2022 Topps Transcendent VIP Party Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2022 Topps Transcendent VIP Party Autographs Baseball Card Set

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Topps Transcendent VIP Party Autographs
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
VIPFF FreemanFreddie Freeman 0 0
VIPDS SandersDeion Sanders 0 0
VIPHM MatsuiHideki Matsui 0 0
VIPJK KelenicJarred Kelenic 0 0
VIPJS SotoJuan Soto 0 0
VIPKT TuckerKyle Tucker 0 0
VIPOC CruzOneil Cruz 0 0
VIPSHO OhtaniShohei Ohtani 0 0
VIPDM MattinglyDon Mattingly 0 0
VIPAB BeltreAdrian Beltre 0 1
VIPVI BrujanVidal Brujan 0 0
VIPWF FrancoWander Franco 0 0
VIPJA DuranJarren Duran 0 0
VIPFTJ Tatis Jr.Fernando Tatis Jr. 0 0
VIPJB BenchJohnny Bench 0 1
VIPJRO RodriguezJulio Rodriguez 0 0
VIPJSO SotoJuan Soto 0 0
VIPMT TroutMike Trout 0 0
VIPST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson 0 0
VIPPA AlonsoPete Alonso 0 0
VIPMZ MazeroskiBill Mazeroski 0 1
VIPGS SheetsGavin Sheets 0 0
VIPRN ArozarenaRandy Arozarena 0 0