2019 Topps Chrome Future Stars Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2019 Topps Chrome Future Stars Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Chrome Future Stars Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Base, Orange, Red, Superfractor 1/1, Magenta Printing Plate 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
RAJ Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. 0 0
FR ReyesFranmil Reyes 0 0
JS SotoJuan Soto (Magenta Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
LGJ Gurriel Jr.Lourdes Gurriel Jr. (Orange) 0 0
SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani (Superfractor 1/1) 1 0
RAJ Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Cyan Printing Plate 1/1) 0 0
WA AdamesWilly Adames (Yellow Printing Plates 1/1) 0 0
SK KingeryScott Kingery (Orange) 0 0
SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani (Red) 0 0
CK KellyCarson Kelly (Orange) 0 0
RAJ Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Orange) 0 0
AM MeadowsAustin Meadows 0 0
JS SotoJuan Soto 0 0
DB BoteDavid Bote (Orange) 0 0
SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani 0 0
DR RodriguezDereck Rodriguez (Orange) 0 0
SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani (Orange) 0 0
LGJ Gurriel Jr.Lourdes Gurriel Jr. 0 0
JS SotoJuan Soto (Orange) 0 0
MM MikolasMiles Mikolas (Orange) 0 0
WA AdamesWilly Adames (Orange) 0 0
SK KingeryScott Kingery 0 0
WA AdamesWilly Adames 0 0
SO OhtaniShohei Ohtani (Black Print Plate 1/1) 0 0
CK KellyCarson Kelly 0 0
CK KellyCarson Kelly (Red) 0 0
JS SotoJuan Soto (Red) 0 0
DB BoteDavid Bote 0 0
RAJ Acuna Jr.Ronald Acuna Jr. (Red) 0 0
DR RodriguezDereck Rodriguez 0 0