2019 Leaf Trinity Autograph Inscriptions Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2019 Leaf Trinity Autograph Inscriptions Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Leaf Trinity Autograph Inscriptions
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Green, Silver, Platinum, Purple, Printing Plate- Black 1/1, Gold 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
CP1 PacheCristian Pache (Silver) 0 0
CC1 CarrollCorbin Carroll (Green) 0 0
AR1 RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Silver) 0 0
JD1 DominguezJasson Dominguez (Platinum) 0 0
EH1 HearnEthan Hearn (Platinum) 0 0
TF1 FreemanTyler Freeman 0 0
DW2 WatersDrew Waters (Green) 0 0
DW2 WatersDrew Waters 0 0
JJ1 JungJosh Jung (Green) 0 0
AR1 RutschmanAdley Rutschman 1 0
TS1 SkubalTarik Skubal (Red) 0 0
JJG GossJJ Goss 0 0
ES1 SmallEthan Small (Platinum) 0 0
GL2 LuxGavin Lux 0 0
AR1 RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Platinum) 0 0
AR1 RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Red) 0 0
YA1 AlvarezYordan Alvarez (Red) 0 0
JK1 KelenicJarred Kelenic (Green) 0 0
GL1 LuxGavin Lux 0 0
JJ1 JungJosh Jung 0 0
JJ1 JungJosh Jung (Red) 0 0
YA1 AlvarezYordan Alvarez 0 0
AV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Red) 0 0
JR1 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Green) 0 0
GL2 LuxGavin Lux (Red) 0 0
KP1 ParisKyren Paris (Platinum) 0 0
RG1 GreeneRiley Greene (Green) 0 0
BS2 StottBryson Stott (Red) 0 0
AV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Green) 0 0
NH1 HoernerNico Hoerner 0 0
HB1 BishopHunter Bishop (Red) 0 0
JD1 DominguezJasson Dominguez 0 0
NG1 GormanNolan Gorman 0 0
BB2 BatyBrett Baty (Platinum) 0 0
GH1 HendersonGunnar Henderson (Green) 0 0
BWJ Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Green) 0 0
TS1 SkubalTarik Skubal (Purple) 0 0
NQ1 QuintanaNick Quintana (Green) 0 0
JR1 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Red) 0 0
BS1 ShewmakeBraden Shewmake 0 0
GH1 HendersonGunnar Henderson (Platinum) 0 0
BWJ Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Red) 0 0
JB1 BartJoey Bart (Platinum) 0 0 Buy
RH1 HindsRece Hinds 0 0
GK1 KirbyGeorge Kirby 0 0
CC1 CarrollCorbin Carroll 0 0
MW1 WallnerMatt Wallner 0 0
JB1 BartJoey Bart (Red) 0 0
CP1 PacheCristian Pache 0 0
AD1 DalquistAndrew Dalquist (Green) 0 0
SH1 HuffSam Huff (Red) 0 0
DG1 GarciaDeivi Garcia (Platinum) 0 0
CC1 CarrollCorbin Carroll (Platinum) 0 0
AR1 RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Purple) 0 0
JD1 DominguezJasson Dominguez (Purple) 0 0
AM2 ManoahAlek Manoah (Platinum) 0 0
TJS SikkemaT.J. Sikkema (Platinum) 0 0
DW2 WatersDrew Waters (Printing Plate- Black 1/1) 0 0
GK1 KirbyGeorge Kirby (Green) 0 0
JJB BledayJJ Bleday (Gold 1/1) 0 0
AR1 RutschmanAdley Rutschman (Green) 0 0
YA1 AlvarezYordan Alvarez (Platinum) 0 0
JK1 KelenicJarred Kelenic 0 0
GH2 Hill Jr.Glenallen Hill Jr. (Platinum) 0 0
JJ1 JungJosh Jung (Silver) 0 0
JD1 DominguezJasson Dominguez (Green) 0 0
AV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe 0 0
AV1 VaughnAndrew Vaughn (Green) 0 0
JK1 KelenicJarred Kelenic (Printing Plate- Black 1/1) 0 0
GL2 LuxGavin Lux (Green) 0 0
KC1 CavacoKeoni Cavaco 0 0
JJ1 JungJosh Jung (Platinum) 0 0
BJW Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Silver) 0 0
AV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Silver) 0 0
JR1 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Platinum) 0 0
GL2 LuxGavin Lux (Platinum) 0 0
BWJ Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Purple) 0 0
KR1 RobinsonKristian Robinson (Platinum) 0 0
GH1 HendersonGunnar Henderson 0 0
BWJ Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. 0 0
AV2 VolpeAnthony Volpe (Platinum) 0 0
NH1 HoernerNico Hoerner (Platinum) 0 0
JB1 BartJoey Bart 0 0
JR1 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez 0 0
NH1 HoernerNico Hoerner (Red) 0 0
BB2 BatyBrett Baty 0 0
GH1 HendersonGunnar Henderson (Red) 0 0
BWJ Witt Jr.Bobby Witt Jr. (Platinum) 0 0
YA1 AlvarezYordan Alvarez (Green) 0 0
RG2 GarciaRyan Garcia 0 0
JR1 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Silver) 0 0
BS2 StottBryson Stott 0 0
JR1 RodriguezJulio Rodriguez (Purple) 0 0
CC1 CarrollCorbin Carroll (Purple) 0 0
CF2 FreemanCody Freeman 0 0
SH1 HuffSam Huff 0 0