2018 Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2018 Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Tier One Prime Performers Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Silver Ink, Bronze Ink

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
JR RiceJim Rice 0 0 Buy
BZ ZobristBen Zobrist 0 0
KSC SchwarberKyle Schwarber 0 0
IH HappIan Happ (Bronze Ink) 0 0
ABR BregmanAlex Bregman 0 0
KS SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Silver Ink) 0 0
CJ JonesChipper Jones 0 1
KSE SeagerKyle Seager 0 0
JL LambJake Lamb 0 0
RF FingersRollie Fingers (Silver Ink) 0 0
CS SeagerCorey Seager (Silver Ink) 0 0
OG GuillenOzzie Guillen 0 0
KD DavisKhris Davis 0 0
IHA HappIan Happ 0 0
DBE BetancesDellin Betances (Bronze Ink) 0 0
JBA BaezJavier Baez (Bronze Ink) 0 0
PG GoldschmidtPaul Goldschmidt (Silver Ink) 0 0
JC CansecoJose Canseco (Bronze Ink) 0 0
DG GregoriusDidi Gregorius (Silver Ink) 0 0
AK KalineAl Kaline 0 1
RF FingersRollie Fingers 0 1
EE EncarnacionEdwin Encarnacion (Bronze Ink) 0 0
JDE DeGromJacob DeGrom (Bronze Ink) 0 0
AR RodriguezAlex Rodriguez (Silver Ink) 0 0
TW WakefieldTim Wakefield 0 0
FL LindorFrancisco Lindor 0 0
JDG DeGromJacob DeGrom (Bronze Ink) 0 0
ARI RizzoAnthony Rizzo (Bronze Ink) 0 0
WC ContrerasWillson Contreras (Silver Ink) 0 0
JT ThomeJim Thome 0 1
GS SanchezGary Sanchez (Bronze Ink) 0 0
AG GalarragaAndres Galarraga 0 0
BW WilliamsBernie Williams (Bronze Ink) 0 0
KS SchwarberKyle Schwarber 0 0
IH HappIan Happ 0 0
KS SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Bronze Ink) 0 0
CK KershawClayton Kershaw (Silver Ink) 0 0
BZ ZobristBen Zobrist (Silver Ink) 0 0
KSC SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Bronze Ink) 0 0
JDG DeGromJacob DeGrom (Silver Ink) 0 0
MM MachadoManny Machado (Silver Ink) 0 0
CKI KimbrelCraig Kimbrel 0 0
MM MachadoManny Machado (Bronze Ink) 0 0
KSC SchwarberKyle Schwarber (Silver Ink) 0 0
IH HappIan Happ (Silver Ink) 0 0
CSA SaleChris Sale (Bronze Ink) 0 0
OV VizquelOmar Vizquel 0 0
JBA BaezJavier Baez 0 0
JA AltuveJose Altuve 0 0
DG GregoriusDidi Gregorius 0 0
ABR BregmanAlex Bregman (Silver Ink) 0 0
RC CarewRod Carew 0 1
DPR PriceDavid Price 0 0
JDA DamonJohnny Damon 0 0
AP PettitteAndy Pettitte 0 0
TR RainesTim Raines 0 1
EM MartinezEdgar Martinez 0 1
JDE DeGromJacob DeGrom 0 0
ARI RizzoAnthony Rizzo 0 0
WC ContrerasWillson Contreras 0 0
JG GonzalezJuan Gonzalez 0 0
GS SanchezGary Sanchez 0 0
BD DozierBrian Dozier 0 0
DPR PriceDavid Price (Bronze Ink) 0 0
KB BryantKris Bryant 0 0
GSP SpringerGeorge Springer 0 0
KSE SeagerKyle Seager (Silver Ink) 0 0