2022 Topps Pristine Fresh Faces Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2022 Topps Pristine Fresh Faces Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Pristine Fresh Faces Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Orange Refractor, Gold Refractor, Superfractor 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
FFA-KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Orange Refractor) 0 0
FFA-RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle 0 0
FFA-MM ManningMatt Manning 0 0
FFA-WF FrancoWander Franco 0 0
FFA-RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
FFA-JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Gold Refractor) 0 0
FFA-CM MizeCasey Mize (Gold Refractor) 0 0
FFA-JDN DuranJarren Duran (Orange Refractor) 0 0
FFA-RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Orange Refractor) 0 0
FFA-CM MizeCasey Mize 0 0
FFA-BM MarshBrandon Marsh 0 0
FFA-JBU BurgerJake Burger 0 0
FFA-JDN DuranJarren Duran (Gold Refractor) 0 0
FFA-KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Gold Refractor) 0 0
FFA-KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes 0 0
FFA-KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
FFA-VB BrujanVidal Brujan (Gold Refractor) 0 0
FFA-NM MadrigalNick Madrigal 0 0
FFA-WF FrancoWander Franco (Orange Refractor) 0 0
FFA-AK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Orange Refractor) 0 0
FFA-JDN DuranJarren Duran 0 0
FFA-DC CarlsonDylan Carlson 0 0
FFA-AK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff 0 0
FFA-BM MarshBrandon Marsh (Orange Refractor) 0 0
FFA-DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Gold Refractor) 0 0
FFA-LW WilliamsLuke Williams 0 0
FFA-JBU BurgerJake Burger (Gold Refractor) 0 0
FFA-JK KelenicJarred Kelenic 0 0
FFA-JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Orange Refractor) 0 0