2022 Bowman Inception Primordial Prospects Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2022 Bowman Inception Primordial Prospects Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Bowman Inception Primordial Prospects Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Orange Foil, Gold Foil, Blue Foil, Red Foil, Foilfractor 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
DH HarrisDustin Harris 0 0
RA AriasRoderick Arias (Blue Foil) 0 0
CV VaqueroCristhian Vaquero (Gold Foil) 0 0
HF FordHarry Ford 0 0
BA AcunaBryan Acuna (Orange Foil) 0 0
JL LawlarJordan Lawlar 0 0
IP PachecoIzaac Pacheco 0 0
SM MunozSamuel Munoz 0 0
DH HarrisDustin Harris (Gold Foil) 0 0
TS SweeneyTrey Sweeney (Gold Foil) 0 0
GV ValeraGeorge Valera (Blue Foil) 0 0
IL LewisIan Lewis 0 0
BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Gold Foil) 0 0
JL LawlarJordan Lawlar (Red Foil) 0 0
AA ArteagaAeverson Arteaga (Blue Foil) 0 0
WB BergollaWilliam Bergolla (Gold Foil) 0 0
HP PerezHedbert Perez (Gold Foil) 0 0
JB BaezJoshua Baez (Red Foil) 0 0
EA AngelesEuribiel Angeles 0 0
WK KathWes Kath 0 0
JA AllenJay Allen (Gold Foil) 0 0
YD de los SantosYordany de los Santos (Gold Foil) 0 0
AA ArteagaAeverson Arteaga 0 0
BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Orange Foil) 0 0
JMA MejiaJonathan Mejia (Gold Foil) 0 0
JC ClaseJonatan Clase (Orange Foil) 0 0
JL LawlarJordan Lawlar (Gold Foil) 0 0
EL LeonardEddys Leonard 0 0
CMD MeadCurtis Mead (Blue Foil) 0 0
WC ChoWon-Bin Cho (Red Foil) 0 0
WC ChoWon-Bin Cho (Gold Foil) 0 0
BA AcunaBryan Acuna (Gold Foil) 0 0
CC CowserColton Cowser (Orange Foil) 0 0
JN NoelJhonkensy Noel 0 0
MMY MuncyMax Muncy (Orange Foil) 0 0
OC ColasOscar Colas 0 0
HD DavisHenry Davis (Blue Foil) 0 0
BA AcunaBryan Acuna (Blue Foil) 0 0
WB BergollaWilliam Bergolla (Orange Foil) 0 0
GV ValeraGeorge Valera 0 0
BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Red Foil) 0 0
CMD MeadCurtis Mead 0 0
JN NoelJhonkensy Noel (Gold Foil) 0 0
RCA CabreraRicardo Cabrera (Orange Foil) 0 0
RA AriasRoderick Arias (Gold Foil) 0 0
BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery 0 0
MMY MuncyMax Muncy (Blue Foil) 0 0
IP PachecoIzaac Pacheco (Gold Foil) 0 0
HF FordHarry Ford (Orange Foil) 0 0
CM MontgomeryColson Montgomery (Blue Foil) 0 0
CV VaqueroCristhian Vaquero 0 0
MM MayerMarcelo Mayer (Blue Foil) 0 0
SM MunozSamuel Munoz (Gold Foil) 0 0
RC CamposRoberto Campos (Orange Foil) 0 0
AA ArteagaAeverson Arteaga (Gold Foil) 0 0
JB BaezJoshua Baez (Blue Foil) 0 0
WK KathWes Kath (Blue Foil) 0 0
CMD MeadCurtis Mead (Orange Foil) 0 0
CV VaqueroCristhian Vaquero (Orange Foil) 0 0
OC ColasOscar Colas (Blue Foil) 0 0
AG GutierrezAnthony Gutierrez (Gold Foil) 0 0
JC ClaseJonatan Clase 0 0
WC ChoWon-Bin Cho (Orange Foil) 0 0
RCA CabreraRicardo Cabrera (Gold Foil) 0 0
OC ColasOscar Colas (Orange Foil) 0 0
CM MontgomeryColson Montgomery (Gold Foil) 0 0
HD DavisHenry Davis 0 0
DG GuzmanDenzer Guzman (Red Foil) 0 0
BA AcunaBryan Acuna 0 0
JC ClaseJonatan Clase (Gold Foil) 0 0
SJ JuanSimon Juan (Blue Foil) 0 0
SJ JuanSimon Juan (Orange Foil) 0 0
DH HarrisDustin Harris (Blue Foil) 0 0
RA AriasRoderick Arias (Orange Foil) 0 0
DG GuzmanDenzer Guzman (Orange Foil) 0 0 Buy
HF FordHarry Ford (Gold Foil) 0 0
BJ JordanBlaze Jordan 0 0
JL LawlarJordan Lawlar (Orange Foil) 0 0
IP PachecoIzaac Pacheco 0 0
SM MunozSamuel Munoz (Blue Foil) 0 0
IP PachecoIzaac Pacheco (Red Foil) 0 0
DH HarrisDustin Harris (Orange Foil) 0 0
TS SweeneyTrey Sweeney (Orange Foil) 0 0
HP PerezHedbert Perez 0 0
BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Blue Foil) 0 0
JMA MejiaJonathan Mejia 0 0
JA AllenJay Allen (Blue Foil) 0 0
WC ChoWon-Bin Cho 0 0
IL LewisIan Lewis (Orange Foil) 0 0
JL LawlarJordan Lawlar (Blue Foil) 0 0
EA AngelesEuribiel Angeles (Orange Foil) 0 0
YD de los SantosYordany de los Santos 0 0
WC ChoWon-Bin Cho (Blue Foil) 0 0
YG GarciaYhoswar Garcia 0 0
AA ArteagaAeverson Arteaga (Orange Foil) 0 0
CC CowserColton Cowser (Blue Foil) 0 0
JMA MejiaJonathan Mejia (Orange Foil) 0 0
JMA MejiaJonathan Mejia (Red Foil) 0 0
MM MayerMarcelo Mayer (Orange Foil) 0 0
EL LeonardEddys Leonard (Blue Foil) 0 0
YD de los SantosYordany de los Santos (Blue Foil) 0 0
WB BergollaWilliam Bergolla (Blue Foil) 0 0
AG GutierrezAnthony Gutierrez (Blue Foil) 0 0
BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Blue Foil) 0 0
CM MontgomeryColson Montgomery 0 0
JN NoelJhonkensy Noel (Blue Foil) 0 0
RC CamposRoberto Campos (Blue Foil) 0 0
RA AriasRoderick Arias 0 0 Buy
HF FordHarry Ford (Blue Foil) 0 0
BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Gold Foil) 0 0
MMY MuncyMax Muncy 0 0
HF FordHarry Ford (Red Foil) 0 0
HP PerezHedbert Perez (Blue Foil) 0 0
CC CowserColton Cowser 0 0
CMD MeadCurtis Mead (Gold Foil) 0 0
JN NoelJhonkensy Noel (Orange Foil) 0 0
SJ JuanSimon Juan 0 0
RC CamposRoberto Campos 0 0 Buy
CC CowserColton Cowser (Gold Foil) 0 0
MM MayerMarcelo Mayer 0 0
JA AllenJay Allen 0 0
AA ArteagaAeverson Arteaga (Foilfractor 1/1) 0 0
CM MontgomeryColson Montgomery (Orange Foil) 0 0
CV VaqueroCristhian Vaquero (Blue Foil) 0 0
MMY MuncyMax Muncy (Gold Foil) 0 0
TS SweeneyTrey Sweeney 0 0
RCA CabreraRicardo Cabrera (Blue Foil) 0 0
AG GutierrezAnthony Gutierrez 0 0
JB BaezJoshua Baez (Gold Foil) 0 0
DH HarrisDustin Harris (Foilfractor 1/1) 0 0
CV VaqueroCristhian Vaquero (Red Foil) 0 0
OC ColasOscar Colas (Gold Foil) 0 0
AG GutierrezAnthony Gutierrez (Orange Foil) 0 0
JC ClaseJonatan Clase (Blue Foil) 0 0
YG GarciaYhoswar Garcia (Blue Foil) 0 0
SJ JuanSimon Juan (Gold Foil) 0 0