2023 Leaf Metal 1st Round Gems Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2023 Leaf Metal 1st Round Gems Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Leaf Metal 1st Round Gems Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Earth 1/1, Blue Wave, Green Crystal 1/1, Pink Mojo, Red Mojo 1/1, Silver Wave, Black Wave, Red, Red Pulsar 1/1, Blue, Black Wave, Orange

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
1RGBM2 MitchellBlake Mitchell (Purple Mojo) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Green Wave) 0 0
1RGRL1 LowderRhett Lowder (Pink) 0 0
1RGNS1 SchanuelNolan Schanuel (Sky Pulsar 1/1) 0 0
1RGGL1 LombardGeorge Lombard (Red Mojo 1/1) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Blue Wave) 0 0
1RGDH1 HeadDillon Head (Sky Mojo 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Silver Crystal) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Black) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Silver) 0 0
1RGJW1 WalkerJordan Walker (Black Wave) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Red Flood 1/1) 0 0
1RGGL1 LombardGeorge Lombard (Silver Pulsar) 0 0
1RGDH1 HeadDillon Head (Earth 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Fire Wave) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Gold Wave 1/1) 0 0
1RGKW1 WatsonKahlil Watson (Red Pulsar 1/1) 0 0
1RGRL1 LowderRhett Lowder (Sky 1/1) 0 0
1RGHW1 WaldrepHurston Waldrep (Orange) 0 0
1RGGL1 LombardGeorge Lombard (Galaxy Crystal 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Silver Mojo) 0 0
1RGNS1 SchanuelNolan Schanuel (Earth Mojo 1/1) 0 0
1RGRL1 LowderRhett Lowder (Gold Pulsar 1/1) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Black Wave) 0 0
1RGBM2 MitchellBlake Mitchell (Purple) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Gold 1/1) 0 0
1RGJW1 WalkerJordan Walker (Water Crystal) 0 0
1RGHW1 WaldrepHurston Waldrep (Green) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Orange) 0 0
1RGGL1 LombardGeorge Lombard (Galaxy Mojo 1/1) 0 0
1RGJW1 WalkerJordan Walker (Pink Mojo) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Orange Crystal) 0 0
1RGMS1 ShawMatt Shaw (Galaxy 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Black Wave) 0 0
1RGBW1 WilkenBrock Wilken (Pink Wave) 0 0
1RGMS1 ShawMatt Shaw (Red Flood 1/1) 0 0
1RGJW2 WilsonJacob Wilson (Orange Crystal) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Purple) 0 0
1RGAN1 NimmalaArjun Nimmala (Fire) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Galaxy 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Fire Crystal) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Earth Wave 1/1) 0 0
1RGKG1 GeorgeKendall George (Silver Pulsar) 0 0
1RGDS1 SusacDaniel Susac (Blue Wave) 0 0
1RGNS1 SchanuelNolan Schanuel (Pink) 0 0
1RGBH1 HouseBrady House (Red Flood 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Gold Pulsar 1/1) 0 0
1RGNS1 SchanuelNolan Schanuel (Galaxy Pulsar 1/1) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Silver Pulsar) 0 0
1RGEBJ Bradfield Jr.Enrique Bradfield Jr. (Pink Mojo) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Blue Crystal) 0 0
1RGBW1 WilkenBrock Wilken (Gold Crystal 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Pink) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Pink Wave) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Fire Crystal) 0 0
1RGGL1 LombardGeorge Lombard (Silver Wave) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Pink Crystal) 0 0
1RGGL1 LombardGeorge Lombard (Fire Mojo) 0 0
1RGBM2 MitchellBlake Mitchell (Blue Wave) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Blue) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Red Wave) 0 0
1RGJW1 WalkerJordan Walker (Red) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Silver Wave) 0 0
1RGGL1 LombardGeorge Lombard (Purple Wave) 0 0
1RGDS1 SusacDaniel Susac (Pink Crystal) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Gold Wave 1/1) 0 0
1RGTF1 FloydTy Floyd (Red Wave) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Black Pulsar) 0 0
1RGMS1 ShawMatt Shaw (Blue) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Earth Mojo 1/1) 0 0
1RGJW1 WalkerJordan Walker (Black Crystal) 0 0
1RGHW1 WaldrepHurston Waldrep (Fire Wave) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Sky Mojo 1/1) 0 0
1RGRC1 CrawfordReggie Crawford (Orange) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Galaxy Wave 1/1) 0 0
1RGTT1 TroyTommy Troy (Silver Pulsar) 0 0
1RGJW1 WalkerJordan Walker (Gold 1/1) 0 0
1RGHW1 WaldrepHurston Waldrep (Pink Mojo) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Gold Pulsar 1/1) 0 0
1RGJW1 WalkerJordan Walker (Water Wave) 0 0
1RGAN1 NimmalaArjun Nimmala (Green Crystal) 0 0
1RGJW1 WalkerJordan Walker (Galaxy Mojo 1/1) 0 0
1RGJW2 WilsonJacob Wilson (Gold 1/1) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Orange Pulsar 1/1) 0 0
1RGMS1 ShawMatt Shaw (Gold Wave 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Blue Mojo) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Blue Crystal) 0 0
1RGMS1 ShawMatt Shaw (Fire Mojo) 0 0
1RGKG1 GeorgeKendall George (Pink) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Earth 1/1) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Red Crystal 1/1) 0 0
1RGBH1 HouseBrady House (Sky Crystal 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Gold 1/1) 0 0
1RGAV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Purple) 0 0
1RGNM1 MeyerNoble Meyer (Silver) 0 0
1RGMS1 ShawMatt Shaw (Orange) 0 0
1RGEBJ Bradfield Jr.Enrique Bradfield Jr. (Green Crystal 1/1) 0 0
1RGPS1 SkenesPaul Skenes (Black Mojo) 0 0