2021 Topps Triple Threads Rookie Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2021 Topps Triple Threads Rookie Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Triple Threads Rookie Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Emerald, Gold, Sapphire, Amethyst

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
RACGC CrochetGarrett Crochet (Black Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
RACDC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Gold) 0 0
RACABA BaddooAkil Baddoo 0 0
RACJK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Sapphire) 0 0
RACJBA BartJoey Bart 0 0
RACGC CrochetGarrett Crochet (Sapphire) 0 0
RACYM MercedesYermin Mercedes (Amethyst) 0 0
RACNM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Emerald) 0 0
RACCM MizeCasey Mize (Gold) 0 0
RACJBA BartJoey Bart (Emerald) 0 0
RACKH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Ruby 1/1) 0 0
RACHK KimHA-Seong Kim (Emerald) 0 0
RACNP PearsonNate Pearson (Gold) 0 0
RACDG GarciaDeivi Garcia (Gold) 0 0
RACJI IndiaJonathan India (Emerald) 0 0
RACTM McKenzieTriston McKenzie 0 0
RACHK KimHA-Seong Kim 0 0
RACLG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Sapphire) 0 0
RACTM McKenzieTriston McKenzie (Emerald) 0 0
RACJK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Amethyst) 0 0
RACTS SkubalTarik Skubal (Amethyst) 0 0
RACTM McKenzieTriston McKenzie (Sapphire) 0 0
RACJI IndiaJonathan India (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
RACRM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Amethyst) 0 0
RACAG GimenezAndres Gimenez 0 0
RACRM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle 0 0
RACAK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff 0 0
RACTM McKenzieTriston McKenzie (Gold) 0 0
RACAV VaughnAndrew Vaughn 0 0
RACKH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Amethyst) 0 0
RACTS SkubalTarik Skubal (Gold) 0 0
RACJI IndiaJonathan India (Gold) 0 0
RACSHU HuffSam Huff (Gold) 0 0
RACTS SkubalTarik Skubal 0 0
RACAV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Gold) 0 0
RACLG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Amethyst) 0 0
RACAK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Emerald) 0 0
RACTT TrammellTaylor Trammell (Ruby 1/1) 0 0
RACKH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Emerald) 1 0
RACJK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Emerald) 0 0
RACAB BohmAlec Bohm (Ruby 1/1) 0 0
RACDC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Amethyst) 0 0
RACAK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Sapphire) 0 0
RACGC CrochetGarrett Crochet 0 0
RACGC CrochetGarrett Crochet (Amethyst) 0 0
RACCM MizeCasey Mize (Amethyst) 0 0
RACDC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Emerald) 0 0
RACJA AdellJo Adell (Emerald) 0 0
RACJA AdellJo Adell (Gold) 0 0
RACGC CrochetGarrett Crochet (Emerald) 0 0
RACCP PacheCristian Pache (Gold) 0 0
RACNM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Ruby 1/1) 0 0
RACCM MizeCasey Mize 0 0
RACKA AriharaKohei Arihara 0 0
RACJBA BartJoey Bart (Amethyst) 0 0
RACHK KimHA-Seong Kim (Amethyst) 0 0
RACAB BohmAlec Bohm (Sapphire) 0 0
RACNP PearsonNate Pearson (Sapphire) 0 0
RACCP PacheCristian Pache (Sapphire) 0 0
RACJI IndiaJonathan India 0 0
RACLG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Emerald) 0 0
RACHK KimHA-Seong Kim (Gold) 0 0
RACLG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Gold) 0 0
RACRM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Emerald) 0 0
RACJK KelenicJarred Kelenic 0 0
RACTM McKenzieTriston McKenzie (Amethyst) 0 0
RACIA AndersonIan Anderson (Gold) 0 0
RACLP PatinoLuis Patino (Sapphire) 0 0
RACABA BaddooAkil Baddoo (Gold) 0 0
RACKH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes 0 0
RACLP PatinoLuis Patino (Gold) 0 0
RACNM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Sapphire) 0 0
RACAG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Sapphire) 0 0
RACJI IndiaJonathan India (Amethyst) 0 0
RACRM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Sapphire) 0 0
RACRM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Gold) 0 0
RACAK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Amethyst) 0 0
RACTT TrammellTaylor Trammell 0 0
RACAV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Amethyst) 0 0
RACLG GilbertLogan Gilbert 0 0
RACAB BohmAlec Bohm (Emerald) 0 0
RACTT TrammellTaylor Trammell (Gold) 0 0
RACCP PacheCristian Pache 0 0
RACJK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Gold) 0 0
RACTS SkubalTarik Skubal (Emerald) 0 0
RACCM MizeCasey Mize (Emerald) 0 0
RACLG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Cyan Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
RACAK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Gold) 0 0
RACZMC MckinstryZach Mckinstry (Sapphire) 0 0
RACKH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Sapphire) 0 0
RACDC CarlsonDylan Carlson 0 0
RACBMA MarquezBrailyn Marquez (Sapphire) 0 0
RACGC CrochetGarrett Crochet (Gold) 0 0
RACJA AdellJo Adell 0 0