2022 Topps Clearly Authentic Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2022 Topps Clearly Authentic Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Clearly Authentic Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Black, Blue, Green, Red

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
JG GrayJosiah Gray 0 0
STOT StottBryson Stott 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene (Orange) 0 0
JM McCarthyJake McCarthy (Red) 0 0
WF FrancoWander Franco (Red) 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene (Red) 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz 0 0
AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Red) 0 0
JB BurgerJake Burger (Black) 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Green) 0 0
JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Blue) 0 0 Buy
JME MeyersJake Meyers (Purple) 0 0
AJ JacksonAndre Jackson 0 0
JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Purple) 0 0
SBE BeerSeth Beer (Red) 0 0
RA AdamsRiley Adams 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Blue) 0 0
JB BurgerJake Burger (Green) 0 0
WF FrancoWander Franco (Green) 0 0
RA AdamsRiley Adams (Red) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Red) 0 0
JL LoweJosh Lowe (Purple) 0 0
AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Green) 0 0
ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Blue) 0 0
CWE WelkerColton Welker (Red) 0 0
CM McCormickChas Mccormick 0 0
ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Red) 0 0
HP ParkHoy Park 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene (Green) 0 0
JG GrayJosiah Gray (Green) 0 0
WF FrancoWander Franco (Black) 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene (Purple) 0 0
JME MeyersJake Meyers (Black) 0 0
AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Blue) 0 0
HP ParkHoy Park (Black) 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Black) 0 0
JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Black) 0 0
JM McCarthyJake McCarthy (Blue) 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Red) 0 0
JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Red) 0 0
OL LopezOtto Lopez 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Black) 0 0
BCR de La CruzBryan de La Cruz (Green) 0 0
ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Black) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Green) 0 0
AJ JacksonAndre Jackson (Black) 0 0
AJ JacksonAndre Jackson (Green) 0 0
RD DetmersReid Detmers (Blue) 0 0
CS SeaboldConnor Seabold (Green) 0 0
BCR de La CruzBryan de La Cruz (Black) 0 0
BCR de La CruzBryan de La Cruz 0 0
ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Green) 0 0
GS SheetsGavin Sheets 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene (Black) 0 0