2018 Topps Industry Conference Autographs Baseball Card Set - VCP Price Guide

2018 Topps Industry Conference Autographs Baseball Card Set

Set Name:
Topps Industry Conference Autographs
Set Year:
Total Cards in Set:
Set Description:
Gold, Platinum 1/1

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Card #    Name Price    Photo    HOF    Action
GM MadduxGreg Maddux (Gold) 0 1
DJ JeterDerek Jeter (Gold) 0 0
AV VerdugoAlex Verdugo 0 0
CJ JonesChipper Jones 0 1
DO OrtizDavid Ortiz 0 1
GS SanchezGary Sanchez (Gold) 0 0
GT TorresGleyber Torres (Platinum 1/1) 0 0
PM MartinezPedro Martinez 0 1
MK KopechMichael Kopech (Gold) 0 0
MP PiazzaMike Piazza (Gold) 0 1
RJ JohnsonRandy Johnson 0 1
ABR BregmanAlex Bregman 0 0
VR RoblesVictor Robles 0 0
MK KopechMichael Kopech 0 0
AV VerdugoAlex Verdugo (Gold) 0 0
CS SchillingCurt Schilling (Gold) 0 0
GS SanchezGary Sanchez 0 0
GT TorresGleyber Torres 0 0
IH HappIan Happ 0 0
FT ThomasFrank Thomas 0 1
NS SyndergaardNoah Syndergaard 0 0
MT TroutMike Trout (Gold) 0 0
VG GuerreroVladimir Guerrero (Gold) 0 1