2023 Leaf Trinity Clear Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2023 Leaf Trinity Clear Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Leaf Trinity Clear Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Bronze, Platinum, Purple, Green, Gold 1/1, Red, Black-Platinum 1/1, Black-Red 1/1, Black-Gold 1/1, Black-Purple 1/1,

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
CANK1 KurtzNick Kurtz (Black-Red 1/1) 0 0
CADC1 CummingDylan Cumming (Platinum) 0 0
CANK1 KurtzNick Kurtz (Platinum) 0 0
CADM1 MurphyDale Murphy (Green) 0 0
CAPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Bronze) 1 0
CAEC1 de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Gold 1/1) 0 0
CARL1 LowderRhett Lowder (Black-Purple 1/1) 0 0
CAEH1 HollidayEthan Holliday (Bronze) 0 0
CATB1 BazzanaTravis Bazzana (Platinum) 0 0
CAJC3 ChourioJackson Chourio (Green) 0 0
CATW2 WhiteTommy White (Green) 0 0
CAJHL Hoo LeeJung Hoo Lee (Black-Platinum 1/1) 0 0
CAVH1 HoneycuttVance Honeycutt (Bronze) 0 0
CALM2 MatosLuis Matos (Green) 0 0
CAYML LinYU-Min Lin (Platinum) 0 0
CAMS2 SchmidtMike Schmidt (Red) 0 0
CABG1 GuerreroBrailer Guerrero (Platinum) 0 0
CANK1 KurtzNick Kurtz (Bronze) 0 0
CADG1 GoodenDwight Gooden (Purple) 0 0
CAOC1 CruzOneil Cruz (Black-Gold 1/1) 0 0
CAEC1 de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Bronze) 0 0
CAPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Platinum) 0 0
CAEC1 de La CruzElly de La Cruz (Platinum) 0 0
CATB1 BazzanaTravis Bazzana (Green) 0 0
CAES2 SalasEthan Salas (Red) 0 0
CATP1 PeeteTai Peete (Black-Red 1/1) 0 0
CAJC3 ChourioJackson Chourio (Platinum) 0 0
CATW2 WhiteTommy White (Purple) 0 0
CAJHL Hoo LeeJung Hoo Lee (Red) 0 0
CAVH1 HoneycuttVance Honeycutt (Green) 0 0
CAMS1 ShawMatt Shaw (Platinum) 0 0
CAPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Green) 0 0
CAAN1 NimmalaArjun Nimmala (Bronze) 0 0