2021 Bowman's Best of 2021 Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2021 Bowman's Best of 2021 Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Bowman's Best of 2021 Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Blue Refractor, Gold Lava Refractor, Red Refractor, Gold Refractor, Atomic Refractor, Red Lava Refractor, Blue Refractor, Green Refractor, Refractor, Superfractor 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
B21TB BlackTyler Black (Refractor) 0 0
B21YCS CespedesYoelqui Cespedes 0 0
B21JA AllenJay Allen (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21DV VarshoDaulton Varsho (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff 0 0
B21AM MartinAustin Martin (Blue Refractor) 1 0
B21TS StephensonTyler Stephenson (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21NP PearsonNate Pearson (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21KL LewisKyle Lewis (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AVE VeraArol Vera (Refractor) 0 0
B21LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Refractor) 0 0
B21ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JB BartJoey Bart (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21CCO CowserColton Cowser (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21ERO RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Atomic Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21GP PerdomoGeraldo Perdomo (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21WD DiazWilman Diaz (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21NMA MadrigalNick Madrigal (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21BRA RamosBryan Ramos (Refractor) 0 0
B21DC CarlsonDylan Carlson 0 0
B21AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21HD DavisHenry Davis (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21PL LeonPedro Leon (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21MMC McGreevyMichael Mcgreevy (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21GP PerdomoGeraldo Perdomo (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21EW WhiteEvan White (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21LRZ RodriguezLuis Rodriguez (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21ERO RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21CH HernandezCristian Hernandez 0 0 Buy
B21EW WhiteEvan White (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21JC CronenworthJake Cronenworth (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21KI IsbelKyle Isbel 0 0
B21YP PinangoYohendrick Pinango (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JB BartJoey Bart (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21DV VarshoDaulton Varsho (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21AM MartinAustin Martin (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AM MartinAustin Martin (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21NP PearsonNate Pearson (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21TW WallsTaylor Walls (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21CM MizeCasey Mize (Gold Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21MS SosaMalfrin Sosa (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JC CronenworthJake Cronenworth (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Refractor) 1 0
B21JQ QueroJeferson Quero (Refractor) 0 0
B21ERO RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Refractor) 0 0
B21BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21GW WhitlockGarrett Whitlock (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21YC CappeYiddi Cappe (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21HK KimHA-Seong Kim (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CC ColmenarezCarlos Colmenarez (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21AZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21TS StephensonTyler Stephenson (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AC CruzArmando Cruz (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21HD DavisHenry Davis (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21TM MurrayTanner Murray (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21PL LeonPedro Leon (Refractor) 0 0
B21MMC McGreevyMichael Mcgreevy 0 0
B21ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21HK KimHA-Seong Kim (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21MS SosaMalfrin Sosa (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21MS SosaMalfrin Sosa (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21JI IndiaJonathan India (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21KHA HayesKe'Bryan Hayes (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21CH HernandezCristian Hernandez (Blue Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21GH HoglundGunnar Hoglund (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21ERO RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez 0 0
B21JC CronenworthJake Cronenworth 1 0 Buy
B21TS StephensonTyler Stephenson (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21AMA ManoahAlek Manoah (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21AMA ManoahAlek Manoah (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21SF FrelickSal Frelick (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21CH HernandezCristian Hernandez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21RD de CastroRikelbin de Castro (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21RP PuasonRobert Puason (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21AMA ManoahAlek Manoah 0 0
B21JC CronenworthJake Cronenworth (Cyan Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B21TW WallsTaylor Walls (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21MU UrbinaMisael Urbina 0 0
B21KHA HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Black Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B21ERO RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21CC ColmenarezCarlos Colmenarez 0 0 Buy
B21GW WhitlockGarrett Whitlock (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21YM MercedesYermin Mercedes (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21MP PerezMilkar Perez (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21CPE PettyChase Petty (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21TS StephensonTyler Stephenson (Refractor) 0 0
B21DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Green Refractor) 1 0
B21BR RookerBrent Rooker (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21AC CruzArmando Cruz (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AB BaddooAkil Baddoo 0 0
B21TS StephensonTyler Stephenson (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado (Yellow Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B21PP PinedaPedro Pineda (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21MP PerezMilkar Perez (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21JI IndiaJonathan India (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21TM MurrayTanner Murray 0 0 Buy
B21CK KinneyCooper Kinney (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21BH Honeywell Jr.Brent Honeywell Jr. (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21JQ QueroJeferson Quero (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21KHA HayesKe'Bryan Hayes (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21GP PerdomoGeraldo Perdomo (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21RP PuasonRobert Puason 0 0
B21AVE VeraArol Vera (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21PL LeonPedro Leon (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21JI IndiaJonathan India 1 0
B21TS StephensonTyler Stephenson (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21CH HernandezCristian Hernandez (Refractor) 1 0
B21BRA RamosBryan Ramos (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21SF FrelickSal Frelick (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21JLA LawlarJordan Lawlar (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21RD de CastroRikelbin de Castro (Refractor) 0 0
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21MU UrbinaMisael Urbina (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21WD DiazWilman Diaz (Refractor) 1 0
B21JLA LawlarJordan Lawlar 0 0
B21KL LewisKyle Lewis (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21NMA MadrigalNick Madrigal 0 0
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta 0 0
B21HD DavisHenry Davis 0 0
B21CC ColmenarezCarlos Colmenarez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21YP PinangoYohendrick Pinango (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21EG GarciaEduardo Garcia (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AB BaddooAkil Baddoo (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21SP PolancoShalin Polanco (Refractor) 0 0
B21WC ContrerasWilliam Contreras (Refractor) 0 0
B21ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21CCO CowserColton Cowser (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B21AC CruzArmando Cruz (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21AB BaddooAkil Baddoo (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado (Green Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21PP PinedaPedro Pineda (Refractor) 0 0
B21MB BrunsMaddux Bruns (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21SA ApostelSherten Apostel (Refractor) 0 0
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JQ QueroJeferson Quero (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21JA AllenJay Allen (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21WD DiazWilman Diaz (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AM MartinAustin Martin 0 0
B21VA AcostaVictor Acosta (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21TT TrammellTaylor Trammell (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn 0 0
B21CK KinneyCooper Kinney (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21BRA RamosBryan Ramos (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21SF FrelickSal Frelick (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JLA LawlarJordan Lawlar (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado 0 0
B21RD de CastroRikelbin de Castro (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21MU UrbinaMisael Urbina (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21CS SantanaCristian Santana (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21JQ QueroJeferson Quero (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21NMA MadrigalNick Madrigal (Green Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta (Cyan Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B21BR RookerBrent Rooker (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21HK KimHA-Seong Kim 0 0
B21CC ColmenarezCarlos Colmenarez (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21EG GarciaEduardo Garcia (Refractor) 0 0
B21AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21MMC McGreevyMichael Mcgreevy (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21WC ContrerasWilliam Contreras (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21EW WhiteEvan White (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CM MizeCasey Mize (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21AG GimenezAndres Gimenez 0 0
B21AC CruzArmando Cruz (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21SA ApostelSherten Apostel (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Red Refractor) 1 0
B21SP PolancoShalin Polanco (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21MP PerezMilkar Perez 0 0
B21SA ApostelSherten Apostel (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21VA AcostaVictor Acosta (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21BR RookerBrent Rooker (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21KHA HayesKE'Bryan Hayes 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21JB BartJoey Bart (Refractor) 0 0
B21DLY LynchDaniel Lynch (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21NM MatonNick Maton (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21VA AcostaVictor Acosta (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21TW WallsTaylor Walls 0 0
B21AVE VeraArol Vera (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CM MizeCasey Mize (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21BRA RamosBryan Ramos (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21SP PolancoShalin Polanco (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21SF FrelickSal Frelick (Green Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21NM MatonNick Maton (Refractor) 0 0
B21JD DeversJose Devers (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21MU UrbinaMisael Urbina (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21CK KinneyCooper Kinney (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21PL LeonPedro Leon 0 0
B21YM MercedesYermin Mercedes 0 0
B21JA AllenJay Allen (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21JI IndiaJonathan India (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21CC ColmenarezCarlos Colmenarez (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21ER RosarioEguy Rosario (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21CH HernandezCristian Hernandez (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21DG GarciaDeivi Garcia (Refractor) 0 0
B21YC CappeYiddi Cappe (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21GW WhitlockGarrett Whitlock 0 0
B21CM MizeCasey Mize (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AMA ManoahAlek Manoah (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21TB BlackTyler Black (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21PP PinedaPedro Pineda (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21AB BaddooAkil Baddoo (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21CH HernandezCristian Hernandez (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CPE PettyChase Petty (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21LRZ RodriguezLuis Rodriguez (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21JD DeversJose Devers (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21EG GarciaEduardo Garcia 0 0
B21BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21SF FrelickSal Frelick 1 0
B21VA AcostaVictor Acosta (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21WC ContrerasWilliam Contreras (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21AZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Refractor) 0 0
B21CPE PettyChase Petty (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21CPE PettyChase Petty (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21SP PolancoShalin Polanco 0 0
B21RP PuasonRobert Puason (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21NM MatonNick Maton (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21JD DeversJose Devers (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CK KinneyCooper Kinney (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21PL LeonPedro Leon (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CS SantanaCristian Santana (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21KL LewisKyle Lewis (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JB BartJoey Bart 0 0 Buy
B21JI IndiaJonathan India (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21CCO CowserColton Cowser (Blue Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21ER RosarioEguy Rosario (Gold Lava Refractor) 1 0
B21CS SantanaCristian Santana 0 0
B21JQ QueroJeferson Quero (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21YC CappeYiddi Cappe (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21JA AllenJay Allen 0 0
B21YC CappeYiddi Cappe (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21CS SantanaCristian Santana (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AR RamirezAlexander Ramirez (Refractor) 0 0
B21ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Blue Refractor) 1 0
B21TB BlackTyler Black 0 0
B21PP PinedaPedro Pineda (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21MB BrunsMaddux Bruns (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21YP PinangoYohendrick Pinango (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21LRZ RodriguezLuis Rodriguez (Gold Lava Refractor) 1 0
B21JG GarciaJose Garcia (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21EG GarciaEduardo Garcia (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery 0 0
B21DV VarshoDaulton Varsho (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21WD DiazWilman Diaz (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21TB BlackTyler Black (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21YC CappeYiddi Cappe (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21JA AllenJay Allen (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21DV VarshoDaulton Varsho (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Refractor) 0 0
B21TM MurrayTanner Murray (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21RP PuasonRobert Puason (Refractor) 0 0
B21NP PearsonNate Pearson (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AC CruzArmando Cruz (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21KHA HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AVE VeraArol Vera (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21JC CronenworthJake Cronenworth (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21WC ContrerasWilliam Contreras (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21JB BartJoey Bart (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Gold Refractor) 1 0
B21CCO CowserColton Cowser (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21ERO RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21GP PerdomoGeraldo Perdomo (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21WD DiazWilman Diaz (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21YP PinangoYohendrick Pinango (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21BH Honeywell Jr.Brent Honeywell Jr. (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21CS SantanaCristian Santana (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21AR RamirezAlexander Ramirez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Green Refractor) 1 0
B21HD DavisHenry Davis (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21NP PearsonNate Pearson (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21RD de CastroRikelbin de Castro 0 0
B21MB BrunsMaddux Bruns (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21ET TovarEzequiel Tovar 0 0
B21DV VarshoDaulton Varsho 0 0
B21CPE PettyChase Petty 0 0
B21LRZ RodriguezLuis Rodriguez (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Gold Refractor) 1 0
B21ER RosarioEguy Rosario (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Blue Refractor) 1 0
B21EW WhiteEvan White (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Blue Refractor) 1 0 Buy
B21TB BlackTyler Black (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21YP PinangoYohendrick Pinango 0 0
B21JB BartJoey Bart (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21DV VarshoDaulton Varsho (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AM MartinAustin Martin (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21TS StephensonTyler Stephenson 1 0
B21AB BaddooAkil Baddoo (Refractor) 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21NP PearsonNate Pearson 0 0 Buy
B21KL LewisKyle Lewis (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21AVE VeraArol Vera 0 0
B21AR RamirezAlexander Ramirez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21HD DavisHenry Davis (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JC CronenworthJake Cronenworth (Green Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21CCO CowserColton Cowser (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21ERO RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21GW WhitlockGarrett Whitlock (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21YC CappeYiddi Cappe (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21MS SosaMalfrin Sosa (Green Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21BRA RamosBryan Ramos (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21TS StephensonTyler Stephenson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21HD DavisHenry Davis (Gold Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21SF FrelickSal Frelick (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21PL LeonPedro Leon (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21MMC McGreevyMichael Mcgreevy (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21HK KimHA-Seong Kim (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21MS SosaMalfrin Sosa (Refractor) 0 0
B21LRZ RodriguezLuis Rodriguez (Refractor) 0 0
B21JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21KHA HayesKe'Bryan Hayes (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CH HernandezCristian Hernandez (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21EW WhiteEvan White (Refractor) 0 0
B21JQ QueroJeferson Quero (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21AMA ManoahAlek Manoah (Refractor) 0 0
B21BR RookerBrent Rooker 0 0
B21YP PinangoYohendrick Pinango (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JB BartJoey Bart (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21EG GarciaEduardo Garcia (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21TM MurrayTanner Murray (Refractor) 0 0
B21AM MartinAustin Martin (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AM MartinAustin Martin (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21SA ApostelSherten Apostel 0 0
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Gold Lava Refractor) 1 0
B21RD de CastroRikelbin de Castro (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21LG GilbertLogan Gilbert 0 0
B21CCO CowserColton Cowser 0 0
B21GW WhitlockGarrett Whitlock (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21MS SosaMalfrin Sosa (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21JG GarciaJose Garcia (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21MS SosaMalfrin Sosa 0 0
B21KH HiuraKeston Hiura (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21ERO RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21BRA RamosBryan Ramos (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21GW WhitlockGarrett Whitlock (Refractor) 0 0
B21YC CappeYiddi Cappe (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21NM MatonNick Maton (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CC ColmenarezCarlos Colmenarez (Refractor) 1 0
B21DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21AC CruzArmando Cruz (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21HD DavisHenry Davis (Red Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21TM MurrayTanner Murray (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21PP PinedaPedro Pineda 0 0
B21MP PerezMilkar Perez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Refractor) 0 0
B21JC CronenworthJake Cronenworth (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21NM MatonNick Maton (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21AMA ManoahAlek Manoah (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Yellow Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B21JK KelenicJarred Kelenic 0 0
B21KHA HayesKe'Bryan Hayes (Green Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21CH HernandezCristian Hernandez (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21GP PerdomoGeraldo Perdomo (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21MB BrunsMaddux Bruns (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AVE VeraArol Vera (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21MP PerezMilkar Perez (Refractor) 0 0
B21ERO RodriguezEmmanuel Rodriguez (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21JC CronenworthJake Cronenworth (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21TS StephensonTyler Stephenson (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AR RamirezAlexander Ramirez 0 0
B21AMA ManoahAlek Manoah (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21CH HernandezCristian Hernandez (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21SF FrelickSal Frelick (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21RD de CastroRikelbin de Castro (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero (Refractor) 0 0
B21RP PuasonRobert Puason (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21JG GarciaJose Garcia (Refractor) 0 0
B21KL LewisKyle Lewis 0 0
B21NM MatonNick Maton 0 0
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21GH HoglundGunnar Hoglund (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21CC ColmenarezCarlos Colmenarez (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21CM MizeCasey Mize (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21PL LeonPedro Leon (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21SP PolancoShalin Polanco (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21TW WallsTaylor Walls (Refractor) 0 0
B21ET TovarEzequiel Tovar (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21BR RookerBrent Rooker (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AC CruzArmando Cruz (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AB BaddooAkil Baddoo (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21WC ContrerasWilliam Contreras (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21PP PinedaPedro Pineda (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21MP PerezMilkar Perez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21DG GarciaDeivi Garcia 0 0
B21YP PinangoYohendrick Pinango (Refractor) 0 0
B21BR RookerBrent Rooker (Atomic Refractor) 1 0
B21BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21JQ QueroJeferson Quero 0 0
B21LG GilbertLogan Gilbert (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21HK KimHA-Seong Kim (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21WD DiazWilman Diaz (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21BJ JordanBlaze Jordan 1 0
B21ER RosarioEguy Rosario 0 0
B21JI IndiaJonathan India (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21VA AcostaVictor Acosta 0 0
B21TT TrammellTaylor Trammell (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21CK KinneyCooper Kinney (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21BRA RamosBryan Ramos 0 0
B21SF FrelickSal Frelick (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21JLA LawlarJordan Lawlar (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21RP PuasonRobert Puason (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21MU UrbinaMisael Urbina (Refractor) 0 0
B21WD DiazWilman Diaz (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JQ QueroJeferson Quero (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21NMA MadrigalNick Madrigal (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21HK KimHA-Seong Kim (Gold Refractor) 1 0
B21CC ColmenarezCarlos Colmenarez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21EG GarciaEduardo Garcia (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21GH HoglundGunnar Hoglund (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21WC ContrerasWilliam Contreras 0 0
B21EW WhiteEvan White 0 0
B21CM MizeCasey Mize (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AC CruzArmando Cruz 0 0
B21RPR PreciadoReginald Preciado (Refractor) 0 0
B21RD de CastroRikelbin de Castro (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JLA LawlarJordan Lawlar (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21SP PolancoShalin Polanco (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21MB BrunsMaddux Bruns (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21SA ApostelSherten Apostel (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21TT TrammellTaylor Trammell 0 0
B21BR RookerBrent Rooker (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JQ QueroJeferson Quero (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero (Blue Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21JA AllenJay Allen (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CPE PettyChase Petty (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Blue Refractor) 1 0 Buy
B21AM MartinAustin Martin (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21VA AcostaVictor Acosta (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21TW WallsTaylor Walls (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21AVE VeraArol Vera (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21CM MizeCasey Mize 0 0
B21BRA RamosBryan Ramos (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21SP PolancoShalin Polanco (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21SA ApostelSherten Apostel (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle 0 0
B21MU UrbinaMisael Urbina (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21CS SantanaCristian Santana (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21MB BrunsMaddux Bruns 0 0
B21CK KinneyCooper Kinney 0 0
B21NMA MadrigalNick Madrigal (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21YM MercedesYermin Mercedes (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21HK KimHA-Seong Kim (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CC ColmenarezCarlos Colmenarez (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21ER RosarioEguy Rosario (Refractor) 0 0
B21CCO CowserColton Cowser (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21MMC McGreevyMichael Mcgreevy (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21WC ContrerasWilliam Contreras (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21GP PerdomoGeraldo Perdomo (Refractor) 1 0 Buy
B21CM MizeCasey Mize (Black Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B21AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AC CruzArmando Cruz (Refractor) 0 0
B21ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson 1 0 Buy
B21AMA ManoahAlek Manoah (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21SP PolancoShalin Polanco (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21MP PerezMilkar Perez (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21JI IndiaJonathan India (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21VA AcostaVictor Acosta (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21BRA RamosBryan Ramos (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21KHA HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21GH HoglundGunnar Hoglund (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21LRZ RodriguezLuis Rodriguez 1 0
B21JC CronenworthJake Cronenworth (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21DLY LynchDaniel Lynch (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21MA AcostaMaximo Acosta (Refractor) 0 0
B21VA AcostaVictor Acosta (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21WC ContrerasWilliam Contreras (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21AZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21CPE PettyChase Petty (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21CM MizeCasey Mize (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21SP PolancoShalin Polanco (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21RM MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21NM MatonNick Maton (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21JD DeversJose Devers 0 0
B21CK KinneyCooper Kinney (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21PL LeonPedro Leon (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21KL LewisKyle Lewis (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21JA AllenJay Allen (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21JI IndiaJonathan India (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21CCO CowserColton Cowser (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21ER RosarioEguy Rosario (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21CM MizeCasey Mize (Blue Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21TT TrammellTaylor Trammell (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21YC CappeYiddi Cappe 1 0
B21GW WhitlockGarrett Whitlock (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21AZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21CS SantanaCristian Santana (Atomic Refractor) 1 0
B21AMA ManoahAlek Manoah (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21AR RamirezAlexander Ramirez (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21TB BlackTyler Black (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21PP PinedaPedro Pineda (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21AB BaddooAkil Baddoo (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21MB BrunsMaddux Bruns (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero 0 0
B21CPE PettyChase Petty (Black Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B21CPE PettyChase Petty (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21LRZ RodriguezLuis Rodriguez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21JG GarciaJose Garcia (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21EG GarciaEduardo Garcia (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21BJ JordanBlaze Jordan (Refractor) 1 0
B21AZ ZavalaAaron Zavala 0 0
B21WD DiazWilman Diaz 1 0
B21WC ContrerasWilliam Contreras (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21YC CappeYiddi Cappe (Refractor) 0 0
B21JA AllenJay Allen (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21DLY LynchDaniel Lynch (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AG GimenezAndres Gimenez (Refractor) 0 0
B21AKF KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21TB BlackTyler Black (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21RP PuasonRobert Puason (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21NMA MadrigalNick Madrigal (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21AB BaddooAkil Baddoo (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21CK KinneyCooper Kinney (Refractor) 0 0
B21VA AcostaVictor Acosta (Refractor) 0 0 Buy
B21DG GarciaDeivi Garcia (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21JB BartJoey Bart (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21JR RodriguezJulio Rodriguez 1 0 Buy
B21CCO CowserColton Cowser (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21ER RosarioEguy Rosario (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21CS SantanaCristian Santana (Refractor) 0 0
B21AB BaddooAkil Baddoo (Red Refractor) 0 0
B21WD DiazWilman Diaz (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21YM MercedesYermin Mercedes (Refractor) 0 0
B21AZ ZavalaAaron Zavala (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21CS SantanaCristian Santana (Red Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21AR RamirezAlexander Ramirez (Gold Lava Refractor) 0 0
B21ST TorkelsonSpencer Torkelson (Gold Refractor) 1 0
B21HD DavisHenry Davis (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21TB BlackTyler Black (Blue Refractor) 0 0
B21NMA MadrigalNick Madrigal (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21PP PinedaPedro Pineda (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21MB BrunsMaddux Bruns (Gold Refractor) 0 0
B21LP PegueroLiover Peguero (Green Refractor) 0 0
B21DV VarshoDaulton Varsho (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
B21HD DavisHenry Davis (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
B21LRZ RodriguezLuis Rodriguez (Gold Refractor) 1 0
B21JG GarciaJose Garcia 0 0
B21ER RosarioEguy Rosario (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21BM MontgomeryBenny Montgomery (Atomic Refractor) 0 0
B21GP PerdomoGeraldo Perdomo 0 0