RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Purple) 0 0
SIGSS SuzukiSeiya Suzuki (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGHD DavisHenry Davis (Gold) 0 0
SIGMB BuschMichael Busch (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGJR RojasJohan Rojas (Black Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGYZ ZuluetaYosver Zulueta (Purple) 0 0
SIGCN NorbyConnor Norby (Purple) 0 0
SIGKM ManzardoKyle Manzardo (Hyper) 0 0
SIGMB BuschMichael Busch (Hyper) 0 0
SIGOC ColasOscar Colas (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGLG GonzalezLuis Gonzalez (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison (Purple) 0 0
SIGJW WiemerJoey Wiemer 0 0
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Black Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGGS StoneGavin Stone (Gold) 0 0
SIGJR RiceJim Rice (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGJR de La RosaJeremy de La Rosa (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGEG GreenElijah Green (Gold) 0 0
SIGTW WakefieldTim Wakefield (Purple) 0 0
SIGBM MayeaBrandon Mayea (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGDH HarrisDustin Harris (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee (Gold) 0 0
SIGRF FurcalRafael Furcal (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGYZ ZuluetaYosver Zulueta (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJL LeiterJack Leiter (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison (Gold) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGJL LeiterJack Leiter (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Purple) 0 0
SIGHL LeeHao-YU Lee (Purple) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Hyper) 0 0
SIGTB BradleyTaj Bradley (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGHD DavisHenry Davis (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Ice) 0 0
SIGVC ColemanVince Coleman (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Black Finite 1/1) 0 0
SIGCW WallaceCayden Wallace (White Sparkle 1/1) 0 0
SIGKP ParadaKevin Parada (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGMP PriorMark Prior (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGOC ColasOscar Colas (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGLM MatosLuis Matos (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGJC ClaseJonatan Clase 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJM MorneauJustin Morneau 0 0
SIGDM MurphyDale Murphy (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGEG GreenElijah Green (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGGV ValeraGeorge Valera (Purple) 0 0
SIGJS SalasJose Salas 0 0
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGAP PagesAndy Pages (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGJR RojasJohan Rojas 0 0
SIGVC ColemanVince Coleman (Hyper) 0 0
SIGHD DavisHenry Davis (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGRH HassellRobert Hassell (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGAZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGAP PagesAndy Pages (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGKM ManzardoKyle Manzardo (Purple) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Purple) 0 0
SIGCD DoughtyCade Doughty (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGTW WakefieldTim Wakefield (Silver) 0 0
SIGHL LeeHao-YU Lee (Green Scope) 0 0 Buy
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Red Wave) 0 0 Buy
SIGER RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGSS SuzukiSeiya Suzuki (Black Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGGV ValeraGeorge Valera (Gold Shimmer) 0 0 Buy
SIGCW WilliamsCarson Williams (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGLM MatosLuis Matos 0 0
SIGOM MurphyOwen Murphy (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez 0 0
SIGKP ParadaKevin Parada (Silver) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Silver) 0 0
SIGJR RiceJim Rice (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Hyper) 0 0
SIGEG GreenElijah Green (Green Scope) 0 0 Buy
SIGHD DavisHenry Davis (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Silver) 0 0
SIGBM MayeaBrandon Mayea (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGEG GreenElijah Green (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGZG GelofZack Gelof (Hyper) 0 0 Buy
SIGJL LeiterJack Leiter (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Ice) 0 0
SIGBM MayeaBrandon Mayea (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGMB BuschMichael Busch (Purple) 0 0
SIGQP PriesterQuinn Priester (Gold) 0 0
SIGDJ JonesDruw Jones (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGOM MurphyOwen Murphy (Purple) 0 0
SIGTW WakefieldTim Wakefield (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Red) 0 0
SIGJR de La RosaJeremy de La Rosa (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGCM MeadCurtis Mead (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGEJ JulienEdouard Julien (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJB BerryJacob Berry (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGCW WallaceCayden Wallace 0 0
SIGES SalasEthan Salas (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGCW WallaceCayden Wallace (Purple) 0 0
SIGTB BradleyTaj Bradley (Gold) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGCW WilliamsCarson Williams (Purple) 0 0
SIGSS SuzukiSeiya Suzuki (Black Finite 1/1) 0 0
SIGAP PagesAndy Pages (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGJR RojasJohan Rojas (Black Finite 1/1) 0 0
SIGOM MurphyOwen Murphy 0 0
SIGHL LeeHao-YU Lee (Ice) 0 0
SIGJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGES SalasEthan Salas 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGKA AlcantaraKevin Alcantara (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGEP PereiraEverson Pereira (Gold) 0 0
SIGEH HancockEmerson Hancock 0 0
SIGJR RojasJohan Rojas (Silver) 0 0
SIGEJ JulienEdouard Julien (Purple) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Gold) 0 0
SIGBP PfaadtBrandon Pfaadt 0 0
SIGDM MurphyDale Murphy (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGMP PriorMark Prior (White Sparkle 1/1) 0 0
SIGRH HassellRobert Hassell (Red) 0 0
SIGDH HarrisDustin Harris (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGQP PriesterQuinn Priester (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGEJ JulienEdouard Julien (Ice) 0 0
SIGJS ShusterJared Shuster (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGCN NorbyConnor Norby (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGEJ JulienEdouard Julien (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGAB BargerAddison Barger (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGGM McgarryGriff Mcgarry (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGDJ JonesDruw Jones (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGTJ JohnsonTermarr Johnson (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGSZ ZavalaSamuel Zavala (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee (Silver) 0 0
SIGAA AmadorAdael Amador (Ice) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Gold) 0 0
SIGJL LeiterJack Leiter (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJS SalasJose Salas (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGOC ColasOscar Colas 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Black Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez (Purple) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee (Black Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGBM MayeaBrandon Mayea (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna 0 0
SIGEP PereiraEverson Pereira (Silver) 0 0
SIGOW WhiteOwen White (Purple) 0 0
SIGKP ParadaKevin Parada (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGEJ JulienEdouard Julien 0 0
SIGTJ JohnsonTermarr Johnson (Red) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGRH HassellRobert Hassell (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Purple) 0 0 Buy
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGGM McGarryGriff McGarry (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGKA AlcantaraKevin Alcantara (Hyper) 0 0
SIGCW WilliamsCarson Williams (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGEP PereiraEverson Pereira (Purple) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Red) 0 0
SIGAW WellsAustin Wells (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJB BerryJacob Berry (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGDM MurphyDale Murphy (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGLM MatosLuis Matos (White Sparkle 1/1) 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGBP PfaadtBrandon Pfaadt (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGTJ JohnsonTermarr Johnson 0 0
SIGBM MayeaBrandon Mayea (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGAP PagesAndy Pages (Purple) 0 0
SIGKA AlcantaraKevin Alcantara (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGNG GonzalesNick Gonzales (Ice) 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGBM MayeaBrandon Mayea (Silver) 0 0
SIGLB BerkmanLance Berkman (White Sparkle 1/1) 0 0
SIGGM McgarryGriff Mcgarry (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGAP PagesAndy Pages (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGDM MurphyDale Murphy (Purple) 0 0
SIGCW WallaceCayden Wallace (Silver) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Hyper) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Purple) 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGEG GreenElijah Green (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGGS StoneGavin Stone (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGLA AcunaLuisangel Acuna (Ice) 0 0
SIGDJ JonesDruw Jones (Silver) 0 0
SIGER RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Gold) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJC ClaseJonatan Clase (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGGV ValeraGeorge Valera (Hyper) 0 0
SIGMB BuschMichael Busch (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGBR RocchioBrayan Rocchio (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGAA AmadorAdael Amador (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGBR RamosBryan Ramos (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGTJ JohnsonTermarr Johnson (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGNG GonzalesNick Gonzales (Silver) 0 0
SIGTW WakefieldTim Wakefield (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison 0 0
SIGMB BurrowsMichael Burrows (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison (Hyper) 0 0
SIGQP PriesterQuinn Priester (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGJR RodriguezJose Rodriguez 0 0
SIGCM MeadCurtis Mead (Red) 0 0
SIGBP PfaadtBrandon Pfaadt (Gold) 0 0
SIGNG GonzalesNick Gonzales 0 0
SIGCN NorbyConnor Norby (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGAZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGEP PereiraEverson Pereira 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Ice) 0 0
SIGSS SuzukiSeiya Suzuki (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGKA AlcantaraKevin Alcantara (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGEJ JulienEdouard Julien (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJC ClaseJonatan Clase (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGTB BlackTyler Black (Purple) 0 0
SIGDJ JonesDruw Jones (Gold) 0 0
SIGGG GraceffoGordon Graceffo (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Gold) 0 0
SIGRH HassellRobert Hassell (Purple) 0 0
SIGGV ValeraGeorge Valera (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGMB BurrowsMichael Burrows 0 0 Buy
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Hyper) 0 0
SIGAB BargerAddison Barger (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Black Finite 1/1) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Silver) 0 0
SIGVC ColemanVince Coleman (Gold) 0 0
SIGCN NorbyConnor Norby (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGKM ManzardoKyle Manzardo (Gold) 0 0
SIGMB BuschMichael Busch (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGLG GonzalezLuis Gonzalez (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGLB BerkmanLance Berkman (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison (Black Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJS SalasJose Salas (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Silver) 0 0
SIGGG GraceffoGordon Graceffo (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJM MorneauJustin Morneau (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGDM MurphyDale Murphy (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJL LopezJavy Lopez (Hyper) 0 0
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Silver) 0 0
SIGBM MayeaBrandon Mayea (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGMY YoshidaMasataka Yoshida (Silver) 0 0
SIGHL LeeHao-YU Lee (Silver) 0 0
SIGER RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGKH HarrisonKyle Harrison (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGJG GonzalezJuan Gonzalez (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGZG GelofZack Gelof 0 0
SIGJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Black Finite 1/1) 0 0
SIGHD DavisHenry Davis (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Silver) 0 0
SIGSS SuzukiSeiya Suzuki (Purple) 0 0
SIGHD DavisHenry Davis 0 0
SIGBP PfaadtBrandon Pfaadt (Purple Prizm) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGCC CollierCam Collier (Ice) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Red) 0 0
SIGVC ColemanVince Coleman (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGYZ ZuluetaYosver Zulueta (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGCW WallaceCayden Wallace (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGKM ManzardoKyle Manzardo (Silver) 0 0
SIGMO OrdonezMagglio Ordonez (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGOC ColasOscar Colas (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGLM MatosLuis Matos (Black Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJC ClaseJonatan Clase (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Hyper) 0 0
SIGJL LeiterJack Leiter (Purple) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Purple) 0 0
SIGEC ChavezEric Chavez (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGGV ValeraGeorge Valera (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGJR RodriguezJose Rodriguez (Black Finite 1/1) 0 0
SIGEC ChavezEric Chavez (Gold) 0 0
SIGJR RojasJohan Rojas (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGVC ColemanVince Coleman (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGCM MeadCurtis Mead 0 0
SIGDH HarrisDustin Harris (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGRF FurcalRafael Furcal (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGAZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Red) 0 0
SIGJL LeiterJack Leiter (Gold Vinyl 1/1) 0 0
SIGKM ManzardoKyle Manzardo 0 0
SIGJC ClaseJonatan Clase (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJW WiemerJoey Wiemer (Red) 0 0
SIGHL LeeHao-YU Lee (Gold) 0 0
SIGCD DoughtyCade Doughty (Purple) 0 0
SIGTB BlackTyler Black (White Sparkle 1/1) 0 0
SIGHL LeeHao-YU Lee (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGER RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Silver) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz 0 0
SIGJG GonzalezJuan Gonzalez (White Sparkle 1/1) 0 0
SIGCW WallaceCayden Wallace (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGKP ParadaKevin Parada (Gold) 0 0
SIGOC ColasOscar Colas (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGOC ColasOscar Colas (Purple) 0 0
SIGMB BuschMichael Busch (Red) 0 0
SIGRH HendersonRickey Henderson (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGKM ManzardoKyle Manzardo (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Purple) 0 0
SIGJM MorneauJustin Morneau (Silver) 0 0
SIGJDP de PaulaJosue de Paula (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGEG GreenElijah Green (Purple) 0 0
SIGGV ValeraGeorge Valera (Silver) 0 0
SIGJS SalasJose Salas (Purple) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBrooks Lee (Purple) 0 0
SIGJR RojasJohan Rojas (Hyper) 0 0
SIGVC ColemanVince Coleman (Purple) 0 0
SIGJC ClaseJonatan Clase (Gold) 0 0
SIGJC CamineroJunior Caminero (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGBM MayeaBrandon Mayea 0 0
SIGRH HendersonRickey Henderson (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Ice) 0 0
SIGMB BurrowsMichael Burrows (Red) 0 0
SIGOW WhiteOwen White (Ice) 0 0
SIGKM ManzardoKyle Manzardo (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGOM MurphyOwen Murphy (Ice) 0 0
SIGNG GonzalesNick Gonzales (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJR de La RosaJeremy de La Rosa (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGCD DoughtyCade Doughty (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGEH HancockEmerson Hancock (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGHL LeeHao-YU Lee (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJL LopezJavy Lopez (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGER RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Blue Shimmer) 0 0
SIGCM MeadCurtis Mead (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGTB BlackTyler Black (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGDO OrtizDavid Ortiz (Hyper) 0 0
SIGCW WilliamsCarson Williams (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGAB BargerAddison Barger (Purple) 0 0
SIGJD DominguezJasson Dominguez (Gold) 0 0
SIGKP ParadaKevin Parada 0 0
SIGJC ClaseJonatan Clase (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGJR RiceJim Rice (Purple) 0 0
SIGJS SalasJose Salas (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGHD DavisHenry Davis (Silver) 0 0
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGBM MillerBobby Miller (Ice) 0 0
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Green Ice) 0 0
SIGEP PereiraEverson Pereira (Red) 0 0
SIGZG GelofZack Gelof (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGJR RodriguezJose Rodriguez (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGEJ JulienEdouard Julien (Gold) 0 0
SIGBM MayeaBrandon Mayea (Pink Ice) 0 0
SIGSJ JonesSpencer Jones (Gold Shimmer) 0 0
SIGMB BuschMichael Busch (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGRH HendersonRickey Henderson (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGRH HendersonRickey Henderson (Purple) 0 1
SIGOM MurphyOwen Murphy (Silver) 0 0
SIGEC de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Green Scope) 0 0 Buy
SIGJW WilliamsJett Williams (Silver) 0 0
SIGBL LeeBill Lee (Ruby Wave) 0 0
SIGEH HancockEmerson Hancock (Purple) 0 0
SIGJR RojasJohan Rojas (Purple) 0 0
SIGCM MayoCoby Mayo (Gold Shimmer) 0 0 Buy
SIGEJ JulienEdouard Julien (Green Scope) 0 0
SIGJB BerryJacob Berry (Gold) 0 0
SIGAA AmadorAdael Amador 0 0
SIGES SalasEthan Salas (Silver) 0 0
SIGCW WilliamsCarson Williams (Black Gold) 0 0
SIGTB BlackTyler Black (Orange Wave) 0 0
SIGJH HollidayJackson Holliday (Gold) 0 0
SIGDJ JonesDruw Jones (Ruby Wave) 0 0