2021 Topps Transcendent Collection VIP Party Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2021 Topps Transcendent Collection VIP Party Autographs Baseball Card Set

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Topps Transcendent Collection VIP Party Autographs
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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
TW WakefieldTim Wakefield (Variation) 0 0
JB BenchJohnny Bench 0 1
RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Variation) 0 0
JS SotoJuan Soto 0 0
LC CampusanoLuis Campusano 0 0
MCA CanhaMark Canha 0 0
RA Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. 0 0
BM MazeroskiBill Mazeroski (Variation) 0 1
RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle 0 0
CP PacheCristian Pache 0 0
SS SanchezSixto Sanchez 0 0
CY YelichChristian Yelich 0 0
TST StephensonTyler Stephenson (Variation) 0 0
HK KimHA-Seong Kim (Variation) 0 0
XB BogaertsXander Bogaerts 0 0
JCR CronenworthJake Cronenworth 0 0
SA ApostelSherten Apostel (Variation) 0 0
KG Griffey Jr.Ken Griffey Jr. 0 1
MC CabreraMiguel Cabrera 0 0
MT TroutMike Trout 0 0
AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Variation) 0 0
RAR ArozarenaRandy Arozarena (Variation) 0 0
CM MizeCasey Mize 0 0
RSI SierraRuben Sierra (Variation) 0 0
CR Ripken Jr.Cal Ripken Jr. 0 1
TM McKenzieTriston McKenzie (Variation) 0 0
DV VarshoDaulton Varsho (Variation) 0 0