2020 Bowman Heritage Chrome Prospects Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2020 Bowman Heritage Chrome Prospects Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Bowman Heritage Chrome Prospects
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Base, Blue Refractor, Orange Refractor, Red Refractor, Yellow Refractor, Gold Refractor, Refractor, Superfractor 1/1,

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
BL LoraBayron Lora (Red Refractor) 0 0
FN NovaFreudis Nova (Gold Refractor) 0 0
DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
FW WhitleyForrest Whitley (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
ROB RobinsonKristian Robinson (Refractor) 0 0
AB BohmAlec Bohm (Gold Refractor) 0 0
AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes 1 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Blue Refractor) 0 0
PRR PereiraEverson Pereira (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JJ BledayJJ Bleday (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JP PenaJeremy Pena 0 0
EH HankinsEthan Hankins (Blue Refractor) 0 0
TRK SkubalTarik Skubal (Red Refractor) 0 0
ROB RobinsonKristian Robinson 0 0
JB BartJoey Bart (Blue Refractor) 0 0
NP PearsonNate Pearson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BT TurangBrice Turang (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Red Refractor) 0 0
CAS CasasTriston Casas (Orange Refractor) 0 0
XE EdwardsXavier Edwards 0 0
ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Orange Refractor) 0 0
VOL VolpeAnthony Volpe (Yellow Refractor) 1 0
SB BazShane Baz (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BD DalbecBobby Dalbec (Blue Refractor) 0 0
WF FrancoWander Franco (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
MA AmayaMiguel Amaya (Refractor) 0 0
JB BartJoey Bart 0 0
DVS DavisBrennen Davis (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
WF FrancoWander Franco (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
ROB RobinsonKristian Robinson (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
BLZ BalazovicJordan Balazovic (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
FW WhitleyForrest Whitley (Refractor) 0 0
DG GarciaDeivi Garcia (Refractor) 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene (Orange Refractor) 0 0
TF FreemanTyler Freeman (Red Refractor) 1 0
AB BohmAlec Bohm (Refractor) 1 0
BB BatyBrett Baty (Red Refractor) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JAS DominguezJasson Dominguez 1 0 Buy
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Gold Refractor) 0 0
SL LangeliersShea Langeliers (Refractor) 0 0
JS SanchezJesus Sanchez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
EW WhiteEvan White 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson 1 0
JC ChisholmJazz Chisholm 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Orange Refractor) 0 0
CAN CantilloJoey Cantillo (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Blue Refractor) 0 0
CM MizeCasey Mize (Gold Refractor) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
MNT MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Blue Refractor) 1 0
JO AdellJo Adell (Blue Refractor) 0 0
SL LangeliersShea Langeliers (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
XE EdwardsXavier Edwards (Blue Refractor) 0 0
ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JC ChisholmJazz Chisholm (Refractor) 0 0
LG GarciaLuis Garcia (Gold Refractor) 0 0
GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez 0 0
ROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. 1 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
DUR DuranJarren Duran 0 0
JR RutledgeJackson Rutledge (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
CJ JavierCristian Javier (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
BCK BeckAustin Beck (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Refractor) 1 0
RP PuasonRobert Puason (Blue Refractor) 0 0
NH HulsizerNiko Hulsizer (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Orange Refractor) 0 0
SS SanchezSixto Sanchez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
MNT MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JE EncarnacionJerar Encarnacion (Refractor) 0 0
HB BishopHunter Bishop (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JD DiazJhon Diaz (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
OM MillerOwen Miller (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
CAS CasasTriston Casas (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Refractor) 0 0
CM MizeCasey Mize (Refractor) 0 0
JD DiazJhon Diaz (Orange Refractor) 0 0 Buy
NA AllenNick Allen (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
JO AdellJo Adell (Orange Refractor) 0 0
WHT GilbertLogan Gilbert (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Blue Refractor) 0 0
XE EdwardsXavier Edwards (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
TL LutzTristen Lutz (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
LT TaverasLeody Taveras (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
HB BishopHunter Bishop (Refractor) 0 0
ROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Refractor) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Orange Refractor) 1 0
GIL GilLuis Gil (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
DUR DuranJarren Duran (Refractor) 0 0
LD DavidsonLogan Davidson (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JE EncarnacionJerar Encarnacion (Red Refractor) 0 0
OG GonzalezOscar Gonzalez 0 0
KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Gold Refractor) 0 0
NM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RM MauricioRonny Mauricio (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
MV VargasMiguel Vargas (Refractor) 0 0
JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Gold Refractor) 0 0
IA AndersonIan Anderson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Refractor) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Refractor) 0 0
DG GarciaDeivi Garcia (Gold Refractor) 0 0
BB BatyBrett Baty (Gold Refractor) 0 0
CP PacheCristian Pache (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BS StottBryson Stott (Gold Refractor) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Blue Refractor) 0 0
LTL LittleGrant Little (Refractor) 0 0
JO AdellJo Adell (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
AM ManoahAlek Manoah (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JP PenaJeremy Pena (Refractor) 0 0
SA ApostelSherten Apostel (Orange Refractor) 0 0
TRK SkubalTarik Skubal (Orange Refractor) 0 0
MG GoreMacKenzie Gore (Refractor) 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene (Refractor) 0 0
RP PuasonRobert Puason 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Refractor) 0 0
GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Orange Refractor) 0 0
DVS DavisBrennen Davis (Blue Refractor) 0 0
AA AshbyAaron Ashby (Gold Refractor) 0 0
AC CabelloAntonio Cabello (Refractor) 0 0
SNG SingerBrady Singer (Red Refractor) 0 0
LG GarciaLuis Garcia (Refractor) 0 0
WF Wander Franco 0 0
OG GonzalezOscar Gonzalez (Refractor) 0 0
SS SanchezSixto Sanchez (Refractor) 0 0
MV VargasMiguel Vargas (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
JC ChisholmJazz Chisholm (Red) 0 0
JS SanchezJesus Sanchez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
DM MendozaDrew Mendoza (Refractor) 0 0
BD DalbecBobby Dalbec (Gold Refractor) 0 0
BD DalbecBobby Dalbec (Orange Refractor) 0 0
CP PacheCristian Pache (Refractor) 0 0
CJ JavierCristian Javier (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JP PenaJeremy Pena (Blue Refractor) 0 0
AR RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BT TurangBrice Turang (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JNG JungJosh Jung (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JAS DominguezJasson Dominguez (Yellow Refractor) 1 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Orange Refractor) 0 0
SB BazShane Baz (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
TS SwaggertyTravis Swaggerty (Orange Refractor) 0 0
MV VargasMiguel Vargas 0 0
IA AndersonIan Anderson (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
RP PuasonRobert Puason (Orange Refractor) 0 0
GRY GrayJosiah Gray (Orange Refractor) 0 0
DW WatersDrew Waters (Blue Refractor) 0 0
AMA AmayaJacob Amaya (Refractor) 0 0
AK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff 0 0
CA AbramsCJ Abrams (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JNG JungJosh Jung (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
LUC LucianoMarco Luciano 0 0
AC CabelloAntonio Cabello (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JNG JungJosh Jung (Orange Refractor) 0 0
BD DalbecBobby Dalbec 1 0
NP PearsonNate Pearson (Refractor) 0 0
JI IndiaJonathan India (Refractor) 0 0
JC ChisholmJazz Chisholm (Gold Refractor) 0 0
LT TaverasLeody Taveras (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
MD DenaburgMason Denaburg (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
BER BeerSeth Beer (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0 Buy
DUR DuranJarren Duran (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
DAZ CameronDaz Cameron (Gold Refractor) 0 0
DG GarciaDeivi Garcia (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
CP PacheCristian Pache (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
AR RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Orange Refractor) 0 0
LUC LucianoMarco Luciano (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
LUC LucianoMarco Luciano (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JAS DominguezJasson Dominguez (Superfractor 1/1) 1 0
ROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Red Refractor) 0 0
SWG MitchellCal Mitchell (Blue Refractor) 0 0
TT TrammellTaylor Trammell (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
NA AllenNick Allen (Red Refractor) 0 0
JA AdamsJordyn Adams (Refractor) 0 0
RP PuasonRobert Puason (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Orange Refractor) 0 0
AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Orange Refractor) 0 0
AK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
CA AbramsCJ Abrams (Orange Refractor) 0 0
DUR DuranJarren Duran (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JI IndiaJonathan India (Orange Refractor) 0 0
AR RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
AH HallAdam Hall (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JP PenaJeremy Pena (Red Refractor) 0 0
MNT MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
OG GonzalezOscar Gonzalez (Orange Refractor) 0 0
JJ BledayJJ Bleday (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JJ BledayJJ Bleday (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RH HernandezRonaldo Hernandez (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RM MauricioRonny Mauricio (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BL LoraBayron Lora (Blue Refractor) 0 0
DUR DuranJarren Duran (Gold Refractor) 0 0
DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BD DalbecBobby Dalbec (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Blue Refractor) 0 0
CA AbramsCJ Abrams (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
OG GonzalezOscar Gonzalez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
MA AmayaMiguel Amaya (Blue Refractor) 0 0
VOL VolpeAnthony Volpe (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RYN RyanJoe Ryan (Blue Refractor) 0 0
TS SwaggertyTravis Swaggerty (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
VOL VolpeAnthony Volpe (Orange Refractor) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JAS DominguezJasson Dominguez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
DM MendozaDrew Mendoza (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
HSE HoeseKody Hoese (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
NJ JonesNolan Jones (Orange Refractor) 0 0
FN NovaFreudis Nova (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Refractor) 0 0
EM MonteroElehuris Montero (Red Refractor) 0 0
IA AndersonIan Anderson (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
AB BohmAlec Bohm (Blue Refractor) 0 0
AMA AmayaJacob Amaya (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
KC CavacoKeoni Cavaco (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
PRR PereiraEverson Pereira (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JJ BledayJJ Bleday (Refractor) 0 0
JNG JungJosh Jung (Refractor) 0 0
EF FlorialEstevan Florial (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
RM MauricioRonny Mauricio (Refractor) 0 0
BL LoraBayron Lora (Orange Refractor) 0 0
NM MadrigalNick Madrigal (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BS StottBryson Stott (Orange Refractor) 0 0
AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Orange Refractor) 0 0
CAS CasasTriston Casas (Blue Refractor) 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Red Refractor) 0 0
MG GoreMacKenzie Gore 0 0
VOL VolpeAnthony Volpe (Superfractor 1/1) 1 0
SB BazShane Baz (Orange Refractor) 0 0
CAS CasasTriston Casas (Red Refractor) 0 0
WF FrancoWander Franco (Gold Refractor) 0 0
LUC LucianoMarco Luciano (Red) 0 0
JAS DominguezJasson Dominguez (Refractor) 0 0
DVS DavisBrennen Davis (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
JAS DominguezJasson Dominguez (Red) 0 0
BL LoraBayron Lora (Refractor) 0 0
FW WhitleyForrest Whitley (Blue Refractor) 0 0
DG GarciaDeivi Garcia 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene 0 0
ROB RobinsonKristian Robinson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
AB BohmAlec Bohm (Orange Refractor) 0 0
AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Refractor) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JAS DominguezJasson Dominguez (Red Refractor) 0 0
JI IndiaJonathan India 1 0
REC HindsRece Hinds (Red Refractor) 0 0
JK KelenicJarred Kelenic 0 0 Buy
SL LangeliersShea Langeliers (Orange Refractor) 0 0
JP PenaJeremy Pena (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
EP PardinhoEric Pardinho (Blue Refractor) 0 0
TRK SkubalTarik Skubal (Refractor) 0 0
ROB RobinsonKristian Robinson (Orange Refractor) 0 0
JC ChisholmJazz Chisholm (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Gold Refractor) 0 0
CA AbramsCJ Abrams (Refractor) 0 0
AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn 0 0
CM MizeCasey Mize 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
MNT MountcastleRyan Mountcastle 0 0
JO AdellJo Adell 0 0
SHR ShortridgeAaron Shortridge (Orange Refractor) 0 0
WW WilsonWill Wilson (Blue Refractor) 0 0
MA AmayaMiguel Amaya (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JB BartJoey Bart (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
DW WatersDrew Waters (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
ROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez 1 0
BM McConnellBrady McConnell (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Red Refractor) 0 0
DG GarciaDeivi Garcia (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
IP ParedesIsaac Paredes (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Refractor) 0 0
AB BohmAlec Bohm (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
BCK BeckAustin Beck (Orange Refractor) 0 0
KH HayesKE'Bryan Hayes (Orange Refractor) 1 0
AB BohmAlec Bohm (Red Refractor) 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Gold Refractor) 0 0
NH HulsizerNiko Hulsizer (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Blue Refractor) 0 0
SNG SingerBrady Singer (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
GH HendersonGunnar Henderson (Orange Refractor) 0 0
GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JC ChisholmJazz Chisholm (Orange Refractor) 0 0
OG GonzalezOscar Gonzalez (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
CAS CasasTriston Casas (Gold Refractor) 0 0
AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Red Refractor) 0 0
CM MizeCasey Mize (Orange Refractor) 0 0
TRK SkubalTarik Skubal 0 0
MNT MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Orange Refractor) 0 0
JO AdellJo Adell (Gold Refractor) 0 0
SMT SmithCanaan Smith (Red Refractor) 0 0
XE EdwardsXavier Edwards (Gold Refractor) 0 0
ML LiberatoreMatthew Liberatore (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JD DiazJhon Diaz (Blue Refractor) 0 0
LG GarciaLuis Garcia (Blue Refractor) 0 0
GRY GrayJosiah Gray (Blue Refractor) 0 0
ROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Blue Refractor) 0 0
GHJ Hill Jr.Glenallen Hill Jr. (Blue Refractor) 0 0
DUR DuranJarren Duran (Orange Refractor) 0 0
KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Red Refractor) 0 0
CJ JavierCristian Javier (Red) 0 0
BD DalbecBobby Dalbec (Red Refractor) 0 0
GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
KR RuizKeibert Ruiz 0 0
WF FrancoWander Franco (Blue Refractor) 0 0
NL LodoloNick Lodolo (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RM MauricioRonny Mauricio (Gold Refractor) 0 0
TF FreemanTyler Freeman (Blue Refractor) 0 0
MV VargasMiguel Vargas (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JG GroshansJordan Groshans 0 0
HG GreeneHunter Greene (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JE EncarnacionJerar Encarnacion (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene 0 0
CM MizeCasey Mize (Blue Refractor) 0 0
AV VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
CP PacheCristian Pache 0 0
BS StottBryson Stott (Blue Refractor) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman 0 0
JO AdellJo Adell (Refractor) 0 0
WHT GilbertLogan Gilbert (Red Refractor) 0 0
JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Gold Refractor) 0 0
ZT ThompsonZack Thompson (Refractor) 0 0
ROB RobinsonKristian Robinson (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
TRK SkubalTarik Skubal (Blue Refractor) 0 0
MAR MarquezBrailyn Marquez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
HB BishopHunter Bishop (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
ROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Red Refractor) 0 0
GL LavigneGrant Lavigne (Orange Refractor) 0 0
DVS DavisBrennen Davis 0 0
LG GarciaLuis Garcia (Red Refractor) 0 0
JE EncarnacionJerar Encarnacion (Gold Refractor) 0 0
AC CabelloAntonio Cabello (Gold Refractor) 0 0
GRY GrayJosiah Gray (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
LG GarciaLuis Garcia 0 0
WF FrancoWander Franco (Refractor) 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz (Refractor) 0 0
BD DalbecBobby Dalbec (Refractor) 0 0
MV VargasMiguel Vargas (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Red Refractor) 0 0
JA AdamsJordyn Adams (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JR RutledgeJackson Rutledge (Refractor) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
DG GarciaDeivi Garcia (Blue Refractor) 0 0
BB BatyBrett Baty (Refractor) 0 0
CP PacheCristian Pache (Gold Refractor) 0 0
BS StottBryson Stott (Red Refractor) 0 0
JP PenaJeremy Pena (Gold Refractor) 0 0
AR RutschmanAdley Rutschman 0 0
CAS CasasTriston Casas (Refractor) 0 0
JM MateoJorge Mateo (Orange Refractor) 0 0
PRR PereiraEverson Pereira (Refractor) 0 0
SA ApostelSherten Apostel (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
TS SwaggertyTravis Swaggerty 0 0
MG GoreMacKenzie Gore (Red Refractor) 0 0
HSE HoeseKody Hoese (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RP PuasonRobert Puason (Gold Refractor) 0 0
BW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Yellow Refractor) 1 0
GR RodriguezGrayson Rodriguez (Red Refractor) 0 0
DVS DavisBrennen Davis (Refractor) 0 0
AM ManoahAlek Manoah (Refractor) 0 0
ADE AdemanAramis Ademan (Orange Refractor) 0 0
CA AbramsCJ Abrams 1 0
SL LangeliersShea Langeliers (Red Refractor) 0 0
LT TaverasLeody Taveras (Red Refractor) 0 0
GRY GrayJosiah Gray (Red Refractor) 0 0
JNG JungJosh Jung (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JO AdellJo Adell (Red Refractor) 1 0
NL LodoloNick Lodolo (Blue Refractor) 0 0
JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JC ChisholmJazz Chisholm (Blue Refractor) 0 0
KR RuizKeibert Ruiz (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RL LewisRoyce Lewis 0 0
BD DalbecBobby Dalbec (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
BL LoraBayron Lora (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
CS SchmidtClarke Schmidt 0 0
DG GarciaDeivi Garcia (Orange Refractor) 0 0
JP PenaJeremy Pena (Orange Refractor) 0 0
AR RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Gold Refractor) 0 0
BT TurangBrice Turang (Refractor) 0 0
ROD RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Orange Refractor) 1 0
RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Red Refractor) 0 0
SL LangeliersShea Langeliers (Blue Refractor) 0 0
TT TrammellTaylor Trammell (Blue Refractor) 0 0
MV VargasMiguel Vargas (Orange Refractor) 0 0
JA AdamsJordyn Adams (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RP PuasonRobert Puason (Refractor) 0 0
HF HuffSam Huff (Blue Refractor) 0 0
DW WatersDrew Waters (Gold Refractor) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Gold Refractor) 0 0
AR RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Red Refractor) 0 0
AK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Gold Refractor) 0 0
CA AbramsCJ Abrams (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JNG JungJosh Jung 0 0
LUC LucianoMarco Luciano (Blue Refractor) 0 0
AR RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Refractor) 0 0
ADE AdemanAramis Ademan (Refractor) 0 0
JNG JungJosh Jung (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
MNT MountcastleRyan Mountcastle (Refractor) 1 0
NP PearsonNate Pearson (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JJ BledayJJ Bleday 0 0
JG GroshansJordan Groshans (Refractor) 0 0
RG GreeneRiley Greene (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RM MauricioRonny Mauricio 0 0
BL LoraBayron Lora 0 0
DUR DuranJarren Duran (Blue Refractor) 0 0
DC CarlsonDylan Carlson 0 0
DUR DuranJarren Duran (Red Refractor) 0 0
JI IndiaJonathan India (Blue Refractor) 0 0
CA AbramsCJ Abrams (Red Refractor) 0 0
RYN RyanJoe Ryan (Red Refractor) 0 0
LUC LucianoMarco Luciano (Refractor) 0 0
VOL VolpeAnthony Volpe (Blue Refractor) 0 0
RP PuasonRobert Puason (Red Refractor) 0 0
TRK SkubalTarik Skubal (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
VOL VolpeAnthony Volpe 1 0
NA AllenNick Allen (Yellow Refractor) 0 0
JAS DominguezJasson Dominguez (Blue Refractor) 0 0
SA ApostelSherten Apostel 0 0
DM MendozaDrew Mendoza (Blue Refractor) 0 0
HR RamosHeliot Ramos (Blue Refractor) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Refractor) 0 0
BB BatyBrett Baty (Blue Refractor) 0 0
AM ManoahAlek Manoah (Superfractor 1/1) 0 0
EF FlorialEstevan Florial (Gold Refractor) 0 0
IA AndersonIan Anderson (Red Refractor) 0 0
AB BohmAlec Bohm 0 0
AK KirilloffAlex Kirilloff (Refractor) 0 0
JS SanchezJesus Sanchez (Red Refractor) 0 0
OC CruzOneil Cruz 1 0
OG GonzalezOscar Gonzalez (Gold Refractor) 0 0
JJ BledayJJ Bleday (Orange Refractor) 0 0
JK KelenicJarred Kelenic (Orange Refractor) 0 0
RL LewisRoyce Lewis (Gold Refractor) 0 0
RM MauricioRonny Mauricio (Orange Refractor) 0 0
BL LoraBayron Lora (Gold Refractor) 0 0
EF FlorialEstevan Florial (Blue Refractor) 0 0
DC CarlsonDylan Carlson (Orange Refractor) 0 0
BS StottBryson Stott (Refractor) 0 0
AT ThomasAlek Thomas (Gold Refractor) 0 0
CAN CantilloJoey Cantillo (Orange Refractor) 0 0
PRR PereiraEverson Pereira (Gold Refractor) 0 0
MAR MarquezBrailyn Marquez 0 0
VOL VolpeAnthony Volpe (Refractor) 0 0
SA ApostelSherten Apostel (Blue Refractor) 0 0
WF FrancoWander Franco (Orange Refractor) 0 0
WA AstudilloWilfred Astudillo (Gold Refractor) 0 0
NG GormanNolan Gorman (Red Refractor) 0 0
LUC LucianoMarco Luciano (Orange Refractor) 0 0
JAS DominguezJasson Dominguez (Orange Refractor) 0 0
DVS DavisBrennen Davis (Gold Refractor) 0 0
IA AndersonIan Anderson (Refractor) 0 0
NL LodoloNick Lodolo (Orange Refractor) 0 0